From the Memo Board: October 2014

Dates to Know

October 13
US Banks will be closed for Columbus Day.

November 11
US Banks will be closed for Veteran’s Day.

November 27-28
The Office will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday.

December 1
Those who normally receive support on the 29th will receive their November support on this day


Christ the Missionary

Christ was a home missionary in the house of Lazarus.
Christ was a foreign missionary when the Greeks came to Him.
Christ was a city missionary when He taught in Samaria.
Christ was a Sunday School missionary when He opened up the Scriptures
and set men to studying the Word of God.
Christ was a children’s missionary when He took them in His arms and blessed them.
Christ was a missionary to the poor when He opened the eyes of the blind beggar.
Christ was a missionary to the rich when He opened the spiritual eyes of Zacchaeus.
Even on the cross, Christ was a missionary to the robber,
and His last command was the missionary commission.
– Author Unknown

From Our President: October 2014

Danny WhetstoneHave you noticed how cluttered our lives are?  Paul offered many challenges to Timothy, and one really stands out to me in light of the stressful lives that we live almost every day.  2 Timothy 2:1-4 says, ”Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.  Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.”  There are so many things in these verses that speak in certain sounds to me.  However, think on this one thing, “No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life.”

This reminds me somewhat of Hebrews 12:1, “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.”  There is no question that sin is on every side.  We are warned on every hand, and the law of Christ written in our hearts makes us aware of the pitfalls that abound.  However, “the affairs of this life” and the “weight” can be easily dismissed.  Pastors will schedule revivals, Bible conferences, and missions conferences months and years ahead.  Everyone is aware of the church schedule.  Yet, when it is time to participate, it is as though it catches everyone by surprise, although many times it happens the same time every year.  Church leaders are often discouraged because the daily schedule of so many is continually filled to, and many times, beyond capacity.  Unfortunately, this is not only true for the average church member, but it is also true for most of us.  Are we incapable of discerning priorities?  Can we not find His guiding hand in the affairs of life?  Many years ago I read about a preacher in one of E.M. Bounds books on prayer.  The preacher said, “I have so much to do today that I fear if I do not pray at least four hours I will never get it all done.”  Are we actually praying about the priorities of life?

Much has been said of having a five year plan, but I wonder if we even have a daily plan.  It is so easy to drift along with the affairs of life and permit the heavy weights of life to map our lives for us. Life has limits, and time stands still for none of us.  The Lord told His disciples that His meat was to finish the work given Him by the Father. Let’s examine our lives.  Is the load that we are under everyday ordered by the Lord?  Are we making wise choices when faced with multiple options?  Praying that our steps would be ordered by the Lord should be a natural part of our Christian experience.  In all of our ways, we must acknowledge Him if we are to cross the finish line with the task complete to His satisfaction.

I pray that God will give us clarity concerning today, and then everyday He sets before us.  May His blessings be yours continually.

In His Service,
Danny A. Whetstone

Featured Article: The Smelly Belly

The Smelly Belly“And he said unto them, I am an Hebrew; and I fear the LORD, the God of heaven, which hath made the sea and the dry land. . . . Now the LORD had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.” (Jonah 1:9, 17)

Jonah had not counted on the fish.
His decision had been made some time before arriving at the Joppa seaport. He had caught a whiff of divine mercy in the assignment and simply was not going to Nineveh to preach. So he purchased the passage and settled down for the journey across the Mediterranean. About the time a few dark clouds began to roll in, Jonah was starting to yawn. Soon he was sound asleep.

That was until the shouts of the incredulous captain burst into his dreams, rebuking him for such gross negligence, and ordering him to join the rest of them in their pleas for supernatural help. When the sailors’ lots sniffed him out as the culprit, Jonah was hit with a torrent of desperate questions. His blunt answer made their blood freeze.

He was a Hebrew, running from the God of heaven, the One who had made the sea and land.

Notice that there was nothing wrong with Jonah’s theology. He was absolutely right. But his attitude remained one of defiance, determination, and resignation. That’s why he calmly suggested that they sacrifice him to the waves. He was totally ready to die in his stubbornness. So, against their desire but desperate to save their lives, they picked him up and heaved him overboard.

Jonah thought it was over. He expected a few seconds of flight, then the splash and shock of cold water, followed by the natural struggle to breathe . . . But wait! Yuck! What was this? Why wasn’t he dead? What was this nasty slime and putrefying stench?!

He was inside God’s surprise.

Actually, Jonah didn’t really dwell on the nauseous odor in his submarine room, but it doesn’t take very deep logic to imagine how it was. The Lord was making sure Jonah’s return to the mission was also a lesson on how miserable life can get for rebellious children.

Yes, the prophet knew a lot of truth about Jehovah. He knew that He created the world and chose Abraham to father the nation of Israel. Yet his Biblical knowledge had not made him wise, which is why he never expected to survive the dive. He still thought he could challenge the will of God and get away with it, refusing to be drawn into the fragrance of God’s grace towards the wicked city.

His smelly experience is graphic instruction for us. With online search engines, digital libraries, and audio sermons at our fingertips, we live surrounded by more Bible information than any generation before us. But we all have Jonah’s stubborn heart beating in our chests, along with the smooth skill of deceiving ourselves to sleep while going away from God’s will for our lives.

May the Lord help us to honestly seek His will.

Dear Father, please give me a heart that obeys Your desires, not just a mind that knows Your attributes. May the aroma of Your goodness always be enough to move me in whatever direction You lead. Amen.

Poem: Traveling on My Knees by Sandra Goodwin

praying on my kneesLast night I took a journey
To a land across the seas;
I did not go by boat or plane,
I traveled on my knees.

I saw so many people there
In deepest depths of sin,
But Jesus told me I should go,
That there were souls to win.

But I said, “Lord, I cannot go
And work with such as these.”
He answered quickly, “Yes, you can,
By traveling on your knees.”

He said, “You pray; I’ll meet the need,
You call and I will hear;
Be concerned about lost souls,
Of those both far and near.”

And so I tried it, knelt in prayer,
Gave up some hours of ease;
I felt the Lord right by my side,
While traveling on my knees.

As I prayed on I saw souls saved
And twisted bodies healed,
And saw God’s workers strength renew
While laboring on the field.

I said, “Yes, Lord, I have a job,
My will Thy will to please;
So I can go and heed Thy call,
By traveling on my knees.”

Prayer & Dates: September 2014

Click the link above to download a PDF of prayer requests and praises as well as the birthdays and anniversaries for September. Note: You will need to login to SecureCloud in order to view this document.  Once you have logged in, click on Files Shared, then Headquarter Happenings, then scroll to the month you would like to view. This step protects people with WWNTBM in restricted access fields.

From the Memo Board: September 2014

Levi LockhartNew Addition

Congratulations to Jeremy & Esther Lockhart on the birth of Levi Bryan on August 14th.  Levi weighed 6 pounds 8 ounces, and was 20 inches long.  Both mom and baby are doing well!  Levi is the fourth child of the Lockharts, and joins his older siblings Allie (8), Bethany (6), and Judah (5).  The family will be returning to Brazil soon, where they plan to begin a new work with the Schrock family.


Housing Allowances

September is a great time to review your Housing Allowance needs, to ensure that you have a high enough allowance to cover your expenses through the remainder of the year.  In October, our Executive Board will be having a meeting.  Should you need to adjust your Housing Allowance for the remainder of 2014, please contact our Office as soon as possible, so that any changes can be voted on in the October meeting.  This is also a good time to begin considering your housing needs for the year 2015.  More information about housing for 2015 will be published in future editions of Headquarter Happenings.


Family Fellowship Week 2014 Messages

Many of the messages from our recent Family Week are now available in audio and video formats.  To download these files, you may login to your SecureCloud account.  The videos are also available on Vimeo by clicking here.  We hope these will be a blessing to those who were unable to attend.

From Our President: September 2014

Danny WhetstoneGalatians 6:2, “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”

It is difficult to imagine what life would be like without burdens. Mounce defines burden as “heaviness; a burden, anything grievous, and hard to be borne.” Another definition states that it is “burdensome weight in reference to its pressure, burden, load.” Perhaps if someone asked you to define it, there might be other words that you would use. If someone asked you what a burden feels like, your mind would probably produce many images difficult to describe with words. None of us are exempt. The burden that you bear could be very different from others of which you are aware, but they are heavy nonetheless. Our quick declaration to those burdened down today would be to trust the Lord. Obviously that is true, but is that all? No, we are instructed to “bear ye one another’s burdens.” Harry Ironside says, “The law of Christ is the law of love, and love seeks to help others in their distress and share the load with them.” Our Lord taught that the greatest of all laws was to love God, but there was one law inseparably bound to that one. We are to love our neighbor.

It isn’t always what we say or even do. When a friend carries a heavy burden, simply knowing that you care means so much. How busy would you be today if your shoulders were stooped with care? I noticed when my dad died that nothing else in the world mattered. It was as if the world stood still, and everything in me focused on nothing else. Someone you know might be there today. Do they know you care? Yes, it means that we are at times inconvenienced. Have you ever been in a traffic jam and found yourself complaining because of the delay? Then you saw why you sat still for so long. Maybe someone was seriously injured in an accident. The price you paid for sitting still was far less than than their price, wasn’t it? Every situation is certainly different, but consider what others did during your trial that blessed you, and seek to incorporate those in the lives of others.

It is no small matter to fulfill the law of Christ. Many words are not necessary. Great expenditures are not needed. So, how do we know what to say or do? Love! When care is conveyed, the burdened are blessed. In the end, only the Lord can meet the need of the broken, but we can assure them that they are not alone. When the law of Christ is obeyed, all are blessed even in difficult times.

If your heart is not bent in this direction, perhaps you could schedule some time on a regular basis to ponder the needs of others until caring becomes a natural part of your life. If you do care, pray for our Lord’s wisdom in bearing the burdens of others.

John 13:35, “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”

In His Service,
Danny A. Whetstone

Featured Article: Witnesses!

Witnesses Banner

“Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me. . . . But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” (Isaiah 43:10, Acts 1:8)

How beautifully the Holy Spirit weaves His themes in and out of Scripture, causing them to emerge in different centuries of the sacred story, each time according to His wise purpose.
The wording of Isaiah’s verse is so close to that of Acts 1:8 that there can be little question about their being close spiritual cousins. The exact details are different but the living thrust of both passages is a divine mission for every true believer in God.

We are to be His witnesses. For the people listening to the prophet, the message was to boldly display the solid case for His eternal Being. They were to show off the perfect trail of prophecy. Since forming the nation, Jehovah had sent Israel a continuous stream of fulfilled prophecies, spanning everything from international politics to personal blessings. The evidence was irrefutable.

In comparison, the argument for any idol of any nation of the world was ludicrous. Various times throughout the book, Isaiah pokes fun at the whole idea of manmade images and the utter absurdity of them being able to foretell anything.

Centuries later Doctor Luke recorded the precise last words of Christ before His ascension. Surely he knew that anyone familiar with Isaiah’s writings would quickly make the connection. The charge was pretty much the same, only here in the New Testament the grace of Jesus and the goal of worldwide evangelism were more clearly seen.

All of the redeemed were now officially called to join the witness stand. The followers of Jesus were to share the overwhelming testimony of His life and identity as Savior of the world.
However, the courtroom was not a specific building or place. It was much larger than that. It was the entire earth! Christians were to scatter to every corner of the globe to witness of the greatest truth mankind could ever know.

As back in Isaiah’s time, these godly people had a thick dossier of proofs. Miracle after miracle, fulfillment after fulfillment, many visual confirmations of His resurrection . . . all stacked up to certify Him as the One and only Messiah.

Perhaps the astonishing question for all of us should be: Why does God even stoop to give us this honor? I really don’t think we could understand the full answer.

We have no inherent right to be such royal ambassadors. We are mere clay, completely unworthy of having the divine image imprinted on our souls or being selected to represent the invisible Lord before a lost world.

But in His amazing grace, the King has chosen us to tell each generation that He was, and is, and always will be. We are living monuments of His love, and are expected to share with any soul who will listen, that He is God.

Dear Father, very often I have been silent about You, both in actions and speech. For many around me, I may be the closest one in Your family they will ever meet. Please help me hold the banner high and boldly show them that You are the true God, and that You came to die for their redemption. Amen.

Prayer & Dates – August 2014

Click the link above to download a PDF of prayer requests and praises as well as the birthdays and anniversaries for August. Note: You will need to login to SecureCloud in order to view this document.  Once you have logged in, click on Files Shared, then Headquarter Happenings, then scroll to the month you would like to view. This step protects people with WWNTBM in restricted access fields.