From the Memo Board: May 2020

Dates to Know

June 1 – April Financial Reports will be due.

July 1 – May Financial Reports will be due.

July 3 – Our Office will be closed in celebration of Independence Day

Family Fellowship Week

We have made the difficult decision to postpone this year’s Family Fellowship Week due to COVID-19. The Lord willing, New Testament Baptist Church in Kinston, NC, will co-host next year with Calvary Baptist Church in New Bern, NC, June 21-24, 2021. Please be sure to mark your calendars now, and make plans to join us in 2021.

Online Giving

WWNTBM is happy to provide online giving options to make it easier for donors to support your ministry. You can direct donors to our website at for details on all the ways they can participate. Please note that the company that processes credit cards does take a small percentage out of each donation to cover costs. Donors have the option to cover those fees if they choose. However, you may see a slightly smaller amount on your support list as a result of this.

Missionary Micro Stories Podcast

Josh Wagar, missionary to Chuuk, Micronesia, has started a podcast to show how God can take ordinary people and use them in extraordinary ways. This is a collection of modern-day missionaries telling stories of God’s work in their lives. Josh is looking for missionaries to interview. If you are interested in participating, you can click here to contact Bro. Wagar. To listen to the podcast you can look for it on Facebook at #MissionaryMicroStories, or you can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.

Our Current Missions Family

Click this link to download a PDF of the current list of World Wide missionaries.

Note: You will need to login to SecureCloud in order to view this document.  Once you have logged in, click on the Headquarter Happenings folder, then “Missionary List May 2020.” This step protects people with WWNTBM in restricted access fields.