Featured Article: From Night to Light


There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. The same came to Jesus by night . . . and there came also Nicodemus, which at first came to Jesus by night. (John 3:1-2a, 19:39)

Three windows are all the Holy Spirit gives us to understand His work in the heart of Nicodemus, that intriguing man who visited the Savior by night. Curiously enough, the trio of accounts are in the same Gospel, the one written by fisherman John.

We find the first in chapter three, so famous for its sixteenth verse. Here the influential teacher of Israel is introduced to us as he made his initial, secretive, nighttime visit. No specific reason is given for why he chose to approach Jesus after dark, but quite clearly he did not want to be seen. Whether that was out of pure fear, professional discretion, or simple practicality will remain a mystery until we get to heaven.

The scene closes after a lengthy answer by the Lord, in which He draws special attention to the striking Old Testament story of the bronze serpent. We have no recorded response of Nicodemus, but this prophetic illustration must have made a huge impression on him.

In chapter seven a second window opens, this time into a larger setting. A furious group of Pharisees and priests are scolding some of their officers who failed to haul in Jesus as ordered. As they ridiculed the men for being swayed by the Lord’s words, the whole bunch is stunned by a voice that spoke up in Christ’s defense.

It was Nicodemus.

Again the passage closes with no comment by the teacher.

The third and final window swings open in chapter nineteen, and this time we see things happening in the broad daylight of a crucifixion scene. As the Lord is being lowered from the cross a rich member of the Sanhedrin steps forward. This man has been in the shadows for a long time, afraid to identify himself with Jesus. But now, setting aside his fears, Joseph of Arimathea asks Pilate for the crucified body.

As he goes to get it he is joined by another wealthy Jew.


Though it is impossible to enter his mind for the exact thoughts, the implication is that they were triggered by the “lifting up” of the Savior. For many months he had remembered, watched, hesitated . . . but when he saw Christ raised high on the cross the light of understanding pierced his soul.

This was what Jesus had told him would happen, back when they had had their private conversation. He was the one to look at! He was the one to believe in! He was the Savior who loved the world!

Nicodemus’ story can remind us all of an important truth as we sow the Gospel in tough hearts. God is not necessarily in a hurry like we usually are and can be working in a soul when we have no inkling of progress.

As His Spirit softens the mind and cracks its brittle arguments, the sinner is being guided to a specific crossroads. When it dawns on him that Jesus was crucified in his place, all the previous intellectual obstacles can be vaporized in a second.

And God alone will be glorified.

Dear Father, You are always doing way more than I realize, and Your calendar is perfect. Help me be faithful in sowing and confident in Your Spirit’s work.

Featured Article: Serve and Lead


After that He poureth water in a bason, and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith He was girded. . . . For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. (John 13:5, 15)

There is a certain concept of leadership that is faulty, or at least, incomplete.

It is the idea that leaders are mainly the visible and popular individuals, who are behind the podium, on the platform, speaking into the microphone. Often we see these people interviewed by the media, followed by crowds, and living in opulence. Unconsciously, we can adopt the common opinion that they are the image of leadership and generally define what it is.

Now I am not questioning that they are leaders. They usually are, for good or bad. But if we take a closer look at the matter in the Bible, we will discover that the real thing goes a lot deeper.

Take this passage in which Jesus washes the disciples’ feet, undeniably one of the noblest scenes of servanthood in all of Scripture:

The Savior saw a need and moved. His action spoke of initiative, of resourcefulness, and wisdom. It was stepping out to do what needed doing, regardless of whether others followed suit, agreed, or even understood what was going on.

That is exactly what a leader does.

He is one who assesses the situation in front of him and moves. With that movement, he instantly steps into a role of influence and becomes an example to follow: a leader.

It is significant that the Lord chose to act out this lesson Himself, rather than just refer to an Old Testament example. He took off His outer garments, rolled up his sleeves (so to speak), and started serving. The shock, bewilderment, and embarrassment this created among the Twelve was instantaneous. The Man now washing their feet was the Word, who according to this same Gospel, had created everything! They were scandalized, wondering how they had allowed the situation to come to this.

Quite in sync with his personality, Peter put up a fuss.

But the Lord did not back down. Why not? Was it just that He didn’t want to give in? Was He trying to shame them into service?

Clearly those were not His reasons. I believe He was trying to teach us all something extremely important about the very nature of godliness.

In Heaven, the dwelling place of the Most High, that ideal atmosphere where the Almighty lives, we will find serving others to be a part of the beautiful essence of the land. On this earth, where sin has warped human thinking, service is seen to be the career of the under-privileged, the lower class, the common man.

Who knows? Maybe in glory the Son of God will at times serve His disciples, as the eternal and perfect example of the way things really are. I don’t think we should be too surprised.

Remember, He does not change.

One double thought I believe is clear: we are all called to serve, and we are all called to lead.

Dear Father, give me a love for service. Help me see it as a privilege and act of obedience of the first order. Thank you for serving me even today as You intercede for me before the Father. I praise you for being so humble, so good, so consistent. Amen.

Prayer & Dates: April 2016

April Prayer/Praises and Special Dates

Click the link above to download a PDF of prayer requests and praises as well as the birthdays and anniversaries for April. Note: You will need to login to SecureCloud in order to view this document.  Once you have logged in, click on Files, Shared, then Headquarter Happenings, then scroll to the month you would like to view. This step protects people with WWNTBM in restricted access fields.

From the Memo Board: April 2016

Family Fellowship Week Picnic


This year’s Family Week will again begin with a picnic dinner and a casual time of fellowship. Valley Baptist is blessed to have a picnic shelter and facilities right on the church property.  Last year’s format for the first evening was a huge success, with an overwhelming number of people requesting this again.  If you’ve not yet registered, please be sure to click here to let us know if you will be able to attend or not.

Doctrinal Agreements

If you have submitted your doctrinal agreement statement, your new card for 2016-2017 is now available for you to download and print from your SecureCloud folder.  If you have not yet submitted your annual agreement, please click here, or email Naomi Torberson as soon as possible, indicating that you have read and are still in agreement with our Articles of Faith.  If you have questions or concerns, please contact John O’Malley.

Charitable Contributions

Charitable contributions may be carried into future years if they cannot be deducted in the current year because they exceed your adjusted gross-income limits.  You may be able to deduct the excess in each of the next five years until it is used up, but not beyond that time.  Details of this option are available in IRS Pub 526.  We encourage you to discuss this possibility with your tax preparer, as it may be beneficial during furloughs when the Foreign Income Exclusion may not apply.

An App for SecureCloud

Screen Shot 2016-03-28 at 6.00.36 PMDid you know there is an app called OwnCloud available for your iOS or Android device? This app gives secure access to your SecureCloud account and allows you to view your files on your phone or tablet. At the end of each month, we scan any mail that has come to the Office for you and place it in your online account. This includes check stubs for all bills paid by the Office, as well as information that may have come from your supporters. World Wide does not sell this app; it is provided by the company, OwnCloud, who created the platform we use for SecureCloud.

New Missionary

Stalcups Nov 2015Tim and Kristin Stalcup have recently joined the World Wide family. The Stalcups are sent out of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Kings Mountain, NC, with Pastor Jim Ogle.  Their desire is to reach the Muslims in New York City, specifically the Afghan people. They have one daughter, Anna Faith Shirin, who is 17 months. Pray for the Stalcups as they begin their new ministry.

Bible Institute Resource

Melvyn and Carol Brown are veteran missionaries, and they have shared a resource they have created with our missions family. Their burden is to aid missionaries in starting Bible Institutes on the field and training people for service. You can read more about the materials and pricing at their website.


From Our President: April 2016

Danny Whetstone

We are living in an ever-changing world today. Each missionary that is accepted with World Wide has been challenged with the responsibility to have the means to evacuate his family if it becomes necessary. This can be done by an escrow account, a credit card that is dedicated to this cause, or a sending church that is willing to accept the responsibility.

We recognize that God has not given us the spirit of fear. However, He has given us the spirit of love, power, and a sound mind. Please develop a plan ahead of time that would afford you alternate ways of evacuation by car, train, boat, and air. This is not only a consideration for those that are in traditionally dangerous areas; it is now important no matter where you are.

Should it ever become necessary for you to make a move, please get a message to the mission as quickly as possible. Your safety is very important to us, and though we cannot do everything, we certainly will do all that we can to guarantee your well-being.

It is very important that we take a balanced look at the changes that are being magnified every day. This is not the time to obsess over what could happen. When this happens, we are of no value to those the Lord has called us to serve. But neither should we simply pass it off as though we have no responsibility to keep our families safe. If they are living every day in an atmosphere of insecurity, your best work has not been done.

Please know that you are loved and prayed for by many around the world. If there is anything that we can do to help you make proper plans and preparations, we would be delighted to do so. We pray that the Lord will bless you with a lifetime of faithful service in that special place that He has called you to serve.

It is a pleasure to be associated with you and your ministry. Our Lord will bless your labor of love. We pray that His promise to never leave or forsake you will be a manifested reality to you with every passing day.

In His Service,
Danny A. Whetstone

From Our President: March 2016

Danny Whetstone

Will you think back to your interview with World Wide during your application process? I know for some of us that was a long…long…long time ago! At the end of the interview you would have been asked to simply make us aware if you changed your mind about the position that you held at that time. In order for any of us to have been accepted, we would have—of necessity—responded with an answer of “yes”.

in·teg·ri·ty:the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. “He is known to be a man of integrity.”
honesty, probity, rectitude, honor, good character, principle(s), ethics, morals, righteousness, morality, virtue, decency, fairness, scrupulousness, sincerity, truthfulness, trustworthiness. “I never doubted his integrity.”

For so many today, the end justifies the means. You see it in politics and in business all the time. But this should not be part of the Christian’s dealings. Anyone has the right to change his mind about almost anything; however, if we establish relationships on our words to each other we should be honest enough to let the other know if we change our position.

Personally, I have no problem respecting someone that has an opinion contrary to mine. As a mission, World Wide has never set out to hurt anyone, even if we disagreed. On the other hand, it is very difficult for me to understand why we would establish a relationship on an even playing field and not maintain a steady line without communicating that for weeks, months or even years.

Once trust is broken it is a very difficult thing to renew. If you change your mind about any of the things covered in the application process, please let us know before it finds its way through some other means to us. We mean you no harm, but the integrity of our relationship must be maintained if we are going to work together.

We are proud to say that by-and-large the people we have worked with through the years have dealt above-board with us. It is rare that situations arise that require us to go separate ways. As we are traveling to various churches we look at the missions’ display, and we are very pleased to talk to the pastor about your ministries. Keep up the good work. We pray the Lord’s richest blessings to be yours.

In His Service,
Danny A. Whetstone

From the Memo Board: March 2016

Family Fellowship Week

oFamily Fellowship Week is fast approaching! Please be sure to make plans to join us June 20-23 at Valley Baptist Church in Edinburg, VA. We will be exploring the theme, Workers Together With God. You’ll not want to miss this exciting time of encouragement with fellow servants. Click here to see what others are saying about this life changing week!

Moving to the Field or Furlough Trips

Are you leaving for the field soon? Planning a furlough? Click here to see a list of tips that might help in your planning stages. These lists are a part of the Missionary Procedures Manual, which is always available on SecureCloud.

Tax Alert

For tax year 2015 a significant change took effect in regards to the Federal Child Tax Credit. It is our understanding that this will affect those living abroad who have children under 17 and who utilize Forms 2555 or 2555-EZ when submitting their tax returns. If this applies to you, you may want to discuss with your tax preparer whether calculating your 2015 return without Form 2555 or 2555 EZ will give you a better outcome. Please discuss with your tax preparer whether this change will affect the amount you should be submitting in estimated taxes for 2016.

Tax Notes

As you prepare to submit your financial documents to your tax preparer, here are some things you may want to remember to give them:

  • List of dates you were in the US vs. out of the country
  • Details of any housing expenses
  • Information on any retirement plans
  • Information on any investments
  • Information about any foreign bank accounts on which you are a signatory
  • Details of any family births or deaths (Names, dates, and SSNs)
  • Details of estimated taxes submitted
  • Information about your health coverage and medical expenses
  • W-2s, 1099’s, and other tax forms received
  • Details of charitable contributions

New Missionary

Sammy and Connie McNeill have recently joined the World Wide family. The McNeill Nov 2015McNeills are sent out of the New Testament Baptist Church in Robbins, NC, with Pastor Darrin Richardson. They have been married for 33 years and have two adult daughters. Bro. McNeill has recently retired as the Chief of Police. His experience in law enforcement and as a coach in local schools has given him a burden to reach the unchurched youth in America. Pray for the McNeills as they begin this new ministry.

New Babies

Congratulations to Fred III and Brittany Daniel on the birth of Carolina Rose on January 28th. Carolina weighed 7 pounds and was 21 inches long. She is the sixth child of the Daniels, and joins older siblings Katherine, Ashlyn, Fred IV, Kevin, and Isabella. The family serves in Mexico.

Congratulations to Stephen and Charity Jenney on the birth of Samuel on January 29th. Samuel is the second child of the Jenneys, and joins his older brother Judson. The family plans to begin deputation this spring to work in the Southwestern United States.

Congratulations to Josh and Joanna Town on the birth of Jennifer Rose on February 16. She weighed 8.14 pounds and was 20 inches long. Jennifer is the third daughter of the Towns, joining Juliana and Jayla. The family currently serves in Lebanon, where they have been preparing for a stateside ministry to Muslims. They plan to transition back to the US later this summer.

Carolina Daniel
Carolina Daniel
Samuel Jenney
Samuel Jenney
Jennifer Town
Jennifer Town

Prayer & Dates: March 2016

March Prayer/Praises and Special Dates

Click the link above to download a PDF of prayer requests and praises as well as the birthdays and anniversaries for March. Note: You will need to login to SecureCloud in order to view this document.  Once you have logged in, click on Files Shared, then Headquarter Happenings, then scroll to the month you would like to view. This step protects people with WWNTBM in restricted access fields.

Featured Article: The Greatest Race


Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him. . . . The blood of righteous Abel . . . By faith Abel . . . Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. (Gn. 4:8b, Mt. 23:35, Heb. 11:4, 12:1)

Many unusual and remarkable races take place on our planet. Some are individual; others require team effort. Some span entire continents; others cross forests, glaciers, or oceans. Some are on foot; others are on wheels, on animals, inside machines. Some use primarily muscles; others use mainly brains and savvy. Some take minutes; others take hours, days, months, or even years. Almost all have in common that they are in some way grueling and exhausting, and require dogged determination. Many also include the risk of serious injury or even death–and on and on.

But there is one race that dwarfs them all; so much so, that it really does not deserve to be placed alongside them for comparison.

Think about a race, a kind of relay race, that spans at least 6,000 years! What man or organization could keep the records? Who could possibly monitor and supervise it? By all human standards, a race that went beyond the death of all its directors and participants would not even make sense.

But this race is a real, literal race. It has an Organizer, start and finish points, registered participants, a specific timespan, and final rewards.

However, it does have some rather odd characteristics. For one thing, back when the race started, there were no human beings watching it. The first runners, after participating, then became the first spectators; well, sort of. To this very day, as each one finishes his or her leg, they are promoted into the heavens, from where they watch the rest of the event.

Each runner is unique, in almost every way, and so are their races. Some run for a long time, others hardly even seem to get warmed up. There are men and women and children from nearly every language, country, century, and social category. Each receives a brand new stage, customized for them, specifically prepared for their time and place.

This massive event has been going on since the Garden of Eden and a selective list of some of its important runners is found in Hebrews 11. The brief summary of each of their performances provides much food for thought.

For example, take the first on the list, Abel. I am always tempted to feel sorry for him. He had so little opportunity to run, being cruelly and abruptly bumped off the course before he could accomplish much at all. I’ve sometimes wondered if he could be nursing a tiny grudge because of his bad luck.

But that way of thinking is totally off track.

Why? Because the Master of the race is Jesus, the Eternal One. He’s the One who gave the initial pistol shot and who is calmly waiting at the finish line to announce the end of the contest.

He will individually and perfectly reward every faithful runner.

But is there any possibility that He might forget someone like Adam and Eve’s unfortunate boy?

Not a chance.

A few thousand years into the race He personally jumped in to run alongside some of His created ones. While running, He specifically honored His martyr Abel, and then had Matthew record His words, so that there would be no doubt that Abel was still on His mind! But just in case there still remained a few skeptics out there, He placed him on the first pedestal of faith in that famous eleventh chapter.

The Race Master’s records are perfect.

Now . . . I am in this race too.

And so are you, if you have believed in Christ. Moreover, it is a privilege beyond words to enter it and we only get one opportunity to run.

My only goal should be to be faithful and run well. The length of my race depends entirely on the Lord and is ultimately of no real importance.

Dear Father, many have run before me, but those in this list are carefully chosen for me to study and learn from. Please don’t let me ignore or neglect such an opportunity. Amen.