What Have I Learned in 39 Years of Ministry?

by John O’Malley

Thirty-nine years ago this month, I began in ministry. On the anniversary of this event, I decided to write what I learned. I wrote these lessons to help me process, reflect, and remember the goodness of God over these years.

I know I can say with confidence thirty-nine years later:

    1. I chose not to see the scars, just the grace applied.
    2. I decided not to feel the bruises, just the mercy received.
    3. I chose not to remember pains, just the healing.
    4. I stood by gravesides and knew God’s comfort.
    5. I sat with the dying and knew hopeful sorrow.
    6. I sat with the grieving and saw their grace in grief.
    7. I was blessed to have friends and receive their forgiveness.
    8. I was blessed to walk the most challenging paths but was never alone.
    9. I was blessed to know a real friend.
    10. I learned that an enemy’s view of me is not God’s.
    11. I learned those who made themselves enemies can become teachers, helpers, and friends.
    12. I received mercy when I erred with friends.
    13. I received grace for my faults and failures from friends.
    14. I saw betrayal and loyalty from the same person.
    15. I learned hurt can become hope.
    16. I learned disappointment can become a classroom.
    17. I learned that the truth from the inner circle is better than flattery from any source.
    18. I knew love because of my wife.
    19. I held life’s greatest joy: the birth of a child.
    20. I saw God enlarged my heart when I met our daughter-in-law.
    21. I shed unfamiliar tears upon the news of a granddaughter joining our family.
    22. I learned life’s greatest treasures are the relationships made.
    23. I learned the greatest gift you can give your spouse, family, ministry, and supporters is being mentally and emotionally healthy and self-aware.
    24. I learned prayer is the best response.
    25. I learned it is best to believe in others.
    26. I found forgiveness is better.
    27. I found life is too precious to spend time pouting.
    28. I learned when uncertain to do the next right thing.
    29. I discovered a child’s smile is life-giving.
    30. I learned failures are not final.
    31. I learned forgiveness is a choice.
    32. I learned I do not need a man’s approval.
    33. I learned holding the same doctrinal position is more straightforward than changing positions.
    34. I learned a friend stays.
    35. I learned that when God pauses my plans, He works out His plan.
    36. I learned believing in people inspires them.
    37. I learned responding in kind is different from responding with kindness.
    38. I learned the cruelest and kindest words can come from the same people, including me.
    39. I learned childhood wounds do not have to hinder you; they can help you.
    40. I learned that I choose when I can get over whatever hurt me.
    41. I found remembering the delights of the Lord is better than remembering life’s disappointments.
    42. I learned the hope of watching God work tomorrow is better than today’s frustration.
    43. I learned discouragement is a luxury I cannot afford.
    44. I know God is faithful.
    45. I know God gives emotions.
    46. I know God can.
    47. I know God uses afflictions.
    48. I know God’s word is true.
    49. I know to everything, there is a season.
    50. I know applying grace is easier than holding a grudge.

Does one of these lessons resonate with you? What lessons have you learned that you want to share with me? I would love to read them.

Yours for the harvest,
John O’Malley

If this article has been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. O’Malley to let him know.


Waiting on God, Whose Timeline is Longer than Our Own

by John O’Malley

God inhabits a place called eternity.
We occupy a space called the present.
God, Who dwells in eternity, can work in your present.
The contrast between your daily life and His work creates an exciting dynamic for man and a tension between our now and His when.
This tension will create either a dependency on Him or ourselves.
Wait for Him; He’s worth it.

Yours for the harvest,
John O’Malley

The Homegoing of Pastor Stanley Cline

Stanley Cline
September 20, 1934 – August 2, 2023

Stanley B. Cline was born on September 20, 1934. He was raised in a fundamental Baptist church and was privileged to grow up hearing men like Harry Ironside; Dr. Bob Jones, Sr.; Frank Logsdon; Jacob Gartenhaus; and Herbert Lockyer preach. Missions was the heartbeat of his home church and helped to shape his view of ministry.

He married Eunice Marvine Sanders on July 3, 1953. After serving in business for 12 years, the Lord led him to pastor the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Salisbury, NC. While pastoring, he began holding mission conferences at the church and assisted many missionaries in getting to the field. In 1985, the Clines visited Micronesia on a survey trip, and they joined WWNTBM in March of 1988.

The Clines arrived on the island of Majuro in the Marshal Islands in May of 1990, where he pastored the Majuro Independent Baptist Church until 2002. He began radio station V7AA and started the Majuro Baptist Christian Academy during his pastorate. The work was turned over to national pastor Helmer Lang in 2003, and the Clines returned to the United States. They remained in close contact with the ministry in Majuro, encouraging the church, raising funds, and helping to find teachers for the school.

For the next 11 years, the Clines represented WWNTBM as Deputation Director in churches, colleges, and conferences. They were able to return to Majuro in 2011 for MBCA’s first graduation ceremonies. Brother Cline filled the pulpit for many churches in the US, and they helped establish a Spanish ministry in their home church. They served as furlough replacements for missionaries in Grenada, British Columbia, South Korea, Italy, and Aruba. In 2014, the Lord led him to take the pastorate of the Solid Rock Baptist Church in Timberville, VA.

Brother Cline went to be with his Lord on August 2, 2023. He is survived by Marvine, his wife of 70 years, and their three children: Margaret (Joseph) Pierce, Daniel (Susan) Cline, and Mark (Diana) Cline, as well as nine grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held on August 7 at Shenandoah Baptist Church in Verona, VA.

“Well done, My good and faithful servant,
Great is your reward!
You have been faithful, now your race is run –
Well done, My servant, well done!”
– Cindy Berry

Condolences may be sent to the family at [email protected].


From the Memo Board: September 2023

Dates to Know

September 1 – July Financial Reports will be due for US Missionaries. This includes FNPO Reports for those with Foreign Non-Profit Organizations.

September 1 – August Financial Reports will be due for Non-Resident Missionaries. This includes FNPO Reports for those with Foreign Non-Profit Organizations.

September 4 – The Office, and most US Banks, will be closed in recognition of Labor Day.

October 1 – August Financial Reports will be due for US Missionaries. This includes FNPO Reports for those with Foreign Non-Profit Organizations.

October 1 – September Financial Reports will be due for Non-Resident Missionaries. This includes FNPO Reports for those with Foreign Non-Profit Organizations.

April 8-12, 2024 – Family Fellowship Week at Caraway Conference Center in Sophia, NC

Financial Report Reminder

As we enter the last quarter of the year, thoughts turn to year-end tax procedures. Many people begin thinking of last-minute deductions that will affect them. If you anticipate making large ministry purchases and you desire the purchase to be a deduction in the year 2023, you may wish to make the purchase by the end of November. Because of the way our 1099s are calculated, December expenses are “reimbursed” out of January income, so the tax benefit on your 1099 would actually be considered a 2024 reimbursement. Regardless of when the purchase is made, you will still receive a tax benefit. However, we wanted you to be aware of these deadlines as you plan your expenses over the next few months.

Uplift Podcast Episodes

Family Fellowship Week – Groaning in Hope by Danny Whetstone

Family Fellowship Week – The Psalmist’s Hope by Gene Krachenfels

Family Fellowship Week – Jeremiah’s Hope by Barry Goodman

Family Fellowship Week – Don’t Lose Hope by Jeremy Lockhart

Family Fellowship Week – The Scriptures’ Hope by David Fulp

Family Fellowship Week – The Finisher’s Hope by Chad Estep


A High View of God

by John O’Malley

In my recent studies on developing a high view of God, I began my study with John the Baptist. I started with John 3:30, “He must increase, but I must decrease.”

You cannot have a high view of God without realizing:

    • Your life must be about Christ and His cross.
    • You must make room for God on the throne of your life.
    • Submission to God is your goal.
    • You can measure your high view of God by the depth and breadth of respect for God.

A high view of God means:

    • I respect His name and nature.
    • I revere who He is in creation and salvation.
    • I submit to His holiness and His character.
    • I live by His righteousness and judgments.
    • I know and do His will and live by His Word.

It is easy for leaders, parents, and spouses to default to their training in Theology. We could say, yes, of course, He is God overall. But do we live with a high view of God?

This concept of having a high view of God is not isolated to John the Baptist.

    • Isaiah held a high view of God.
    • The Psalmist held a high view of God.
    • John the Revelator held a high view of God.
    • Job held a high view of God.
    • Nehemiah held a high view of God.
    • Paul held a high view of God.

A high view of God manifests in how I see God, myself through God’s eyes, and others in light of how I see God and myself.

Look around your heart. How much room have you made for God? Does your verbal profession of a high view of God match your walk with God? When you lead your family, is it with a high view of God? When you lead your ministry, is it from a place of reverence for God? Do people see your high view of God when you walk about your community? Does God see your high view of Him? Do you live by all his judgments, statutes, and commands?

May our high view of God set an example to all within our circle of influence.

Yours for the harvest,
John O’Malley

Where is God?

by Cody Carden

Have you ever wished you could be in two places at once? Or able to multitask on a massive scale? Sometimes, I wish I could be at the ice cream shop and the gym at the same time; however, I can’t.

God’s whereabouts are often questioned by many.

“Where is God?” This is the question of the seeker, the skeptic, the guilty, and the hurt.

Some want the truth; others want closure. Some want comfort; others want the release of shame. There is a never-ending cycle in the so-called “search for God” in modern culture and throughout years past. Some are genuine, and others just want what they can gain from God.

As a child of God, occasionally, I even wonder where God is. I go through my day in what feels like constant prayer, but sometimes it seems as if the phone line has been cut. It can cause streams of doubt in my mind, wondering what I’ve done wrong. God, why do you seem so far away?

There are a couple of verses in Hebrews that always assure me of God’s presence:

“Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.” – Hebrews 13:5-6

God’s promise should be enough to stop my worrying! He’s already told me that He will never forsake me and that He will be my strength. Even when I feel like God is far away or out of reach, I have to remember that His timing is always perfect.

We live in such a “microwave culture” that says, “I want it, and I want it now!” This leaves us questioning where God is all the time, forgetting His timing. I like to think of life with God like the game of tetherball. He is the pole in the center that never moves, life is the game itself, and we are the ball that gets tossed around in all different directions. At least, emotionally, that’s what it feels like. Sometimes we are close to the pole, and other times we are not. This doesn’t change the fact that the pole is always there. If the pole wasn’t there, you couldn’t even play the game!

“Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” – 1 Peter 5:7

“Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” – Psalm 37:3-4

“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” – Isaiah 41:10

He cares for you. His timing is perfect. He’s always there. Never forget that.

Cody Carden is completing a missions internship with John O’Malley this summer. If this was an encouragement to you, please click here to let him know.

From the Memo Board: August 2023

Dates to Know

August 1 – June Financial Reports will be due for US Missionaries. This includes FNPO Reports for those with Foreign Non-Profit Organizations.

August 1 – July Financial Reports will be due for Non-Resident Missionaries. This includes FNPO Reports for those with Foreign Non-Profit Organizations.
September 1 – July Financial Reports will be due for US Missionaries. This includes FNPO Reports for those with Foreign Non-Profit Organizations.

September 1 – August Financial Reports will be due for Non-Resident Missionaries. This includes FNPO Reports for those with Foreign Non-Profit Organizations.

September 4 – The Office, and most US Banks, will be closed in recognition of Labor Day.

April 8-12, 2024 – Family Fellowship Week at Caraway Conference Center in Sophia, NC

New Babies!

Anna Mae Liberty Cmaylo was born on June 27. She was 21 inches long and weighed 6 pounds. Anna Mae is the daughter of Laura Cmaylo, our International Visa Coordinator, and her husband Emil. She joins older brother Jackson, who will turn 2 years old this month. Anna Mae is also the niece of our Office Assistant Rebekah Tolley.



George Philip Lee was born on July 10. He weighed 6 pounds 14 ounces and was 19.5 inches long. George is the second son of Colton and Melodie Lee, our missionaries to the Solomon Islands. He joins older brother Douglas, who is two. The Lees are hoping to complete deputation and move to the field later this year.

Uplift Podcast Episodes

Family Fellowship Week – Testimony from Tim Stalcup

Family Fellowship Week – Testimony from Barbara O’Malley

Family Fellowship Week – Testimony from Sarah Wagar

See The Harvest Missions Trip 2023

The Lord allowed Bro. John O’Malley and intern Bro. Cody Carden to lead a team of 20 to Scotland for our annual See the Harvest Missions trips.

See the Harvest is a partnership with World Wide New Testament Baptist Missions and Ambassador Baptist College. The goal for these trips is to allow young and old alike to See, Learn, and Do missions. Over the past three years, a total of 41 people gave their time and efforts to See the Harvest. Some of these people have attended multiple trips.

The Scotland trip was the fourth See the Harvest trip. It was our first international trip and with the largest attendance by far. Our past trips have included Utah in 2020 with Missionary Nathan Kirkman and Boston in 2021 and 2022 with WWNTBM Missionary Nick Stelzig.

The See the Harvest trip to Scotland was originally planned for 2021, but it was delayed due to Covid. Our team joined missionaries, Jody and Ginger Hodnett, in letterboxing towns in Scotland. Mrs. Ginger is the daughter of our missionaries to India, Ron and Loretta Jones.

Our team left for Scotland on Monday, June 12th, from multiple states. Most of the team arrived in Scotland on Tuesday, June 13th. Three of our members were delayed due to canceled or delayed flights. On Wednesday, June 14th, the whole team was safely together in Scotland.  They lodged in the town of Sanquhar, which was a central location to the other towns. A good testimony was left with the people of Sanquhar. One of the vendors who provided lunch commented how our arrival had aided the economy of their little town.

The team hit the ground running, and over the ten days they were in Scotland, they letterboxed the homes in ten towns. The ten towns include: Sanquhar, Kirkconnel, Kilmarnock, Thornhill, Dumfries, Kilmaurs, Stewawrton, Gretna Green, Annan, and Locharbriggs. Over the ten-day trip, the team passed out over 38,000 tracts, and each member walked an estimated fifty miles. The Hodnetts believe this effort advanced their ministry work by twenty years.

Though the team was met with adversity from some of the people, hot weather conditions, physical hindrances, and jet lag, they persevered and finished the task. The Lord blessed in many ways. Several people reached out to Bro. Jody Hodnett with interest in starting a Bible study.  Bro. Jody continues to see fruit from their labors in Scotland.

Time was also given to site seeing and fun activities. They saw some beautiful Scottish scenery, including rolling hills and castle ruins. They visited the grave of John Knox and the museum of David Livingston. They picnicked and hiked and enjoyed the fellowship. The team bonded through the victories and the challenges of the trip. Many now have a greater burden for missions and have made friendships that will last a lifetime.

We praise the Lord for His direction and provision for this trip. We look forward to many more, should the Lord allow. Please visit SeeTheHarvest.com and sign up on our mailing list to be informed of future trips. Please also share this opportunity with others who may be interested.

If you would like to read testimonies from team members, please visit SeeTheHarvest.com/testimonials.


Bro. O’Malley and Bro. Cody at the David Livingston Memorial

Our hosts, missionaries Jody and Ginger Hodnett

Missionary to England, Amanda Baker, joined our team.

Beautiful Scottish scenery.

The team in Sanquhar, Scotland.


A Parent’s Influence on Their Children’s High View of God

by John O’Malley

I am learning about living with a high view of God.

Considering this idea, I began an indefinite series for my monthly articles for Headquarter Happenings. This series began when I read what John the Baptist said, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” John 3:30.

To write this series, I took the sense from John the Baptist’s word ‘must’ as it is necessary. I must make room for God in every area of my living.

When I write of making room for God, I equate this with holding a high view of God. When I decrease, I am making room for Him. I make room for His omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence.

How do we get to the place where we hold a high view of God? I think we must begin with John the Baptist’s parents. John the Baptist’s mother walked with the Lord. Zacharias, John’s father, prophesied:

And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest: for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways; To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins, Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us, To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace. And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, and was in the deserts till the day of his shewing unto Israel. Luke 1:76–80

God embedded in Zacharias’ prophecy the four truths for living with a high view of God. A high view of God means we:

      • Point to Him – prepare his ways
      • Speak of Him – give knowledge of salvation
      • Shine for Him – give light to the world
      • Guide people to Him – guide our feet

John knew Christ had to increase; it was John’s philosophy. I am here to point to Jesus. I am here to speak of Jesus. I am here to shine for Jesus. I am here to guide people to Jesus.

The influence of our living will set the context of how our children, spouses, and ministries will see Jesus.

Do the people around you see you have a high view of God?

Yours for the harvest,
John O’Malley

Our Present Help

by Cody Carden

Sometimes, it seems like I am at a place in life where everything is constantly changing. Within a four-year span, I will have graduated high school, been through a family tragedy, married off my sister, and soon to graduate from college. These are just a few recent major events, but if I stop to think of more, there are plenty. Everything seems so temporary at times. The unknown future is so vast yet imminent.

I can remember being so overwhelmed at times and just wanting to have a mental breakdown. That would be so easy, wouldn’t it? Sit in silence and weep over the constantly moving parts in your life and let the uncertainty and doubt overtake you.

It was in these moments I clung to Psalm 46.

“God is our refuge and strength,
A very present help in trouble.
Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed,
And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;
Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled,
Though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah.
There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God,
The holy place of the tabernacles of the most High.
God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved:
God shall help her, and that right early.” – Psalm 46:1-5

When things that are planned and thought through ahead of time change, or things that you thought you had control over suddenly become out of reach and above you, know that God is in control. The comfort of knowing God is unchanging and always present is priceless. No matter the circumstance, God’s unchanging character needs to be the source of our strength; He needs to be our place of rest, our place of recovery, and our place of replenishment. He gives the peace that passes all understanding, even when everything around us seems to be falling apart or constantly changing.

This is a simple truth and testimony, but life-changing.

Cody Carden is completing a missions internship with John O’Malley this summer. If this was an encouragement to you, please click here to let him know.