Furlough Preparations

Many of you are making preparations to come home on furlough this year, some for the first time. Following are some tips that can assist you in making a smooth transition. Please let us know if there is any way we can assist you with your plans.

  • You may want to consult with your tax preparer before purchasing tickets, as your date of travel will affect your ability to claim the Foreign Income Exclusion.
  • Family Week always begins on the third Monday of June. Be sure to put this on your calendar and schedule your travel dates so you can attend. This year’s meeting will be in Shelby, NC.
  • Prayer cards can easily be designed and ordered in advance, so they are ready when you arrive in the US. Please be sure to supply the Office with 20-30 copies of your new card.
  • You may wish to update your support estimate prior to returning to the US so that you have current information to provide to your supporters. We recommend that support estimates be updated at least once every four years, or as you see changes in your family and ministry.
  • You may wish to review your Housing Allowance to be sure it is adequate to cover any needs while you are in the US, especially if you will be renting a home during your furlough.
  • Be aware that some financial report items will be different when you are in the US. For example, if you will be driving a vehicle not owned by you, there are different recordkeeping requirements. Meals and lodging will also be affected. We recommend that you read over at least the sections of the manual dealing with vehicle expenses and travel prior to returning to the US, so you are familiar with these items.
  • Be aware that your ministry expenses on the field will be very different from what they are on furlough. In addition, you may begin receiving love offerings from churches you visit on furlough, which may increase your overall income. We recommend adjusting your estimated tax payments to allow for these changes.
  • Be sure to contact your insurance company to ensure that you will be covered while in the US.
  • Be sure to bring all receipts and financial paperwork with you, so that there is no delay in submitting your reports while on furlough.
  • While you are in the US, you may wish to consider updating your will and updating any Powers of Attorney or other legal forms. Our staff members are notary publics and may be able to assist you with some aspects of this if you will be in our area during your furlough.
  • Be sure to schedule some time to rest and relax. Don’t push yourself and your family to the point of burnout!
  • Please be sure to let the Office know in advance of your travel plans!

WWNTBM Security Protocols

Thank you for your patience with us as we have begun implementing new security protocols. Our goal is to keep your banking and financial information safe, rather than transmitting it through email, which is insecure. If you have not yet contacted our Office to set up your security questions and receive your code phrase(s), please do so as soon as possible.

Using Signal Private Messenger

We request all sensitive information communication go through Signal Private Messenger or via a traditional phone call, rather than by email. If a question arises as to the identity of the individual with whom we are communicating, we will request your code phrase(s) &/or the answer(s) to the security questions you have set up with us. For most general communication, including prayer letters and Monthly Financial Reports, email is acceptable. Click here to download the WWNTBM Quick Reference Guide to Security Protocols, which gives guidelines for when to use Signal Private Messenger vs. who to email for various situations. If for some reason you ever feel there is a need for communication to be more secure, you are welcome to use Signal Private Messenger.

Using SecureCloud

Starting with your July Ledger (Ministry Expense &/or Salary Report) and with your August Support list, these files will now be uploaded to SecureCloud instead of sent to you via email. Of course, your monthly packets will continue to be posted to SecureCloud as well. Following are some reminders about utilizing SecureCloud.

You may access SecureCloud via the website https://cloud.wwntbm.com

The following applications allow you to access SecureCloud on your iOS and Android devices. Download the appropriate application:

Click here to download NextCloud iOS

Click here to download NextCloud Android

You will need three things to login with the NextCloud application:

‣ Server Address: https://cloud.wwntbm.com

‣ User name:

‣ Password:

Click here to watch a video on how to change or retrieve your SecureCloud password.

Click here to watch a video on how to share files in SecureCloud.

Using Password Managers

The weakest link to any security protocol is your personal password(s). We suggest that you make them long, complex, and random; do not use the same password for multiple accounts or websites; and set up a schedule to change your passwords on a regular basis. Using a Password Manager can assist you to remember various account information. Below are helpful links for choosing passwords and for managing and storing them.

Missionary Scrapbook

The Bourdess family received a beautiful snowfall in Alaska!
The Bourdess family received a beautiful snowfall in Alaska!
Bro. Bibey on the tractor in Florida helping Memorial Baptist Church (Ocala, FL).
Joshua Brown enjoying a rest while out visiting in Cambodia.
Gabriel Stelzig was a little worn out after a Sunday morning deputation meeting!
Gabriel Stelzig was a little worn out after a Sunday morning deputation meeting!
Bro. Sammy McNeill had a wonderful youth rally at North Moore High School in Robbins, NC last month. About 600 young people attended and at least 14 got saved!
Bro. Sammy McNeill had a wonderful youth rally at North Moore High School in Robbins, NC last month. About 600 young people attended and at least 14 got saved!
Teens and kids who attended Bro. Sammy McNeill’s youth rally.
Azelia Ortiz enjoying the animals at the Safari Park in Virginia while traveling on deputation.
Azelia Ortiz enjoying the animals at the Safari Park in Virginia while traveling on deputation.

Featured Article: 2016 Pastors’ Conference in Beirut, Lebanon

Krachenfels Gene FFW14Executive Board Member, Dr. Gene Krachenfels, travelled to Lebanon to speak in the seminary. John O’Malley asked Brother Krachenfels to share with us his experiences and testimony of what God is doing in this region.

Bible Baptist Seminary, Lebanon
July 10-15, 2016

This year’s Pastors’ Conference in Beirut, Lebanon was a tremendous meeting. Pastors and church members alike from Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, and Germany were in attendance for this week of preaching and teaching. “Al-hamdu lillah” (The praise is God’s) was a commonly heard phrase throughout the conference as attendees were challenged to serve the Lord in a variety of ways. With nearly 150 in attendance, Pastor Milad Khaled and Brother Edgar Feghaly did a great job coordinating this event. Setting and adjusting the speaking schedule, transporting speakers and guests to and from the conference center, interpreting each of the lectures and services, distributing teaching materials, along with a wide variety of administrative details, all came together perfectly.

The meeting’s four speakers were assigned subjects intended to encourage and instruct those present. Edgar Feghaly taught about the fallacies of the Watchtower Society and Jehovah’s Witnesses, Dr. Jerry Scheidbach (Lighthouse Baptist Church, Santa Maria, CA) addressed the importance of Prayer and Fasting, Dr. Ray Shutt (Church of the Open Door, Westminster, MD) went through a Soul-Winning and Discipleship course, and I reviewed the history and errors of Reformed Theology and Calvinism. To complete each day’s lectures, Dr. Norris Belcher (pastor of the Church of the Open Door, Westminster, MD) preached uplifting and convicting messages that were greatly used of God.

This year’s meeting for the Bible Baptist Seminary was held at the Beit El Safa Conference Center in the mountains north of Beirut. Far removed from the city, its quiet setting allowed attendees to concentrate on studying God’s Word, fellowshipping with those of like precious faith, and having their spiritual batteries recharged.

Getting to know these pastors, hearing their testimonies, and learning about their ministries was both challenging and convicting. The difficulties and dangers these men face on a daily basis are very real, yet they continue to faithfully serve the Lord. The Apostle Paul reminded Timothy, “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” Any believer who is living for the Lord experiences trials, difficulties, and opposition along the way, but when resistance becomes more than verbal it takes on a whole new meaning. It was a privilege to meet and to be with these dear saints, most of which we will not see again this side of glory. But what a joy to know that one day we, with all of the saints of God, will gather from lands near and far at the feet of the Lord Jesus Christ and worship Him Who is worthy to receive all glory and honor and power.

God is working mightily through these men and others like them as they preach the Gospel of Christ to those who are diametrically opposed to this wonderful message of salvation. Please remember to pray for them as they tirelessly labor in the Middle East in the face of the daily threat of persecution. Also continue to pray for Brother Edgar Feghaly as he works to aid these brethren in their work and to provide them with sound Biblical training that they may commit to others that which they have received.

From Our President: August 2016

Danny Whetstone

Paul dealt with many problems in the church at Corinth. One of those problems was so important that he dedicated an entire chapter to it. In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul instructed the church on the truth concerning the resurrection of Christ. Not only did he deal with the fact of Christ’s resurrection, but also with how it will affect us directly between now and the resurrection of the saints.

We learn from this that we are already victorious simply because Christ got up out of the grave. Victory is not in question! There will undoubtedly be difficult days during our earthly journey, but in the end, victory has already been secured for us. There are probably days when it seems that absolutely everything goes wrong. Maybe there are even times when you feel that it just is not worth the effort. However, I remind you that we know the final score, and no matter what it looks like on a daily basis, we know that Christ lives to provide for us victory by His power.

Furthermore, because we have this promise, we should be motivated to be “steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.” It seems that we are living in a time when mediocrity is the flavor of the day. Treading water, getting by, and doing less than our best is the acceptable norm. Our world has never needed our fervent witness for Christ more than it does today. We certainly do not live in a day when there is any danger of anyone accusing us of being fanatical.

The unscriptural teaching concerning the resurrection was not only affecting the believers in Corinth, but it was also confusing to the lost. Paul challenged the church to wake up and realize that not everyone knew the truth, and charged that they should be ashamed for making things even worse by their arguments concerning the resurrection. It seems as though Corinth has spread to the entire world today. Arguments have superseded our burden for a lost world far too often.

This is the perfect time for us to be steadfast. This is the perfect time for us to be unmovable. This would be the perfect time for us to abound in the work of the Lord. May God so manifest Himself to us that we would realize that we cannot only have victory in the future, but we can have it today.

May the Lord bless your labor of love for His glory.

In His Service,
Danny A. Whetstone