Tax Time Reminders

Tax season is once again upon us! Here are several reminders concerning tax issues that you may face. We trust that this information will be useful to you, both in giving you a better understanding of your reports and helping you to be aware of items that may affect your personal taxes.

Change from W-2 Forms to 1099 Forms This Year

World Wide Missionaries have always been considered dual status, in that you were self-employed but received a W-2. Following advice from our CPA and tax attorneys, starting with the tax year 2019 we are no longer issuing W-2 Forms, but began instead to issue 1099 Forms to our missionaries. When completing your tax return, you may want to ask your tax preparer about how the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TJCA) affects self-employed individuals. It is our understanding that you may be able to submit an amended return for the year 2018 if you did not fully take advantage of the TJCA benefits when you filed last year.

Tax Paperwork for 2019

Tax-related paperwork generated by WWNTBM is in your SecureCloud folder. This includes your applicable 1099 form, MFR Summary Report, Tax Detail Letter, and Tax Receipts (if you gave through WW in 2019.) Please be sure to look at the second page of the MFR Summary, to see if there are any specific notes for you and your tax preparer. The Tax Details letter is a vital document for you to provide to your tax preparer if you had a housing allowance or if WW submitted estimated taxes for you. If you requested that we submit your tax information directly to your tax preparer, please note that those documents will be sent in mid-February. This is to ensure that there is time for us to include any forms that may arrive in our office from other sources. If you have any questions, please contact Naomi.

1099 Forms from Other Sources

If churches issued funds payable to you in excess of $600 during the year 2019, they may issue you a 1099 form. If those funds were either mailed to the office or included on Line 2 of your MFR as extra income, they are already included in the total of your 1099 from World Wide. Our office can assist you in verifying whether the funds were included in your 1099. Your tax preparer can assist you on your return in recording this so that you are not taxed twice on the same income. We recommend that you request churches to make checks payable to WWNTBM to avoid this issue in the future.

Foreign Tax Exclusion

In order to claim the foreign tax exclusion, you must be out of the US for 330 days over a 12 month period of time; however, these days do not have to be in the same calendar year. In order to gain the full benefit of the foreign tax exclusion, your tax preparer may be able to revise your returns based on the actual time you have spent overseas. Because of this, it is vital to provide your tax preparer with all of your travel dates to and from the US. You may also wish to discuss with them what the best travel dates would be when planning to leave for the field or return on furlough, as this could affect how much you are allowed to claim under the foreign tax exclusion.

It is our understanding that, while the Foreign Tax Exclusion does benefit many of our missionaries, it may not always be the best solution, as there are other situations which may give a greater benefit. Some of those options may affect taxes not only for this year but for future years as well. This is another reason we recommend consulting a tax professional who can advise you in relation to your unique circumstance.

Healthcare and Your Taxes

Our financial report gives a location for you to track ‘health insurance costs.’ However, each individual situation is different. Some use this area to record traditional health insurance, some use it to record expenses through the Marketplace, and others use it to record details for a health care sharing ministry such as Samaritan Ministries. While all of these are health-related costs, each of the examples affects your taxes in a different way. Please be sure that your tax preparer is aware of the details of your health coverage, as it may affect how they complete your tax return.

Estimated Tax Payments

Missionaries are considered to be self-employed and are therefore subject to self-employment taxes. Submitting quarterly estimated tax payments throughout the year will help to prevent having a large tax payment due each April. In addition, if you will owe at least $1,000 in taxes, the IRS requires self-employed individuals to submit quarterly estimated tax payments. Estimated tax payments can be submitted on your own, or, if you are interested, you may contact Kim O’Malley for information on how we can submit them for you.

Tax Paperwork for those with Foreign Bank Accounts

US Treasury Department regulations require that if you have any foreign bank accounts, and if the sum total of all of your foreign accounts has ever been $10,000 at any given time during the past year, you must complete the IRS Foreign Bank and Financial Account Form (FBAR) and give it to your tax preparer. This includes all foreign accounts on which you are a signatory, such as a ministry account. This form, and further information about it, is available on the IRS website at Please refer to the IRS website and your tax preparer if you have any questions.

Utilizing a Tax Professional

Studies have shown that the average person who uses a tax professional, instead of filing their own taxes, receives a much greater tax return. The savings far exceed the amount spent to hire a professional. Many have also found that using tax software does not always compare to the benefits of using a professional, either. In many instances, it is not that the software or the self-filer is wrong, but that other choices may be better. (Information is taken from

It is also good to note that not all professionals are familiar with tax situations that might affect you. We encourage all missionaries to use a certified tax preparer who is familiar with special tax situations that affect missionaries and those living overseas. A listing of tax preparers used by other missionaries is available on SecureCloud, under the Forms and Manuals section.

Items to Provide to Your Tax Preparer

In addition to your 1099 Form(s), MFR Summary, and Tax Details Letter from World Wide, you may wish to provide the following to your tax preparer as it will assist them in filing your taxes.

  1. List of dates you were in the US vs out of the country during the year.
  2. Details of all housing-related expenses, to be used in addition to the amount of your Approved Housing Allowance, for use in completing Worksheet 1 of IRS Publication 517.
  3. Information on any retirement plans you have contributed to during the year, or that you have received distribution from during the year.
  4. Names and Social Security Numbers for all family members.
  5. Names and dates of any family births or deaths (children or spouse), as well as whether you were married during the year.

You may need to submit taxes in your foreign country, as well as in the US. Consult with a local tax preparer about this possibility. This may be especially true if you receive funds from that country.

From the Memo Board: February 2020

Dates to Know

February 17 – You should receive an email with the new 2020 MFR Template, including the new mileage rates.

February 17 – All U.S. Banks will be closed in honor of Presidents’ Day

February 24 – Bank transfers may be limited as our bank will be performing website maintenance procedures

March 1 – January Financial Reports will be due.

April 1 – February Financial Reports will be due.

June 15-18 – Family Fellowship Week in Kinston, NC.

Benefits of Financial Reports

The Monthly Financial Report (MFR) is the tool that missionaries can use to become accountable to WWNTBM for their reimbursable expenses, rather than having all funds listed as personal earnings. Over the course of 2019, 81% of those eligible chose to submit MFRs. By doing so, they were able to reduce their 1099 Personal Earnings by a combined average of 33.63%. If you are not currently utilizing MFRs and would like information about how to begin, please contact our office.

Financial Status Report

We have uploaded a Financial Status Report to your SecureCloud account, showing figures for the fourth quarter of 2019. This is meant to show you the financial details that we have on file, such as your support estimate and the average amount of support you received this past quarter. This is the information we provide to pastors who may call about your ministry. We ask that all missionaries update their support estimate once every four years, or as their lives and ministries change. Please review this information and contact us if you have any questions.

Retirement Accounts

As self-employed individuals missionaries have available to you and/or your spouse these Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) options:

1. Traditional IRA
2. Roth IRA
5. Solo 401(k)

You are also able to open an account with any investment firm of your choice.

Click here to read an article that helps in understanding the benefits of each account.

Another helpful article from Dave Ramsey is available by clicking here.

You may want to speak with someone about your retirement options. David O’Malley, Bro. O’Malley’s brother, is an advisor for Edward Jones. He has offered to assist our missionaries in any way, even if they are not a client of his. His offer is a no-cost unbiased consultation. His phone number is 561-833-9123.

Most investment firms offer the above IRA options to independent contractors. (Independent Contractor is the term the IRS uses to describe your relationship to WW as a self-employed missionary.) You will need to discuss your options with the firm. The investment firm will have specific instructions for you once you make the choice of what type of account you want. When you have opened your account, you can contact Kim O’Malley and she will be happy to send your monthly contribution in for you.

Speaking with an investment advisor and/or your CPA can help you in choosing the best plan for you and your family. There are more options available to you than ever before. Please do not delay. Adding retirement investing to your monthly budget means preparing for your family’s future. Kim O’Malley is now a certified Master Financial Coach and is available to assist our missionaries with this topic.

Registering Your Ministry

If your ministry has been chartered and established as a non-profit organization, we recommend getting a bank account in its name and then going through the process of registering it as a Foreign Non-Profit Organization with our CPA. This process takes several months and costs around $400. The purpose is to show that your ministry meets IRS standards to be considered a public rather than a private charity. With this status, funds for purchases such as land may be able to be sent directly to your ministry, thus eliminating your personal tax liability. Please note that there are limitations to this option. If you are planning to raise funds for the purchase of land or buildings, it would be advantageous to have this step in place before funds arrive in our office for such a project. Please contact our office for more information.

Uplift Podcast

The following recordings were recently published on You may access the site by entering the username: wwntbm and the password: gospel. These recordings for our missions family contain the Uplift calls in their entirety, including prayer requests and challenges to our missionaries. We hope they will encourage your heart.

Health and Fitness on the Road and Field by Josh Wagar

A Great Door by Mike Norris

10 Thoughts on the Life of a Missionary by Rick Osborn

Commitment by Josh Wagar

Prayer & Dates: February 2020

February Prayer/Praises and Special Dates

Click the link above to download a PDF of prayer requests and praises as well as the birthdays and anniversaries for February. Note: You will need to login to SecureCloud in order to view this document. Once you have logged in, click on Files, Shared, then Headquarter Happenings, then scroll to the month you would like to view. This step protects people with WWNTBM in restricted access fields.


Featured Article: Abounding Therein with Thanksgiving

Bro. Tim Germano and his family have just completed their first term serving in the Dominican Republic. We hope his article about abounding with thanksgiving will be a blessing to you as you begin the new year.

As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.” Colossians 2:6-7

Paul penned these verses to a church that he had not met yet. He was encouraged by what he heard from the city of Colosse, and he desired to help them even more through his epistle. He told them in Colossians 2:6 that since they had received Christ as their Savior, then they ought to walk in him. The word walk means conducting oneself. It means progress. The church was to be moving forward for the Lord and modeling their lives after his life. He described this walk in Colossians 2:7. I want to focus on the last part of the verse. He said, “Abounding therein with thanksgiving.” God desires that we abound in our walk with him. He does not want us to just “coast” through life and get by.

I know that believers, myself included, too often are content with just checking off the boxes in their Christian walk. I go to church. I try to pray and read my Bible. I want to be a good testimony. But, God desires for us to do more than solely trudge along. He wants us to abound! The word abounding in the Greek means “to be over and above” (Strong’s Concordance). He wants us “to be over and above” in our walk in him. He wants us to be fruitful in this life. He wants us to abound in the qualities of a Christian who is conformed to the image of Christ!

Paul finished the thought of the verse, “Abounding therein with thanksgiving.” One of the ways that we abound in our walk with the Lord is in our thanksgiving. As we think of Thanksgiving this week, may we remember to abound in thanksgiving the other fifty-one weeks of the year! If we want to abound in our Christian walk, we must abound in gratitude to the Lord for who he is and what he has done. Paul told the Thessalonian believers, “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” God’s will for each and every believer is thankfulness in everything—the good, the bad, and the ugly!

As we thank the Lord and dwell on Him, we will walk as He walked. When we are thankful, it is hard to be negative! When we are praising the Lord for who He is, it is hard to criticize our brother! When we are offering gratitude to the Lord for what He has done, it is difficult to complain about our circumstances. May we abound in our Christian walk, and may we do so with thanksgiving in everything each and every day of the year!

If this has been a blessing to you or you would like to share your thoughts with Bro. Germamo, you can contact him via email here.

Prayer & Dates: January 2020

January Prayer/Praises and Special Dates

Click the link above to download a PDF of prayer requests and praises as well as the birthdays and anniversaries for January. Note: You will need to login to SecureCloud in order to view this document. Once you have logged in, click on Files, Shared, then Headquarter Happenings, then scroll to the month you would like to view. This step protects people with WWNTBM in restricted access fields.


From the Memo Board: January 2020

Dates to Know

January 1 – November Financial Reports were due.

January 9 – Missionaries will receive their statements of December Support Received.

January 13 – All missionaries will receive their final December support on this day, regardless of the day they normally receive support.

January 15 – December Financial Reports will be due, along with any remaining receipts or financial paperwork for 2019.

January 31 – 1099 Forms and other tax documentation for the 2019 year will be available.

March 1 – January Financial Reports will be due.

June 15-18 – Family Fellowship Week in Kinston, NC.

SecureCloud Packets

At the end of each month, we scan any mail that has come to the Office and place it in your SecureCloud folder. This would include check stubs for all bills paid by the office, as well as any cards or correspondence from donors. Please be sure to check SecureCloud periodically, especially once you receive the notice that December packets have been uploaded, as many missionaries have received Christmas cards and letters which are available to you there.

January Income Totals

During a typical month, we close the books on the 25th, and any checks received after that date are posted to the following month. Due to receipting requirements, we cannot do this in the month of December. As a result, please be aware that your December support total may be higher than normal, while your January support total may be lower than normal. Please be sure to plan ahead for this!

Housing Allowances for 2020

Housing allowances previously in place have automatically rolled over to the new year. Missionaries who are ordained are eligible to have a housing allowance in place, which can provide certain tax benefits. If you did not have a housing allowance in 2019 and would like to have one for 2020, or if you have questions regarding this, please contact our office.

New Excel Template

A new Excel template for the year 2020 will be available during the second week of February. This will give us time to review the need for any possible updates. January financial reports will be due on March 1. Should you wish to complete your report before the new template is available, you are welcome to submit it on the 2019 template.

New Mileage Rate

Beginning on January 1st, the IRS mileage rate has decreased to $0.575 per mile for business/ministry miles. This change will be reflected in the new Excel template for 2020.


“Fellowship” can be defined as “friendly association, especially with people who share one’s interests; a group of people meeting to pursue a shared interest or aim.” It has been said that fellowship, as described in the Bible, is coming together with other people. Good fellowship is when, as a result of coming together, there is an interchange of encouragement. Such fellowship is the goal of our annual meeting! Please make plans to join us in Kinston, North Carolina, from June 15-18.

Update on John O’Malley

We are grateful for the outpouring of love and concern that has been shown for Bro. O’Malley during his recovery from heart surgery. Many continue to ask about his welfare. He is continuing physical therapy and is on track to finish early on January 31. He is slowly regaining strength. Please click here to read his latest newsletter.

Wedding Bells!!

Congratulations to Colton and Melodie Lee, who were married on November 23rd! Colton has served as a furlough replacement for several of our missionaries. When not on the mission field, the couple travels in evangelism. Pray for them as they begin their new life together.

Celebrating Ninety Years!

Congratulations to Clyde Eborn, who will celebrate his 90th Birthday on January 26th. Bro. Eborn is one of the founders of WWNTBM and continues to serve on our Board of Reference. He and his wife Shelby were instrumental in starting the Grace Baptist Church of Newport in 1962, which he continues to pastor. The ministry grew to include a Christian school in 1970, and a radio station in 1988, which now reaches over 230 countries through its Fundamental Broadcasting Network. We are grateful to Bro. Eborn for his influence on World Wide through the years. Greetings may be sent to him at [email protected], or c/o Grace Baptist Church, 520 Roberts Road, Newport, NC 28570.

Registering to Vote

The year 2020 will again hold many important elections. While we know the outcome is truly in the Lord’s hands, we encourage all missionaries to take advantage of the freedoms we have in the United States to vote in local and federal elections. We have gathered information on early and absentee voting. Click here to learn more.

From the Memo Board: December 2019

Dates to Know

December 1 – October Financial Reports will be due.

December 9 – All prayer letters should be submitted to our staff in order for your recipients to get them before Christmas.

December 18 – Please contact us by this date via Signal if you will need funds in your account before Christmas or the end of the year.

December 23-27 – The Office will be closed in celebration of Christmas.

January 1 – November Financial Reports will be due.

January 9 – Missionaries will receive their statements of December Support Received.

January 13 – All missionaries will receive their final December support on this day, regardless of the day they normally receive support.

January 15 – December Financial Reports will be due, along with any remaining receipts or financial paperwork for 2019.

January 31 – 1099 Forms and other tax documentation for the 2019 year will be available.

June 15-18 – Family Fellowship Week in Kinston, NC

December Support

Please contact us via Signal by December 18 if you would like funds in your account before Christmas. Final December support distributions will be made on January 13th for all missionaries, regardless of their regular pay date. Contacting us by December 18 will enable us to schedule your funds around bank closings and holiday hours. Should you have an emergency need after December 20, you may contact our staff at the following numbers:

Kim O’Malley: 704-974-1008
Naomi Torberson: 704-692-7237

January Income Totals

During a typical month, we close the books on the 25th, and any checks received after that date are posted to the following month. Due to receipting requirements, we cannot do this in the month of December. As a result, please be aware that your December support total may be higher than normal, while your January support total may be lower than normal. Please be sure to plan ahead for this!

Family Reunion Time

“A family reunion is an occasion when many members of an extended family congregate. Sometimes reunions are held regularly, for example on the same date of every year. A typical family reunion will assemble for a meal, some recreation and discussion. It is also not uncommon for regular family reunions to be sponsored by family organizations.” – Wikipedia

Family Fellowship Week matches the above definition of a reunion! We hope you are making plans to join us for this annual event, which begins on the third Monday of June each year. Come experience the joy of uniting with fellow missionaries from around the world. Taste the delicious cooking provided by the New Testament Baptist Church family. Relax in an atmosphere surrounded by those who *get* what it means to face ministry away from family and friends. Soak up the times of fellowship. Share prayer requests and testimonies of God’s goodness. Learn from the older generations. Encourage the younger generations. Celebrate with us the beginning of our 50th year of ministry. Don’t miss this exciting week, to be held June 15-18 in Kinston, NC!

New Baby

Jeremiah Joseph Town was born on November 14. He weighed 10 pounds 4 ounces and was 22 inches long. Jeremiah is the fifth child of Josh and Joanna Town who work with Arabic-speaking people in Philadelphia, PA. The Towns’ older children are Juliana (8), Jayla (6), Jennifer (3), and Joshua (1). Pray for them as they are working to start a new church.

Missionary Housing Available

Missionary housing is available for rent in the Shelby, NC, area from April 15, 2020 – January 15, 2021. The four-bedroom, two-and-a-half-bath home is $625 per month, plus electric utilities. Contact Don Clarke at [email protected] for more details.

Check out our missions resource blog at Missions.Today for more great information. Feel free to submit posts that may help other missionaries.

Uplift Podcast

The following recordings were recently published on You may access the site by entering the username: wwntbm and the password: gospel. These recordings for our missions family contain the Uplift calls in their entirety, including prayer requests and challenges to our missionaries. We hope they will encourage your heart.

Success by Ken Sparks

Counted but Loss by Michael Riffel

Exceeding Abundantly Above by Jeremy Lockhart

Pure Religion by Gene Krachenfels

Enter Into the Rock by Stephen Knickerbocker

Fruit That May Abound by David Landers

Dealing with Discouragement by Matt Brown

Prayer & Dates: December 2019

December Prayer/Praises and Special Dates

Click the link above to download a PDF of prayer requests and praises as well as the birthdays and anniversaries for December. Note: You will need to login to SecureCloud in order to view this document. Once you have logged in, click on Files, Shared, then Headquarter Happenings, then scroll to the month you would like to view. This step protects people with WWNTBM in restricted access fields.

Prayer & Dates: November 2019

November Prayer/Praises and Special Dates

Click the link above to download a PDF of prayer requests and praises as well as the birthdays and anniversaries for November. Note: You will need to login to SecureCloud in order to view this document. Once you have logged in, click on Files, Shared, then Headquarter Happenings, then scroll to the month you would like to view. This step protects people with WWNTBM in restricted access fields.

From the Memo Board: November 2019

Dates to Know

November 1 – September Financial Reports will be due.

November 11 – Most US Banks will be closed for Veterans Day.

November 22 – Please contact us by this date via Signal if you will need funds in your account before Thanksgiving.

November 28-29 – The Office will be closed in celebration of Thanksgiving.

December 1 – October Financial Reports will be due.

December 9 – All prayer letters should be submitted to our staff in order for your recipients to get them before Christmas.

December 18 – Please contact us by this date via Signal if you will need funds in your account before Christmas or the end of the year.

December 23-27 – The Office will be closed in celebration of Christmas.

January 1 – November Financial Reports will be due.

January 9 – Missionaries will receive their statements of December Support Received.

January 13 – All missionaries will receive their final December support on this day, regardless of the day they normally receive support.

January 15 – December Financial Reports will be due, along with any remaining receipts or financial paperwork for 2019.

January 31 – 1099 Forms and other tax documentation for the 2019 year will be available.

January Income Totals

During a typical month, we close the books on the 25th, and any checks received after that date are posted to the following month. Due to receipting requirements, we cannot do this in the month of December. As a result, please be aware that your December support total may be higher than normal, while your January support total may be lower than normal. Please be sure to plan ahead for this!

Upcoming Financial Reports

Please prepare now to ensure that your year-end financial reports are submitted on time. October reports are due December 1, November reports are due January 1, and December reports are due January 15. If it is possible for you to submit reports before the due dates, that would greatly assistant our staff. Please note, it is fine to submit a report without waiting for the Line 1 income figure. We can add that for you as needed. Reports should be submitted to [email protected]. Please be sure to include all receipts for expenses $75 and over at the same time you submit your report so there are no delays in processing. Thank you for your help in these areas.

WWNTBM of Canada

World Wide maintains an office in Canada, to assist our missionaries in raising funds from Canadian donors. We are grateful for Ernie and Darlene Bauserman, who have managed this office for many years. The address has recently changed. Please be sure to update this in your records.

WWNTBM of Canada
PO Box 116
Elliot Lake, ON P5A 2J6

If you will be visiting churches in Canada, please be aware there are special requirements for accountability of the funds, to ensure you do not have to pay taxes in both countries. Contact our office if you have any questions.

Prayer Card Resource

PBC Graphics is a local church design option for new missionaries and veteran missionaries to have prayer cards that look sharp and get the message of their mission across. Call 641-226-0490 or email [email protected] for more information.

Did you know? World Wide hosts a special resource blog, Missions.Today. Its purpose is to provide a place for missionaries to exchange resources and tips about life on the field and deputation. We encourage missionaries to submit suggestions and to make this resource available to other missionaries with whom you come in contact.

Uplift Podcast

The following recordings were recently published on You may access the site by entering the username: wwntbm and the password: gospel. These recordings for our missions family contain the Uplift calls in their entirety, including prayer requests and challenges to our missionaries. We hope they will encourage your heart.

The Spiritual Life of a Missionary/Pastor by Freeman Weems

Our Hope by Elwood Hurst

None of These Things Move Me by Mike Smith

A Token for Good by Gabe Eiben

Deputation Obstacles by Jeremy Lockhart

Spiritual Discouragement by Tim Germano

Prayer Letter Tips by Duey Whitfield

No Excuses! by Markie Bullock