Ministry Quotes

“God allows us to gather wood, but He has to bring the fire.” — Bill Wingard

“We are all nobodies, but if we are willing to submit to God, we can be used to change the world.  It is not up to us to decide if God is working; we must simply follow.” — Chad Estep

“As Christians we are preserved in Christ, but not pickled. Show the joy of the Lord!” — Russell Bell

“Anything that is alive grows. We as Christians must continue to grow in Christ.” — Bill Wingard

“If Christ were taken from your life, would you notice anything missing?” — Michael West

Ministry Matters

This year included a session devoted to questions and answers regarding the ministry. Here are answers that may be helpful to you.

*Please note that WWNTBM does not necessarily endorse all of the content of these books, nor all books by these authors. Please read with discretion.

Q: What tips will help those just getting to the field?

Click here to read a compilation of testimonies written by some of our missionaries, regarding their first ninety days on the field that we are posting this month. You can read the entire compilation here in PDF format. 

  • Set up your house first. Get it set up and get completely settled before you try to do anything else.
  • Take time early to learn the money, the various denominations, and how the exchange rates work. Roll with it if someone tries to take advantage of you.
  • Start a journal of experiences, including trials, struggles, and blessings. This will be good for you to look back on, and will be a help to your children as well. Along with this, keep a copy of every prayer letter you send.
  • Don’t be worried if those in your new culture think you are weird or different. You are!
  • Don’t expect things to move smoothly. Things in other countries will not work the same as they do in the US.
  • Don’t regret their culture. Their way is ok, even if it is different.
  • Learn to listen to the veteran missionaries on your field. Their advice can help to keep you out of trouble. Ask for and record lessons they have learned.
  • Learn to live on their time.
  • Identify with and circulate in the community. Be seen out and about to develop relationships. Show the locals that you are willing to learn from them.
  • Never forget that you are a guest in their country.
  • There will always be things in your new culture that will be hard. Learn to find what you love about it and focus on those areas.
  • Don’t try to make them American. Part of an indigenous ministry means that it should not be exotic. Don’t try to make your church plant a palm tree on an iceberg. Your church should resemble that culture.
  • When all does not go as you planned, step back and wait on God to reveal His plan.
  • Keep in mind the three major world views, and which one is predominant in your culture. It will help you as you relate to others. 1) Right / Wrong – predominantly a Western mindset 2) Shame / Honor – predominantly an Eastern mindset 3) Fear / Power – predominantly an African mindset
  • When folks are saved, bring them into the discussions and decisions of the ministry. Respect those who live there, and work with them so they realize this ministry is not just about you.
  • Learn what they really need, now what you want to do for them. They might need songbooks rather than more Bibles.
  • Whatever you do, do it legally. It may take more time and money, but it will be worth it.

Q: What tips will help encourage your children to love the ministry?

  • Involve them.
  • Love the ministry yourself, and show that to them. Don’t make it seem miserable. Never speak ill of the ministry or of people.
    Be real. Admit your own mistakes.
    Don’t let the ministry steal family time.
  • Don’t display embarrassing family moments publicly.
  • Help kids realize that the local culture is also their culture, and teach them to embrace it.
  • Remind them that difficulties come to everyone, not just to those in the ministry. Plumbers have bad days too!
    Let them see the blessings of God on a regular basis. Share answers to prayer!
  • Don’t make them feel like they will be second class servants if God does not lead them into a “full time” ministry position. His will is not the same for everyone!
  • Don’t forget about their need of salvation, and until they are saved don’t expect more of them than they are able to do without the Holy Spirit’s enabling.
  • Remember that the only perfect family ever created did not last long. In spite of your good intentions, your children may not turn out as you hope. Not all individuals are the same. Help your children find out who they are, and support them. Be proud of their accomplishments regardless of the area in which they are expressed. Don’t allow them to defeat you and run you out of the ministry. You cannot make their decisions for them. Forgive their mistakes, and let them know you have forgiven them and still love them.

Ministry Moments

We paused this week to hear testimonies from three men in varying stages of deputation. Here is what they shared with us.

Beginning deputation:

StelzigNick & Lindsey Stelzig, along with their son Gabriel, have recently begun deputation to plant churches in Boston, Massachusetts. He shared how God has taught them that He will always provide what we need, when we need it. We must keep a right perspective and attitude, to ensure that we do not become discontent with God during times of waiting.

During deputation:

smothersJoel Smothers is in the midst of his deputation to go to Brazil, where he will minister alongside of the Dickens family. He shared how the Lord has impressed him with Proverbs 4:7. We must seek wisdom and understanding above all. Deputation is a great time to learn things you will need on the field. When you seek this, the Lord will give more than and greater than you expect. One special blessing God has given him on deputation was in leading him to his fiancé, Noel Ring, who grew up as a missionary in Brazil and is currently serving in Puerto Rico. They plan to be married in June of 2017.

Finishing deputation:

One of our missionaries has just completed deputation and will leave this week to go to the Far East. (Their names have been omitted for security purposes.) He shared that the greatest lesson they learned was to expect nothing, for we deserve nothing. If our attitude on deputation is that we are in it for the money, we are no better than someone working in the secular world. Prayer support is so much more important. Our faith must not rest in what man can give us, but in the power of God.

Featured Article: Missionary Orientation School Review

Stalcups Nov 2015

Tim and Kristin Stalcup are some of our newest missionaries. They are just beginning deputation on their journey to working with Muslim outreach in New York City. The Stalcups recently completed World Wide’s new Missionary Orientation School online courses. We asked if he would write a review of his experience for our missions family.

Why should a missionary be enthusiastically excited about these courses?

First of all, the Missionary Orientation School (MOS) courses give those new to World Wide a sense of belonging. In the “Principles and Practices” course it was refreshing to hear that we were on the same page with World Wide. In this course and in the “Character” course, it was encouraging to hear that we were not being coerced into a mold but were given an opportunity to team up with like-minded people. This sense of belonging is expressed also in the final course “Family Fellowship Week.” Of course, we all belong to our own churches and to our own ministries, but it is encouraging to be warmly welcomed into an organization of like-minded missionaries.

Secondly, the MOS courses explain to new missionaries many details of the practical steps of how to arrange meetings, talk to pastors, present the ministry, begin writing prayer letters, and organize finances. No missionary can remember every practical detail from a Bible college missions deputation class. Several of these courses answer many questions and stir the mind to consider new questions to ask (which the office is glad to answer). Although “Ministry Organization” is the eighth course, it is a practical help for preparation for deputation.

Thirdly, the MOS courses inform (or remind) all of the missionaries about the various services offered by World Wide. The leadership of the agency so graciously invites the missionaries to avail themselves of numerous services. The organization, record-keeping, and other forms of assistance by the agency’s office personnel is tremendous.

Fourthly, the MOS courses offer to all missionaries a helpful reminder about Christian character, deportment, and maturity. The courses “Principles and Practices,” “Character,” and “What I Wish I Knew” are chock-full of nuggets of practical wisdom and Biblical principle that could keep many missionaries from wrecking their lives, their homes, and their ministries. For this reason, I highly recommend that missionaries already on the field avail themselves of these easily-accessible reminders.

How complicated are these courses?

For one thing, the classes are all available online! This means missionaries can complete these courses on their time schedule wherever they have internet. In other words, they can watch them on a smartphone, on a laptop, or at an internet cafe. One could take the courses in a barn in Kansas or in a McDonalds in India. They can be done at any time—even 2:00 am. Even if the missionary does not have internet access, World Wide may even arrange a time when he may come to the office to use the office internet. The course material of the videos is strictly conversational dialogue. Therefore, the audio could be appreciated while a person is driving down the road.

Secondly, the courses are all organized in a classy, easy-to-navigate webpage. By logging into his personal account, a missionary can easily keep track of which courses (and even which units of each course) he has completed. The missionary’s comments and his answers to the course questions are automatically forwarded to Bro. O’Malley, who will email a response.

For all of these reasons, the MOS courses should be appreciated by every World Wide missionary. Missionaries should consider them to be an invaluable resource rather than a tedious responsibility. These could be watched together as a couple. Portions of some of them would even serve as tremendous family devotions.

Log in! Watch them! Enjoy them!

Tim Stalcup
2 Cor 5:15

From the Memo Board: July 2016

Mark Your Calendars

It is never too early to plan for next year’s Family Fellowship Week. We will meet June 19-22, 2017, with Pastor Tim Daniel and the New Testament Baptist Church in Kinston, NC. If you are planning a furlough in 2017, please be sure to schedule your travels so you can attend. You will be glad you did!

Learn to Play the Guitar

The Brent Rochester family has a website designed to help you learn to play Gospel music and hymns on a guitar. This can be an invaluable tool on the mission field. Go to for more information.

Sunday School Materials

Providence Road Baptist Church would like to help provide Sunday School materials for missionaries. If you are interested, please email [email protected], and let them know your name, what kind of materials are needed, and where they can send the material. Please also let them know that you are associated with WWNTBM.

Prayer & Dates: June 2016

June Prayer/Praises and Special Dates

Click the link above to download a PDF of prayer requests and praises as well as the birthdays and anniversaries for June. Note: You will need to login to SecureCloud in order to view this document. Once you have logged in, click on Files, Shared, then Headquarter Happenings, then scroll to the month you would like to view. This step protects people with WWNTBM in restricted access fields.

Featured Article: Links & Articles

Every once in a while, we come across good articles that we’d like to share with our missions family. Some are meant to be an encouragement; others are more informative. We hope that these will be a blessing to you. If you have articles you believe would be a help or encouragement to the missions family, please email us and share those!

From Baptist Missionary Women:

Young Missionary Women’s Survey, Part One:
“I think deputation is God’s way of teaching patience, and it is an opportunity to work with and try to be a blessing to hundreds of Christians and other co-laborers you never would get to meet otherwise. So enjoy it! It shouldn’t be a time you look back on with dread. It is also a chance to see God work in ways you haven’t seen yet!”

Young Missionary Women’s Survey, Part Two:
“Practice being positive and making the best with what you have. We all have down days and struggles, but no one has to live there. There are always blessings and things to be thankful for in every situation and generally more than we realize. I believe a happy person and a content person is a thankful person.”

From one of our missionaries in Spain, Lou Ann Keiser:

When God Redirects Your Path

“When God changes your direction, when He moves you, how do you react? Of course, if there’s loss or sickness, you’ll go through grieving, pain, and whatever trial is involved in sickness or disability. How will you react to your new situation, your new path? I don’t think anyone knows before he gets there. But, a Christian is prepared when it happens, even though he might not be aware of it.”

Where’s Home? The Question that Confuses Your Missionaries

“For the new missionary, the answer’s easy. It’s everything he left behind. It’s where he just left. It’s where family and friends are. But, for a missionary with ten years under his belt, he’ll say, “Home? We made our home here.” Or “Oh yes, it’s great to be home.” He’s moved on, his family back home has adjusted, too. And, he’s made new friends and family on his field of service. He’s into the language and culture, and from time to time, he forgets he’s a foreigner. He even dreams in his acquired language!”

From World Wide’s Missions.Today site:

Travel and Credit Card Tips by Gabriel Eiben

“Depending on your field of service, obtaining a credit card linked to an airline that services your field can be a real help with airline ticket costs.”

Guest Room Information

“The Ruwersma family (missionaries to the United Kingdom) has created a database of Guest Rooms in the Northeastern and Southeastern U.S.”

Some of you who currently serve, or plan to serve, in more restricted countries may find this article from Baptist World Missions a great resource to share with friends and family:

Handle with Care: How to safely communicate with missionaries in countries hostile to the Gospel

“Sending a missionary to a foreign country requires great care.  Sending them to a Creative Access Nation—one which forbids missionary endeavor—requires even greater care, especially when it comes to communication.  Here are some suggestions to avoid the ‘minefields.'”

Please note that WWNTBM does not necessarily endorse all of the contents of every site, nor would we necessarily endorse everything by these authors.

From the Memo Board: June 2016

Dates to Know

June 20-24 – the Office will be closed for Family Fellowship Week

July 4 – the Office and U.S. Banks will be closed for Independence Day

Family Week Information

oFamily Week will once again begin with a relaxed meal and opening service. This is to alleviate the challenge of traveling all day and having to rush to prepare for a formal service. Please come in your modest travel clothes. Come early and enjoy the church’s activity fields and facilities! Registration will begin on Monday, June 20, at 4:30 p.m. It will be held at the Radio Station which is on the hill behind the church. Supper will be served at 5:30 p.m. in the picnic shelter next to the Radio Station.

Those who requested lodging will be staying at the Hampton Inn & Suites, located at 1150 Motel Drive, Woodstock, VA 22664. The hotel is off of I-81, Exit #283. Guests may check in as early as 3:00 p.m. Watch your email for important information about children’s activities!

More Graduations

Paul Zimmer, Jr. graduated from high school. Pray for him as he makes plans to attend BJU this fall.

John and Sarah Sinskie recently graduated from Baptist Bible Translators Institute in Texas. Pray for them as they have completed deputation and are preparing to move to the field in the near future.

ESL Classes

We recently asked for your input to help a new missionary who will be teaching English. The information compiled has been published on Missions.Today, and is available by clicking here. Thank you for your help in contributing towards this. If you have more information to add, please let us know.

Sanchez FFW14Spanish Books Available

Bro. Alejandro Sanchez has written two books for Spanish believers. One deals with the subject of divorce. The other deals with definitions of common Biblical words in an effort to make the Bible easier for new believers to understand. More information about these books is available here.

From the Memo Board: May 2016

Dates to Know

May 27 – Adjusted pay date for those who normally receive funds on the 29th

May 30 – The Office will be closed for Memorial Day

June 3 – Adjusted pay date for those who normally receive funds on the 5th

June 20-24 – The Office will be closed for Family Fellowship Week

Bonikowsky Wedding

David and RaquelCongratulations to David Bonikowsky and Raquel Rodriguez, who will be married on Friday, May 6! David grew up in Spain as the son of Andy & Mimi Bonikowsky. In recent years, he has been active in the ministry that his grandparents, Al & Helga Bonikowsky, began in Irun, Spain. Raquel is the daughter of a pastor in southern Spain. Please be in prayer for this young couple as they seek the Lord’s will about future ministry opportunities. They are currently planning to remain in Spain for approximately a year, before returning to the U.S. to raise additional support.

New Baby

Congratulations to Matthew and Jennifer Inboden on the recent birth of Virginia Rose. She was born on March 27 and weighed 8 pounds 5 ounces. Virginia is their fourth child, joining older siblings Julia-Anne (7), Gabriel (5) and Alivia (3). The Inbodens have recently moved to Butte, Montana, where he will pastor the Lighthouse Baptist Church. Please pray for them in this new ministry.


Several in our missions family are graduating this spring. Please be in prayer for them as graduation_01they seek the Lord’s will concerning future plans.

Zachary Daab will be graduating from high school. He will be attending college in the U.S. this fall.

Jonathan Newton has completed his physical therapy training in India.

Joseph Zimmer has graduated from high school. He will be attending BJU this fall.

Missions Website

Missions.Today is a blog where missionaries can share resources and tips about life on the field. The goal is to provide a portal of information where missionaries can share and receive materials pertinent to missions and Christian service. The site is user-driven, and is most useful when many individuals participate in sharing information. We encourage you to browse the site and participate by posting your suggestions and ideas.

Vehicle for Sale

Missionary Sean Quinlan has for sale a 2006 Ford Turtle Top Van Terra E-350 XLT. This configuration seats 12 passengers, in addition to a copilot, and is also equipped for Quinlan Vanwheelchair access, although the wheelchair lift is not included. There is room for additional seats to be installed, if desired. The mileage is 136,900, and the engine runs well. There is some minor body work that could be done. The vehicle is located in Kings Mountain, NC. Asking price is $12,300. For more details please contact Bro. Quinlan at [email protected]. Please help spread this news if you know someone who may be interested.