Twenty-five cents, plus all the promises of God!

by John O’Malley

“Twenty-five cents, plus all the promises of God!” – Hudson Taylor

Recently I read Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret. Brother Taylor wrote many letters. His words encouraged me, and I believe they will encourage you.

In a letter to a friend:

“Never has our work entailed such real trial or so much exercise of faith. The sickness of our beloved friend, Miss Blatchley, and her strong desire to see me; the needs of our dear children; the state of funds; the changes required in the work to admit of some going home, others coming out, and of further expansion, and many other things not easily expressed in writing, would be crushing burdens if we were to bear them. But the Lord bears us and them too, and makes our hearts so very glad in Himself—not Himself plus a bank balance—that I have never known greater freedom from care and anxiety.

The other week, when I reached Shanghai, we were in great and immediate need. The mails were both in, but no remittance! And the folios showed no balance at home. I cast the burden on the Lord. Next morning on waking I felt inclined to trouble, but the Lord gave me a word—“I know their sorrows, and am come down to deliver”; “Certainly I will be with thee”—and before 6 a.m. I was as sure that help was at hand as when, near noon, I received a letter from Mr. Mueller which had been to Ningpo and was thus delayed in reaching me, and which contained more than three hundred pounds.

My need now is great and urgent, but God is greater and more near. And because He is and is what He is, all must be, all is, all will be well. Oh, my dear brother, the joy of knowing the living God, of seeing the living God, of resting on the living God in our very special and peculiar circumstances! I am but His agent. He will look after His own honour, provide for His own servants, and supply all our need according to His own riches, you helping by your prayers and work of faith and labour of love.”

In a letter to his wife:
“The balance in hand yesterday was eighty-seven cents. The Lord reigns; herein is our joy and rest!”

In a letter to Mr. Baller:
“Twenty-five cents, plus all the promises of God! Why, one felt as rich as Croesus, and sang:”
“I would not change my blest estate
For all the earth holds good or great;
And while my faith can keep its hold,
I envy not the sinner’s gold.”

Fellow missionary and friend, no matter your financial estate today, your “twenty-five cents, plus all the promises of God” are enough. “The Lord reigns. Herein is our joy and rest.”

Yours for the harvest,
John O’Malley