From Our President: August 2017

Danny Whetstone

After the resurrection of our Lord He spent some time with His disciples in John 21. They had been fishing all night and had not caught any fish. From the shore came a voice that the fishermen did not immediately recognize. Over the course of the conversation the Lord would ask three questions.

Question one: Have you any meat? Certainly the inquiry was concerning fish, but it puts me in mind of the Lord and His disciples at Jacob’s well when He was witnessing to the woman that came out to draw water. The disciples told Him that lunch was ready. He replied, “I have meat to eat that ye know not of.” He was not speaking of the food made ready for physical survival. The Lord made it clear that His meat was to do the will of the Father. They had returned to fishing when they should have continued in the Father’s purpose for them.

Question two: Lovest thou me? We can be very busy in religious service without expressing our love for Christ. Remember that the church at Ephesus (Revelation 2) was doing everything right, but they had left their first love. The church was challenged to remember how they started out in the love of Christ. They were to repent of this sin, and if they did not He would remove their candlestick and not walk in their presence anymore.

Question three: What is that to thee? Peter was now curious what would happen in John’s life and ministry. The Lord told Peter to follow Him without concerning himself with fellow servants. Jesus said, “Follow thou Me.” When we are distracted by the works of others it is easy to lose sight of the One that we should be following. Look to Christ for the next step to take. There was a time when it seemed that I could do two or three things and drive at the same time. Now I can simply adjust my sitting position and have to correct my steering to stay out of the ditch. Our eyes must be fixed on the Lord.

To stay in line with the Lord’s purpose requires that we concentrate on Christ and His will. The fish that the disciples were looking for were under the boat, and they were there just as the disciples were going to give up. The answer you need is on the way. Patiently keep your eyes on the Lord. Many of the Lord’s people stand behind you in prayer and financial support while fighting of the attacks of Satan on their lives everyday. God bless you and your faithfulness to Him.

In His Service,
Danny A. Whetstone

If this article has been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. Whetstone here to let him know.