We are in conversations constantly with others as we travel from church to church. Often the names of missionaries with World Wide will be mentioned in the conversation. It is a blessing to have the opportunity to speak with confidence about you and your ministry. Whether you are on deputation or the field, let’s do our best to maintain a good testimony for our Lord and for each other.
One of our board members, Pastor Fred Daniel, was on his way overseas just short time ago. There were problems with the aircraft so they were delayed for two and half hours. You can imagine the commotion going on among the passengers. They would be late getting to their destination, or even worse, would miss connections to get them to their final destination. Pastor Daniel was patient and kind for the duration. When they were permitted to reboard Pastor and Mrs. Daniel were directed to seats in first class for the transatlantic flight.
Kindness is not always rewarded immediately, but rest assured it will be. It does not matter if we are dealing with pastors, business owners, or officials of government, it is always best to respond in a Christ-like way.
The Lord has favored World Wide by bringing you our way. We are happy to report that the Lord is continuing to bring others to us on a regular basis. It has been my joy recently to sit in on a few missionary interviews, and I continue to be blessed by the knowledge and zeal of young families making their way to the place of God’s choosing for them. It is also encouraging week after week to see churches increasing their faith concerning giving.
It is my sincere desire that Christ will bless you in the coming days with His presence and obvious power. Let’s hold each other up in prayer as we seek to serve Him in our respective ministries.
In His Service,
Danny A. Whetstone
If this article has been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. Whetstone here to let him know.