From the Memo Board: December 2016

Dates to Know

December 9 – Revised pay date for those who normally receive funds on the 10th.

December 9 – All prayer letters should be submitted to our staff in order for your recipients to receive them before Christmas.

December 16 – Please contact us by this date if you will need funds in your account before Christmas or the end of the year.

December 21-28 – The Office will be closed in celebration of Christmas.

January 1 – November financial reports will be due.

January 9 – Missionaries will receive their emailed statements of December Support Received.

January 11 – All missionaries will receive their final December support on this day, regardless of the day they normally receive support.

January 16 – December financial reports will be due, along with any remaining receipts or financial paperwork for 2016.

December Support

Please contact us by December 16 if you would like funds in your account before Christmas. Final December support distributions will be made on January 11th for all missionaries, regardless of their regular pay date. Contacting us by December 16 will enable us to schedule your funds around bank closings and holiday hours. Should you have an emergency need after December 20, you may contact our staff at the following numbers:

John O’Malley: 704-974-6108
Kim O’Malley: 704-974-1008

January Income Totals

During a typical month, we close the books on the 25th, and any checks received after that date are posted to the following month. Due to receipting requirements, we cannot do this in the month of December. As a result, please be aware that your December support total may be higher than normal, while your January support total may be lower than normal. Please be sure to plan ahead for this!

New Board of Reference Member

renfrowsWe would like to welcome Pastor Mike Renfrow as a new member to the Board of Reference of WWNTBM. Pastor Renfrow and his wife, Priscilla, are from Wilson, NC, where he pastors Trinity Baptist Church. Prior to their time in the pastorate, they served for several years in evangelism. They have four children: Micah, Stuart, Emily, and Laura. Trinity is the home church for Ruby Kersey, as well as Alejandro and Fina Sanchez.

New Missionary cordeiro_tati-2016

Tatiana Cordeiro has been accepted with World Wide as our newest missionary to Brazil. She is sent out of Fairfax Baptist Temple in Fairfax, VA, with Pastor Todd Abbey. Miss Cordeiro has already served in Brazil for ten years, where she has ministered with the Mike Ring family. Please pray for her as she continues to raise support and makes preparations to return to the field early next year.

Retirement Accounts

Each year we are required to publish the following to all missionaries:

WWNTBM currently offers our missionaries the option of participating in a 403(b) Retirement Plan, the non-profit version of a 401(k) plan. We encourage all of our missionaries to participate in some type of retirement planning. If you do not currently have a 403(b) account and would be interested in opening one, please contact our office for a listing of vendors and more information.

Due to IRS regulations, we are required to use a Third Party Administrator (TPA) to handle all 403(b) accounts. The administrative fee is $50.00 per year, which will be deducted from Support each January or February for those who contribute. The TPA assists us by administering our plan and keeping us in compliance with the Department of Labor and IRS codes.

Please note that loans and hardship withdrawals are not allowed by the companies who manage your 403(b).

Please see the file in SecureCloud for the latest information on contribution amounts and limits for 2016 and 2017.

From the Memo Board: November 2016

Dates to Know

November 4 – Revised pay date for those who normally receive funds on the 5th.

November 11 – All US Banks will be closed.

November 21 – Please contact us by this date if you will need funds in your account before Thanksgiving.

November 24-25 – The Office will be closed in celebration of Thanksgiving.

December 2 – Revised pay date for those who normally receive funds on the 29th.

December 9 – Revised pay date for those who normally receive funds on the 10th.

December 9 – All prayer letters should be submitted to our staff in order for your recipients to get them before Christmas.

December 16 – Please contact us by this date if you will need funds in your account before Christmas or the end of the year.

December 21-28 – The Office will be closed in celebration of Christmas.

January 1 – November financial reports will be due.

January 9 – Missionaries will receive their emailed statements of December Support Received.

January 11 – All missionaries will receive their final December support on this day, regardless of the day they normally receive support.

January 16 – December financial reports will be due, along with any remaining receipts or financial paperwork for 2016.

New Associate Missionaries

folkers-2016Seth and Kaitlin Folkers have been accepted with World Wide as our newest associate missionaries. They will be going to Cameroon next spring for a year long internship as part of his education through Baptist Theological Seminary. They would eventually like to serve full-time in an African country. The Folkers are sent out of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Box Elder, SD, with Pastor Ken Schultz. Pray for this young couple as they raise support and make preparations to move to Cameroon.

Christmas Prayer Letter Services

If the Office processes your prayer letters, please be sure to send your letter by December 9th for your recipients to receive it by Christmas. Letters received after December 14th will not be processed until January 2nd. Year-end procedures may cause slower letter processing times in January. Please plan the timing of your letters accordingly. Thank you!

From the Memo Board: October 2016

Financial Status Report

We have uploaded a Financial Status Report to your SecureCloud account. This is meant to show you the financial details that we have on file, such as your support estimate and the average amount of support you received this past quarter. This is information we provide to pastors who may call about your ministry. We ask that all missionaries update their support estimate once every four years, or as their lives and ministries change. Please review this information and contact us if you have any questions.

Support Average Figures

Our Office uses an average of funds received each quarter when calculating the percentage of support you are currently receiving. We use normal fiscal quarters rather than updating the averages after every month. We find that this yields a more accurate figure because it accounts for donors who send funds quarterly rather than monthly. Updating the average every quarter also allows for those on deputation who are frequently receiving new support to see an up-to-date figure of what is really being received. While it is helpful to know the percentage of support that has been promised, we encourage you to also be aware of the percentage of support actually being received. Click here to review information about how to calculate a support estimate.

Updated Manual

We recently updated the Missionary Procedures Manual in order to include changes that have taken place over the past few years. Most of these changes have been published individually in Headquarter Happenings over time. The current version of the manual is now available in SecureCloud under the Forms and Manuals section. If you have any questions please contact Naomi Torberson.

Vehicle Rentals & Material Acquisitions

We have been made aware of two different ministries that can help your ministry with vehicle rentals and more:

  • Christian Missionary Technical Services assists missionaries with many services, including vehicle rentals, purchases, materials acquisitions, and shipping containers. Check out their website for more details.
  • Missionary TECH Team (located in Longview, TX) is now leasing vehicles for missionaries on furlough. Their rates for rentals, as well as the lease application form and more information, can be found here.


From the Memo Board: September 2016

New Missionaries

Wards Spring 2012Michael and Mona Ward have recently joined the World Wide family. They are sent out of the Southside Baptist Church in Goodview, VA, with Pastor Donnie Glass. Bro. Ward has pastored for over 25 years in a variety of ministries. Their desire is to work along with Bro. Edgar Feghaly in representing the Middle East African Partnership.




Baby Announcement!Knickerbockers

Congratulations to Stephen and Julie Knickerbocker on the birth of Alina Lois Knickerbocker. She was born at 8:02 a.m. on August 12th. Alina was 20.5 inches long and weighed 8.5 lbs. Praise the Lord for a speedy delivery and a healthy baby and mother! The Knickerbockers have been in France for Alina’s birth, and will soon return to their field of Burkina Faso.

Updated Manual

We have recently updated the Missionary Procedures Manual, in order to include changes that have taken place over the past few years. Most of these changes have been published individually in Headquarter Happenings over time. The current version of the manual is now available in SecureCloud, under the Forms and Manuals section. If you have any questions please contact Naomi Torberson.

Direct Line Ministries

DirectLine Ministry was started in 1999 by Paul and Debbie Deem his response to his burden for helping missionaries to receive church planting materials in foreign countries.

He writes:

“DirectLine Ministry now has a team of 10 couples and has sent thousands of Bibles and materials to 20 different countries including: the Philippines, Mexico, Honduras, remote Islands in the Bahamas, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, parts of Africa, India, and Chile.

Here are just a few of the donated items we have shipped to missionaries and national pastors: appliances, hymnals, pulpits, sound equipment, food, hygiene items, new toys, new clothing, teaching materials. Most importantly, we have shipped thousands of Bibles and millions of Scripture booklets and tracts!”

If your ministry could benefit from these services, please contact their office via phone (740-667-6166) or email ([email protected]).

Free Online Children’s Programs

Click here to listen to many of the Patch the Pirate episodes online for free. This is a great resource for kids!

From the Memo Board: August 2016

New Staff Member

Sanderlin, Emily Jun 16Emily Sanderlin joined our Office Staff on July 11. Emily graduated from Ambassador Baptist College in 2015. Since then, she has been working in her parent’s heating and cooling business. She is originally from Hillsdale, IL, and is the youngest of five siblings. She enjoys being an aunt to 14 nieces and nephews. Emily is a member at Tri-City Baptist Church in Forest City, NC, with Pastor James Hollandsworth (the sending church of Mike and Sue Smith). Her initial tasks will include processing support checks. You can reach her by email at [email protected].


Updated Excel Template

We updated our Monthly Financial Reports to reflect the changes in the US Government’s daily meal allowance rates. The base rate increased from $46 per day to $51 per day. The updated version can be downloaded here. If you have any questions please contact Naomi Torberson.

Special Projects in Prayer Letters

Occasionally you may need to raise funds for a project where you serve. For each financial need you mention in a prayer letter, email, or while on the road, we need to prepare to receive funds for it at the Missions Office. One of the ways we prepare for receiving your funds is preset by the IRS. It is the guideline of the IRS that our Executive Board approves to receive funds for your project. The Executive Board does not want to vote on receiving funds for your project without you obtaining your Pastor’s approval of the project.

Here is how you can help. Before you publish these needs and projects, please communicate with your sending pastor. Then, email [email protected] to let us know about the project and your pastor’s approval.

Student Intern

Nai GonzagaNai Gonzaga spent a week with us in July, completing a portion of her internship requirements for Ambassador Baptist College. One of the ministries our staff enjoys being a part of is training students for whatever the Lord has called them to do, whether on the mission field or in a church office. Nai is hoping to one day return to the mission field of Brazil.

From the Memo Board: July 2016

Mark Your Calendars

It is never too early to plan for next year’s Family Fellowship Week. We will meet June 19-22, 2017, with Pastor Tim Daniel and the New Testament Baptist Church in Kinston, NC. If you are planning a furlough in 2017, please be sure to schedule your travels so you can attend. You will be glad you did!

Learn to Play the Guitar

The Brent Rochester family has a website designed to help you learn to play Gospel music and hymns on a guitar. This can be an invaluable tool on the mission field. Go to for more information.

Sunday School Materials

Providence Road Baptist Church would like to help provide Sunday School materials for missionaries. If you are interested, please email [email protected], and let them know your name, what kind of materials are needed, and where they can send the material. Please also let them know that you are associated with WWNTBM.

From the Memo Board: June 2016

Dates to Know

June 20-24 – the Office will be closed for Family Fellowship Week

July 4 – the Office and U.S. Banks will be closed for Independence Day

Family Week Information

oFamily Week will once again begin with a relaxed meal and opening service. This is to alleviate the challenge of traveling all day and having to rush to prepare for a formal service. Please come in your modest travel clothes. Come early and enjoy the church’s activity fields and facilities! Registration will begin on Monday, June 20, at 4:30 p.m. It will be held at the Radio Station which is on the hill behind the church. Supper will be served at 5:30 p.m. in the picnic shelter next to the Radio Station.

Those who requested lodging will be staying at the Hampton Inn & Suites, located at 1150 Motel Drive, Woodstock, VA 22664. The hotel is off of I-81, Exit #283. Guests may check in as early as 3:00 p.m. Watch your email for important information about children’s activities!

More Graduations

Paul Zimmer, Jr. graduated from high school. Pray for him as he makes plans to attend BJU this fall.

John and Sarah Sinskie recently graduated from Baptist Bible Translators Institute in Texas. Pray for them as they have completed deputation and are preparing to move to the field in the near future.

ESL Classes

We recently asked for your input to help a new missionary who will be teaching English. The information compiled has been published on Missions.Today, and is available by clicking here. Thank you for your help in contributing towards this. If you have more information to add, please let us know.

Sanchez FFW14Spanish Books Available

Bro. Alejandro Sanchez has written two books for Spanish believers. One deals with the subject of divorce. The other deals with definitions of common Biblical words in an effort to make the Bible easier for new believers to understand. More information about these books is available here.

From the Memo Board: May 2016

Dates to Know

May 27 – Adjusted pay date for those who normally receive funds on the 29th

May 30 – The Office will be closed for Memorial Day

June 3 – Adjusted pay date for those who normally receive funds on the 5th

June 20-24 – The Office will be closed for Family Fellowship Week

Bonikowsky Wedding

David and RaquelCongratulations to David Bonikowsky and Raquel Rodriguez, who will be married on Friday, May 6! David grew up in Spain as the son of Andy & Mimi Bonikowsky. In recent years, he has been active in the ministry that his grandparents, Al & Helga Bonikowsky, began in Irun, Spain. Raquel is the daughter of a pastor in southern Spain. Please be in prayer for this young couple as they seek the Lord’s will about future ministry opportunities. They are currently planning to remain in Spain for approximately a year, before returning to the U.S. to raise additional support.

New Baby

Congratulations to Matthew and Jennifer Inboden on the recent birth of Virginia Rose. She was born on March 27 and weighed 8 pounds 5 ounces. Virginia is their fourth child, joining older siblings Julia-Anne (7), Gabriel (5) and Alivia (3). The Inbodens have recently moved to Butte, Montana, where he will pastor the Lighthouse Baptist Church. Please pray for them in this new ministry.


Several in our missions family are graduating this spring. Please be in prayer for them as graduation_01they seek the Lord’s will concerning future plans.

Zachary Daab will be graduating from high school. He will be attending college in the U.S. this fall.

Jonathan Newton has completed his physical therapy training in India.

Joseph Zimmer has graduated from high school. He will be attending BJU this fall.

Missions Website

Missions.Today is a blog where missionaries can share resources and tips about life on the field. The goal is to provide a portal of information where missionaries can share and receive materials pertinent to missions and Christian service. The site is user-driven, and is most useful when many individuals participate in sharing information. We encourage you to browse the site and participate by posting your suggestions and ideas.

Vehicle for Sale

Missionary Sean Quinlan has for sale a 2006 Ford Turtle Top Van Terra E-350 XLT. This configuration seats 12 passengers, in addition to a copilot, and is also equipped for Quinlan Vanwheelchair access, although the wheelchair lift is not included. There is room for additional seats to be installed, if desired. The mileage is 136,900, and the engine runs well. There is some minor body work that could be done. The vehicle is located in Kings Mountain, NC. Asking price is $12,300. For more details please contact Bro. Quinlan at [email protected]. Please help spread this news if you know someone who may be interested.

From the Memo Board: April 2016

Family Fellowship Week Picnic


This year’s Family Week will again begin with a picnic dinner and a casual time of fellowship. Valley Baptist is blessed to have a picnic shelter and facilities right on the church property.  Last year’s format for the first evening was a huge success, with an overwhelming number of people requesting this again.  If you’ve not yet registered, please be sure to click here to let us know if you will be able to attend or not.

Doctrinal Agreements

If you have submitted your doctrinal agreement statement, your new card for 2016-2017 is now available for you to download and print from your SecureCloud folder.  If you have not yet submitted your annual agreement, please click here, or email Naomi Torberson as soon as possible, indicating that you have read and are still in agreement with our Articles of Faith.  If you have questions or concerns, please contact John O’Malley.

Charitable Contributions

Charitable contributions may be carried into future years if they cannot be deducted in the current year because they exceed your adjusted gross-income limits.  You may be able to deduct the excess in each of the next five years until it is used up, but not beyond that time.  Details of this option are available in IRS Pub 526.  We encourage you to discuss this possibility with your tax preparer, as it may be beneficial during furloughs when the Foreign Income Exclusion may not apply.

An App for SecureCloud

Screen Shot 2016-03-28 at 6.00.36 PMDid you know there is an app called OwnCloud available for your iOS or Android device? This app gives secure access to your SecureCloud account and allows you to view your files on your phone or tablet. At the end of each month, we scan any mail that has come to the Office for you and place it in your online account. This includes check stubs for all bills paid by the Office, as well as information that may have come from your supporters. World Wide does not sell this app; it is provided by the company, OwnCloud, who created the platform we use for SecureCloud.

New Missionary

Stalcups Nov 2015Tim and Kristin Stalcup have recently joined the World Wide family. The Stalcups are sent out of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Kings Mountain, NC, with Pastor Jim Ogle.  Their desire is to reach the Muslims in New York City, specifically the Afghan people. They have one daughter, Anna Faith Shirin, who is 17 months. Pray for the Stalcups as they begin their new ministry.

Bible Institute Resource

Melvyn and Carol Brown are veteran missionaries, and they have shared a resource they have created with our missions family. Their burden is to aid missionaries in starting Bible Institutes on the field and training people for service. You can read more about the materials and pricing at their website.


From the Memo Board: March 2016

Family Fellowship Week

oFamily Fellowship Week is fast approaching! Please be sure to make plans to join us June 20-23 at Valley Baptist Church in Edinburg, VA. We will be exploring the theme, Workers Together With God. You’ll not want to miss this exciting time of encouragement with fellow servants. Click here to see what others are saying about this life changing week!

Moving to the Field or Furlough Trips

Are you leaving for the field soon? Planning a furlough? Click here to see a list of tips that might help in your planning stages. These lists are a part of the Missionary Procedures Manual, which is always available on SecureCloud.

Tax Alert

For tax year 2015 a significant change took effect in regards to the Federal Child Tax Credit. It is our understanding that this will affect those living abroad who have children under 17 and who utilize Forms 2555 or 2555-EZ when submitting their tax returns. If this applies to you, you may want to discuss with your tax preparer whether calculating your 2015 return without Form 2555 or 2555 EZ will give you a better outcome. Please discuss with your tax preparer whether this change will affect the amount you should be submitting in estimated taxes for 2016.

Tax Notes

As you prepare to submit your financial documents to your tax preparer, here are some things you may want to remember to give them:

  • List of dates you were in the US vs. out of the country
  • Details of any housing expenses
  • Information on any retirement plans
  • Information on any investments
  • Information about any foreign bank accounts on which you are a signatory
  • Details of any family births or deaths (Names, dates, and SSNs)
  • Details of estimated taxes submitted
  • Information about your health coverage and medical expenses
  • W-2s, 1099’s, and other tax forms received
  • Details of charitable contributions

New Missionary

Sammy and Connie McNeill have recently joined the World Wide family. The McNeill Nov 2015McNeills are sent out of the New Testament Baptist Church in Robbins, NC, with Pastor Darrin Richardson. They have been married for 33 years and have two adult daughters. Bro. McNeill has recently retired as the Chief of Police. His experience in law enforcement and as a coach in local schools has given him a burden to reach the unchurched youth in America. Pray for the McNeills as they begin this new ministry.

New Babies

Congratulations to Fred III and Brittany Daniel on the birth of Carolina Rose on January 28th. Carolina weighed 7 pounds and was 21 inches long. She is the sixth child of the Daniels, and joins older siblings Katherine, Ashlyn, Fred IV, Kevin, and Isabella. The family serves in Mexico.

Congratulations to Stephen and Charity Jenney on the birth of Samuel on January 29th. Samuel is the second child of the Jenneys, and joins his older brother Judson. The family plans to begin deputation this spring to work in the Southwestern United States.

Congratulations to Josh and Joanna Town on the birth of Jennifer Rose on February 16. She weighed 8.14 pounds and was 20 inches long. Jennifer is the third daughter of the Towns, joining Juliana and Jayla. The family currently serves in Lebanon, where they have been preparing for a stateside ministry to Muslims. They plan to transition back to the US later this summer.

Carolina Daniel
Carolina Daniel
Samuel Jenney
Samuel Jenney
Jennifer Town
Jennifer Town