The Homegoing of Eric Franks

In Memory of Dr. Eric Franks
October 27, 1939-April 11, 2018

Eric (Bobby) Wilfred Franks was born in southern India on October 27, 1939. Although he lost his father at a young age, his mother saw to it that he and his siblings received a good education. He attended the National College in Bombay and studied to pursue a career as a medical doctor. On April 15, 1960, at the age of 20, he was saved under the ministry of a single lady missionary. Within a few months, the Lord called him into a life of ministry. As he described it, “The Lord stole my heart in 1960 and my life changed for the better.”

He married Molly Dorcas Suttle on May 2, 1964. That same year he began pastoring the Chembar Baptist Church, the first of many he would shepherd through the years. He began teaching at the Biblical Baptist Theological College and Seminary in 1970, where he eventually became Dean of Academics. The Franks were blessed with six children: Leena (and Francis) Newton; Leah (and Richard) Jacobs; Abigail (and Charles) David; Emma (and Adrian) Hendricks; Lemuel Franks; and Stephen (and Geena) Franks (not pictured).

As his ministry grew, so did his passion for education. In 1977, he left his family and went to California to continue his studies at the San Francisco Baptist Theological Seminary, where he graduated in 1980. During this time the Lord gave him a burden to begin extensive church planting throughout India.

In 1986 the Franks joined WWNTBM. They based their deputation out of Trinity Baptist Church in Wilson, NC, which was pastored by one of our founding board members, Robert Winstead. Herb and Ruby Kersey became close friends during this time and assisted them with their travels.

In 1987 he began the Grace Baptist Trust, along with the Calvary Baptist Bible College and Seminary. In the following years he also founded the Grace Baptist School for the Underprivileged, Hearing Impaired, and Physically Handicapped. He also started several other churches, among them the Heritage Baptist Church, Kuramberi Baptist Church, the Jawadhi Hills ministry, the Tiruapttur Baptist Church, and the Whitefield Baptist Church. Many students have graduated from their programs and started other ministries throughout India.

Dr. Franks lived a life of service to others. He knew that “a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth,” and he preferred to use his resources to make others comfortable, often at the expense of his own comfort. Dr. Franks has been quoted as saying, “When God’s got a great work to do, he looks for a man, and often his family. God’s methods are men!” This truth has been evidenced in his own family, and his legacy is continuing in future generations as his children and grandchildren are active in ministry.

When Parkinson’s Disease began to slow his physical body in 2008, Dr. Franks did not allow it to distract from the work that the Lord still had for him to do. He faithfully continued to travel, preaching and teaching the gospel for ten more years, until the week of his death. On April 11, 2018, he laid down to cease from his labors on earth and to wake in the presence of his Lord and Savior.



Featured Article: Anthropology and Missions

In Titus 2:1, Paul instructs, “But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine.” Theology is the foundation of our faith. Throughout this year, we will be sharing some articles with you that have been penned by our board members. A few of them have taken much time to research and write about an area of systematic theology. We hope this will be an encouragement to your faith. This month, Bro. Gene Krachenfels has written an article on Anthropology–The Doctrine of Man.

Just a few minutes into a conversation one can tell a great deal about a person’s outlook on life and eternity. The difference between a Biblical and secular worldview is significant and few subjects bear a greater difference than that of Anthropology or the study of man. As believers, we are grateful to find God’s Word gives ample instruction as to our origin, nature, condition, and remedy.

The Creation of Man

Genesis 1:26-27 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

True saints of God accept the Genesis account of creation, which includes the origin of mankind, as literal. God in His wisdom chose to establish man as the pinnacle of His creation. Our chief purpose was that we might worship God in the beauty of His holiness and keep His commandments (Psalm 29:2; Ecclesiastes 12:13). We were created unlike any other being in that we were made with a natural and moral likeness to God which involves our self-awareness in relation to God and this world. Everyone is born with the inherent knowledge that there is a God, there is a difference between right and wrong, and that we are accountable to Him (John 1:9; Romans 1:18, 19; 14:12). This truth is evidenced on a daily basis in the thoughts, words, and deeds of every person who has ever lived.

The Fall of Man

Genesis 3:6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

Though Adam, the father of the human race, was created an eternal being with a holy nature, he was susceptible to temptation. This is evidenced when he, by his own choice, disobeyed God’s divine command and ate fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. This singular act brought about his being expelled from the Garden of Eden and plunged the entire human race into sin (Genesis 3:22-24; Romans 5:12). This in no way implies, as some inaccurately claim, that God is the author of sin, as sin was already in existence with the presence of Satan in the Garden.

The Death of Man

Genesis 2:16-17 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

When considering the Biblical account of Adam’s fall and the resulting curse, there is some confusion about the death of which God spoke. It is obvious Adam did not experience physical death at the time of his disobedience. In Genesis 5:5 we read Adam was nine hundred and thirty years old when he died. This fact in no way invalidates God’s very clear declaration of judgment to Adam and Eve for violating His command. The death of which God forewarned Adam was spiritual death. Simply put, death means separation. Physical death is physical separation from this world, spiritual death is spiritual separation from God, and eternal death (also referred to as the second death, Revelation 20:14) is eternal separation from God. When Adam and Eve sinned against God by eating of the forbidden fruit, their fellowship was broken as illustrated by their attempt to clothe themselves and to hide from the presence of God. It was at that point they died, being separated from God spiritually, and thus experienced the death He warned them about. This is the state of every person born into the world since that time: alienated from God, hopelessly lost, and in bondage to sin. However, we are grateful the story of man’s fate doesn’t end there.

The Hope of Man

1 Timothy 1:15 This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.

Because everyone is born a sinner we are all in need of a Saviour. Despite one’s fallen condition, no one need suffer eternal separation from God. The Good News for all, whatever their sinful condition, is that the Lord has provided a means by which anyone may obtain forgiveness for their sin. God’s plan for the redemption of lost mankind is through His Son (John 14:6), therefore God has commanded His saints to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every creature (Mark 16:15). The only hope of eternal life for anyone, wherever they may be in the world, is to acknowledge their lost condition, repent of their sin, and receive Jesus Christ as their Saviour (Acts 17:30; Romans 10:9, 10). This does not eliminate (or eradicate) the Adamic or fallen nature of man, as some claim, but as new creature’s in Christ we can have victory over sin through Him (II Corinthians 5:17; Romans 6:12-18). A lost world needs to hear of the Living Saviour. More details on the topics of Sin, Salvation, the Savior, and Sanctification are covered under other doctrinal studies.

If this has been a blessing to you or you would like to share your thoughts with Bro. Krachenfels, you can contact him via email here.

From the Memo Board: April 2018

Dates to Know

May 1 – March financial reports will be due
June 18-21 – Family Fellowship Week in Shelby, NC

New Missionaries

Matt and Colleen Dundon have recently joined the World Wide family. They are sent out of the Hampshire View Baptist Deaf Church of Silver Spring, MD, with Pastor Terry Buchholz, where he has been serving as assistant pastor. Bro. Dundon is a graduate of Capital Baptist Deaf College. Their goal is to plant a deaf church in Philadelphia, PA. Please pray for them as they begin deputation.



Colton Lee is a new associate with World Wide. He is a member of the First Baptist Church of La-Salle, IL, with Pastor Wesley Waddle. Bro. Lee will graduate from Ambassador Baptist College this spring and plans to do short-term evangelistic missions trips several times a year to different locations. He recently took a trip to India to minister with the Hendricks family. In addition to missions trips, he will be working as a staff evangelist for Camp Joy in Whitewater, Wisconsin. Pray for him as he completes his studies and begins making plans for his next overseas trip.

Doctrinal Agreements

If you have submitted your doctrinal agreement statement, your new card for 2018-2019 is now available for you to download and print from your SecureCloud folder. If you have not yet submitted your annual agreement, please click here, or email Naomi Torberson as soon as possible, indicating that you have read and are still in agreement with our Articles of Faith. If you have questions or concerns, please contact John O’Malley.

Donations for Adult Children

We recognize that donors often wish to show kindness to our missionaries by sending birthday gifts, etc., for their children. However, WWNTBM cannot receive funds designated for adult children of our missionaries (age 18 and older). This is to protect financial integrity by not issuing charitable contribution receipts for funds designated for individuals who are not missionaries with us. In some instances, receiving such donations through WWNTBM could also create tax issues for the recipient, and/or possible visa issues if they are not US citizens. If a donor is interested in assisting your adult college student, we suggest that funds be sent directly to the student, or to the student’s educational institution.

We are here to serve all the needs of our missions family. If there are other ways in which we can assist your college student while they are away from family and home, please let us know.


Several new recordings were recently posted on Uplift! We hope you find encouragement in these devotionals. (Access Information: Username- wwntbm Password- gospel)

Finish Your Race Well by Steve Zeinner

Comfort In God’s Characteristics by Fred Daniel, Jr.

Flee And Follow by David Fulp

Raising Kids In Missions (Part 1) by Jonathan Earnhart

Amazon Shopping Donation

Did you know that it is possible to support the ministry of World Wide through your regular purchases from Amazon? Simply click here to begin your shopping experience at, and then link your account to authorize Amazon to make donations to World Wide New Testament Baptist Missions Inc. Amazon will then donate a portion of their proceeds to the Office.

Teaching English as a Second Language

Crown College of the Bible in Powell, Tennessee is offering an eight-week summer course which can equip you with internationally recognized certificates to teach English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) or Structured Literacy. It is their desire to help missionaries preparing for the field to get this certification quickly and easily. You will earn your TESOL certification by completing courses on different teaching methods, choosing the right curriculum, and using the Word of God as your English Textbook. You will have opportunities to student teach and practice what you learn. The Lord is already using graduates with this certification around the world—including many creative access nations. Other graduates are using these certifications in the United Kingdom to reach many of the Muslim immigrants coming into the nation. A church has recently been planted through these efforts!

Classes begin May 8th. Contact Crown College at 865.938.8186 or [email protected] for more information.

From Our President: April 2018

Danny Whetstone

It has been my pleasure to sit in on many interviews with missionaries through the years. As a result, we have gone through small changes in the questions that are asked, but most of the interview has remained the same. At the end there is one final question that is always asked: “If you change your mind about any of these things will you let the mission know?” We realize that most of the missionaries going to a field for the first time are still developing their thoughts about certain doctrines and practices.

World Wide New Testament Baptist Mission exists to assist Independent Baptist missionaries to get to and serve in the place that the Lord has called them. We are unapologetically Independent Baptist. We do not think that we are the only ones going to heaven, but we are here to serve a very specific group of missionaries. We raise our support from Independent Baptist churches, and we work with missionaries that are going to establish Independent Baptist churches. If, for any reason, you see fit to change your position on this matter you are duty bound to bring it to the attention of the mission.

With all due respect for John Calvin, we are not Calvinists. All of us have friends who have come to that position; however, it is not the position of this mission. Many of us have read the material, and we simply do not believe it. Everyone is asked, “Are you a Calvinist?” Everyone that has ever been accepted as a missionary with WWNTM has answered no. How do I know that since I have not been to every interview? I know that because no missionary who answered yes would be accepted.

We do not agree on every single issue, but on some issues we must be in agreement. Only two are being singled out in this article because they seem to be two of the three issues that are constantly on the front burner. The third issue is the King James Version of the Bible.

Those of us that work with this mission live to serve you, but two cannot walk together if they are not in agreement. Please give yourself to study, pray and serve the Lord in the place that He has called you.

In His Service,
Danny A. Whetstone

If this article has been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. Whetstone here to let him know.

Prayer & Dates: April 2018

April Prayer/Praises and Special Dates

Click the link above to download a PDF of prayer requests and praises as well as the birthdays and anniversaries for April. Note: You will need to login to SecureCloud in order to view this document. Once you have logged in, click on Files, Shared, then Headquarter Happenings, then scroll to the month you would like to view. This step protects people with WWNTBM in restricted access fields.

Furlough Preparations

Many of you are making preparations to come home on furlough this year, some for the first time. Following are some tips that can assist you in making a smooth transition. Please let us know if there is any way we can assist you with your plans.

  • You may want to consult with your tax preparer before purchasing tickets, as your date of travel will affect your ability to claim the Foreign Income Exclusion.
  • Family Week always begins on the third Monday of June. Be sure to put this on your calendar and schedule your travel dates so you can attend. This year’s meeting will be in Shelby, NC.
  • Prayer cards can easily be designed and ordered in advance, so they are ready when you arrive in the US. Please be sure to supply the Office with 20-30 copies of your new card.
  • You may wish to update your support estimate prior to returning to the US so that you have current information to provide to your supporters. We recommend that support estimates be updated at least once every four years, or as you see changes in your family and ministry.
  • You may wish to review your Housing Allowance to be sure it is adequate to cover any needs while you are in the US, especially if you will be renting a home during your furlough.
  • Be aware that some financial report items will be different when you are in the US. For example, if you will be driving a vehicle not owned by you, there are different recordkeeping requirements. Meals and lodging will also be affected. We recommend that you read over at least the sections of the manual dealing with vehicle expenses and travel prior to returning to the US, so you are familiar with these items.
  • Be aware that your ministry expenses on the field will be very different from what they are on furlough. In addition, you may begin receiving love offerings from churches you visit on furlough, which may increase your overall income. We recommend adjusting your estimated tax payments to allow for these changes.
  • Be sure to contact your insurance company to ensure that you will be covered while in the US.
  • Be sure to bring all receipts and financial paperwork with you, so that there is no delay in submitting your reports while on furlough.
  • While you are in the US, you may wish to consider updating your will and updating any Powers of Attorney or other legal forms. Our staff members are notary publics and may be able to assist you with some aspects of this if you will be in our area during your furlough.
  • Be sure to schedule some time to rest and relax. Don’t push yourself and your family to the point of burnout!
  • Please be sure to let the Office know in advance of your travel plans!

Featured Article: The Importance of Christology for World Evangelism

In Titus 2:1, Paul instructs, “But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine.” Theology is the foundation of our faith. Throughout this year, we will be sharing some articles with you that have been penned by our board members. A few of them have taken much time to research and write about an area of systematic theology. We hope this will be an encouragement to your faith. This month, Bro. Fred Daniel, Jr. has written an article on Christology–The Doctrine of Christ.

Hebrews 6:1–2 — Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.

The angel said to the shepherds, “Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” The very object for which He was born, and came into this world, was that He might deliver us from sin. What, then, was it that made us afraid? Were we not afraid of God, because we felt that we were lost through sin? Well, then, here is joy upon joy, for not only has the Lord come among us as a man, but He was made man in order that He might save man from that which separated him from God. (1) 

From Creation through Revelation, Christ is The Theme of Scripture! He is “The Word made flesh,” the embodied reality of the Written Word.

I. He is The Chosen of God – in Him we have the very Best God had to offer for us for salvation, daily life and eternity.
II. He is the Son of God – Jesus brings to the table His Divinity, which will assure us of God’s presence, peace and omniscience. He is The Son of The Living God.
III. He is a man – not just any man, He is God Incarnate. He identifies clearly with us in our humanity.
IV. He is The Lord – He has rule, authority and control over everything. He is now, and will be in eternity, the Lord of Glory. He is our Master.
V. He is The Power of God – He can do whatever is necessary to fulfill the will and purpose of God the Father. He is our Advocate, seeking our best at the right hand of God The Father.
VI. He is The Foundation – He is The Sure Basis of all the Bible teaches, of all we need spiritually.
VII. He is the Chief Cornerstone – He sets the standard upon which the Apostles laid the foundation of the Church. He is The Rock.
VIII. He is The Saviour of the World – there is no other.
IX. He is The Bread of Life – He provides the spiritual food for salvation and sanctification.
X. He is The Giver of Light – He shows the way to salvation and to successful Christian living.
XI. He is The Lamb of God – He is the perfect, one-time, all-sufficient Sacrifice for the sin of all humanity. He is the only Sacrifice for sin!
XII. He is the Reconciler of men – He is the only way for men to be made right and at peace with The Holy God.
XIII. He is The Purger of consciences – He gives peace to those who believe so that they are not condemned by their own knowledge of their wicked past.
XIV. He is The Head of The Church – He leads believers corporately to accomplish the Father’s will on earth.
XV. He is The Hope of Glory – He not only guides, protects and strengthens us on earth, but He is our Blessed Hope for our eternity with God.
XVI. He is The Firstfruits of The Resurrection – He was able to raise Himself from the grave; therefore, He is certainly capable to raise deceased believers’ bodies and rapture them along with living believers on that great day!
XVII. He is The Judge – our salvation and our works are known to Him. He will reward us at the Judgement Seat with mercy and grace.

Christology is the beginning point in a believer’s life. As ministers of the Gospel, we must baptize men in this important doctrine; we must thoroughly ground them in Who He, The Messiah, is. Christology is a foundation, a foundation that is laid once. Upon this foundation men must move on and build the Christian life for this dispensation, for a temporary time in heaven, for the Millennial Age, and, ultimately, for the Eternal Age on the New Earth. Christ is, and will be, our Hope and Stay forever.

If men are to understand the fullness of all God has for them as believers, we must make certain they are solidly immersed in Christology!

No aristocratic Christ have I to commend to you, but the Saviour of the people, the Friend of publicans and sinners. Jesus is the true “poor man’s Friend;” He is “a Witness to the people, a Leader and Commander to the people.” Oh, that each one of us might truly say, “Unto me is Jesus born”! If I truly believe in Him, Christ is born unto me, and I may be as sure of it as if an angel announced it personally to me, since the Scripture assures me that, if I believe in Jesus, He is mine, and I am His, and through union with Him I become a partaker in His everlasting life, and in all that He has. (2)

Pastor Fred T. Daniel, Jr.
Brookhaven Baptist Church
Greensboro, NC

If this has been a blessing to you or you would like to share your thoughts with Bro. Daniel, you can contact him via email here.


(1)  Spurgeon, C. H. (2009). Christ’s Incarnation: The foundation of Christianity (p. 25). Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.

(2)  Spurgeon, C. H. (2009). Christ’s Incarnation: The foundation of Christianity (p. 32). Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.


Prayer & Dates: March 2018

March Prayer/Praises and Special Dates

Click the link above to download a PDF of prayer requests and praises as well as the birthdays and anniversaries for March. Note: You will need to login to SecureCloud in order to view this document. Once you have logged in, click on Files, Shared, then Headquarter Happenings, then scroll to the month you would like to view. This step protects people with WWNTBM in restricted access fields.

From Our President: March 2018

Danny Whetstone

Everyone should be aware that we are having two conferences this summer. If you are going to be in the States in June please make plans to be with us at Faith Baptist Church in Shelby, North Carolina. We met with Pastor Goodman and the Faith Baptist Church some years ago and they did a fantastic job hosting the meeting. We will have a wonderful time of fellowship. There will be great preaching and very good food. Now what else could an Independent Baptist hope to have?! There have been a number of new missionaries accepted with World Wide. Those on furlough and deputation will have an opportunity to get to know one another. Please pray that each speaker will be used of the Lord to help everyone attending the conference.

The second conference will be held in Germany. The last report I saw said that we had sixty-seven people signed up to be there. We have held a European conference a couple of times before, and those times were a blessing. This time we will have people coming from the United States, Europe, The Middle East, and other places hopefully. This will be an opportunity to get to know each other, enjoy services together, and have the pleasure of sightseeing in Germany. We are so grateful to Keith and Julia Klaus for their hard work preparing for the conference. Brother O’Malley is putting the conference together. Pray that the Lord will bless everyone that will journey to this meeting, and that everyone will be encouraged in the Lord’s work.

I want to thank each of you who are faithfully serving the Lord in regions beyond. Some of you have recently started your ministry with great dreams and expectations. Others of you have labored for many years in the work that God called you into a long time ago. Each of you is a blessing and encouragement to so many of us that watch your progress in the Lord’s work.

God is faithful and is capable of doing greater things than we are able to even dream. By the grace of God let us always press forward into the darkness with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In His Service,
Danny A. Whetstone

If this article has been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. Whetstone here to let him know.