How Much Room Does God Have in Your Life?

by John O’Malley

Do you hold space for God in your life?

If so, how much room or space do you allow God?

Does He only have room on your days of public worship or ministry?

How much room does He have on the other days of the week when you are less needy?

Do you only give Him space in the hour of your greatest need?

Do you take up the room you do not allow Him on the days when you have less demand, and your work is more perfunctory?

How much room do you have for God?

January is our church’s annual missions Sunday for the Faith Promise giving year. Our church’s theme, More of Him and Less of Me, led me to speak from John 3:30. I see John’s testimony of him making room for God’s presence, plan, and power.

“He must increase, but I must decrease.” John 3:30

I read this verse and began a quest to understand how much room I make for God.

John the Baptist’s life was only about Jesus. In other words, John made room for Jesus.

I asked myself, “Who reigns every moment of the day on the throne of my life?” I think I reign on the little stuff, then I “let” God sit on the throne of my life to allow Him to reign on the big stuff. Unfortunately, this is not a good plan.

Thus far today, who reigned on the throne of your life, and who made all the decisions today? Who reacted today, you or God? Whom did your spouse see on the throne of your life?

I want to evict myself from the throne of my life permanently.

How about you?

Yours for the harvest,
John O’Malley