The Homegoing of Kari Elwart

Many of you have had the privilege to get to know Tim Daniel’s assistant pastor, Jackie Elwart, and his family at Family Fellowship Weeks over the past few years. Others of you were able to meet them as you traveled through New Testament Baptist Church (Kinston, NC) on furlough or deputation. Jackie, his wife Kari, and their three daughters, Charlotte (10), Audrey (8), & Sadie (6), love the ministry and missionaries, and their enthusiasm and joy have endeared their family to World Wide in a special way.

You prayed with the Elwart family back in 2013 as Kari fought and defeated leukemia for the first time. Then you joined with them to pray for healing again late last year when it was discovered her leukemia had returned. Our prayers for healing were answered when she entered into heaven at 5:06am on Wednesday, March 1.

In the words of her husband:

She crossed the finish line with such grace. Kari went to be with the Lord at 5:06am.

No more cancer, pain, or suffering. She has been eternally healed. We are so thankful for God’s perfect grace, IT WAS AMAZING. She went so peacefully, and she was surrounded by family.

Thank you to each and every one that has prayed for Kari, our girls, and I throughout this amazing journey. We have been so blessed, and we would appreciate your continued prayers.

“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” Psalm‬ ‭30:5

We grieve with the Elwart family and the New Testament Baptist Church of Kinston, NC, while at the same time rejoicing that Kari is with her Savior and in no more pain. Please keep their family and friends in your prayers in the coming days and weeks.

Funeral Arrangements:

  • VISITATION – Friday from 5-8pm at New Testament Baptist Church located at 126 Neuse Rd., Kinston, NC 28501.
  • FUNERAL – Saturday at 10am at New Testament Baptist Church located at 126 Neuse Rd., Kinston, NC 28501. Graveside service to follow at Westview Cemetery

If you would like to contact the family, you can email Bro. Jackie or mail cards to the church:
New Testament Baptist Church
126 Neuse Road
Kinston, NC 28501

So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.

But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

1 Corinthians 15:54-58

From Our President: March 2017

Danny Whetstone

John 13:34-35
A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

I understand that we, as a missions family, are scattered all over the world. At any given time we have families that are enjoying great victories, while at the same moment there are others that are in a great valley. Because we are believers we love each other. We rejoice with those that rejoice, and we weep with those that weep. Personally, it grieves me that I cannot be with each one of you in the victories and in the valleys.

Perhaps today, if we have not done so already, we could take a moment to place in our permanent schedule a time to remember each other in prayer. Take time to praise the Lord for victories that have been enjoyed around the world and also to pray for those that are in the battle of their lives. As I write this letter Brother Jackie Elwart is sitting by the bedside of his wife. Unless the Lord intervenes today she will be in heaven before you receive this letter. Ruth Ann Arthurs will receive a pacemaker today as well. I just received word that Pastor Don Mallory, a former World Wide missionary, is in the hospital with life-threatening issues.

On the other hand, we were in a very small church last Sunday that committed themselves to give $120,000 for faith promise in 2017. We are hearing stories with some regularity of people trusting in Christ. Young families are surrendering to serve the Lord with whatever life the Lord blesses them with.

Maybe emotions should be set aside, but I am completely helpless to do that. We are affected by both good news, and by—what seems to us—to be bad news. There are two things we can surely do: we can love and we can pray. Both must be done on purpose. If it is not a conscientious effort we will get so involved in our own little world that nothing else will matter.

I want you to be assured today that if you are rejoicing we want to rejoice with you, and if you are weeping we want to weep with you as well. Our Lord will never leave you. Our Lord will never forsake you. You can lean on him with all the weight of your life with full assurance of His ability to hold you. God is with you, and many Christian brothers and sisters are with you as well.

In His Service,
Danny A. Whetstone

If this article has been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. Whetstone here to let him know.

Prayer & Dates: March 2017

March Prayer/Praises and Special Dates

Click the link above to download a PDF of prayer requests and praises as well as the birthdays and anniversaries for March. Note: You will need to login to SecureCloud in order to view this document. Once you have logged in, click on Files, Shared, then Headquarter Happenings, then scroll to the month you would like to view. This step protects people with WWNTBM in restricted access fields.

From the Memo Board: March 2017

Dates to Know

April 1 – February financial reports will be due

April 14 – The Office will be closed in observation of the Resurrection of our Lord

June 19-22 – Family Fellowship Week in Ocala, FL

Tax Notes

As you prepare to submit your financial documents to your tax preparer, here are some things you may want to remember to give them:

• List of dates you were in the US vs. out of the country
• Details of any housing expenses
• Information on any retirement plans
• Information on any investments
• Information about any foreign bank accounts on which you are a signatory
• Details of any family births or deaths (Names, dates, and SSNs)
• Details of estimated taxes submitted
• Information about your health coverage and medical expenses
• W-2s, 1099’s, and other tax forms received
• Information about tuition and fees paid for a child in college (including name and SSN of the child) and a copy of Form 1098T if received.
• Details of charitable contributions

Encouragement Opportunity

For several months, we have been hosting a weekly virtual meeting for those on deputation. This is a 30 minute call that is a time of fellowship, encouragement, and prayer. (Click here to listen to past recordings.) We would like to expand this opportunity to all of our missionaries, as a means of building community within our missions family. Our thoughts are to offer two different meetings per month, to allow for participation regardless of time zone. Our goal is for this to be a time of connection, encouragement, strengthening, and prayer as we seek to build each other up in the work to which God has called us. Please click here to provide your feedback on what times would work best for you to be able to participate.

Women of World Wide

You asked – we answered! We have been approached several times about finding a means by which ladies in our missions family can connect with each other to share ideas, struggles, encouragement, and fellowship. We have launched a special Facebook group called Women of World Wide. This will be a closed group, open only to ladies within our missions family. To join, email Laura Cmaylo and request to join the group. Once your request is approved, join in the conversation! Feel free to share prayer requests, recipes, recommendations, and ask questions of the other missionary wives in the group. We hope this will be a help and encouragement to our ladies!

New Babies!

Congratulations to Tim and Kristin Stalcup on the birth of Timothy Richard, Jr., who was born on February 5th. He weighed 8 pounds and was 20 inches long. The Stalcups also have a two-year-old daughter, Anna Faith. They are on deputation to minister to the Muslims in New York City.





Congratulations as well to John and Sarah on the birth of their second child, Eliana Noelle, on February 21st. She was 19.2 inches long and weighed 7 pounds 5 ounces. She joins her older brother, John Gabriel, who is 19 months. Everyone is doing well! Keep them in prayer as they continue to serve overseas.

Featured Article: Overcoming Your Devotional Obstacles Part Two

For the next few months, Bro. John O’Malley will be sharing with us from his book, Overcoming Your Devotional Obstacles. We know that everyone can use some encouragement to stay in the Word of God on a daily basis, and we hope these articles will be a blessing to you in your walk with the Lord.

The Obstacle of History–I seem to miss the meaning of the passage I read. I think it is because I do not understand the background or history of the Bible.

God did not hand us His Word and say, “Here, you figure it out.” God gave us better than a Google/Wikipedia mash-up for the Bible. God gave us a Guide, Teacher, Counselor, and Adviser to go along with His Word. He dwells within the heart of the child of God. You may say, “I know the Holy Spirit lives within me, but I want to ask questions and get answers, immediately.”

Having a Quiet Time with God should not leave you feeling dumb when you cannot get the sense of the passage because you do not know the history or background. The Bible is not intended to make you feel inadequate because you do not have a post-graduate degree in ancient culture, language, and history. It is possible to know the history or background of the Bible.

Consider this, the One who exhaled the Scriptures into those who held a pen for God also sent you the Holy Spirit to teach you. That means you can ask the Resident Guide who lives within you. Each time you read the Bible, you are stepping into a family event. You need someone to whisper in your ear about what has happened before this event and what is going on now in light of past events. If the One, who inspired the Word of God, lives within you, you will always have a Counselor.

Agreeing to the truth that the Holy Spirit lives within you, how do you get the answers from Him? For me, it begins with prayer. Let me tell you what I say. “God, I know there are things here I am not getting. I need your Holy Spirit to teach me this. Please guide me.”

Sometimes, my answer has come shortly after that as I continued to read the verses before it and after it. I have also had my answers come months later when I read the verse again. Other times, I will read a similar thought in another passage and realize that is what the passage I got stuck on meant.

Your premise, when you begin any study of a passage, should be that the Bible is God’s Word and is the answer to every human need; it is inerrant and infallible. Remember, the passage is about real people in a real place with real needs. You know as a fact that there is something in this passage God included for you to know. (The Bible is very personal that way.) God did not put random words in the passage to confuse me. He put it there to help me. I believe God has enabled believers in every generation to explain the sense of a text. (See Nehemiah 8:8).

What should you do to overcome the feeling that you do not understand the background and history of a passage?

1. Pray: “God, I know there are things here I am not understanding. I need your Holy Spirit to teach me this. Please guide me.”
2. Pick a resource: It can be online, digital eBook, or bound.
3. Ask your pastor or Sunday School teacher: “Is there something in the background of this passage that would help me understand this section?”
You can know the background and history of a passage. I refuse to let an obstacle get in the way of me understanding what God wants me to know.

Tip #1: Remember the culture.
Culture is the system of beliefs, values, and ideas of a people in a certain time period. When you read the Bible, there was a definite culture. It is not a Western culture; it is an Eastern culture. The values of Western culture see things from a right and wrong perspective. Eastern culture will often times see things through a prism of what brings shame and what restores honor. When you read the Old Testament, you have to understand that your way of thinking cannot be projected onto their way of thinking. Furthermore, the culture of Heaven and the mind of God far outstrips any of our understanding. God and His Word are transcultural. You will be able to understand what is happening when you enter the cultural mindset of the people about whom you are reading.

Tip #2: Remember the context.
Learn to read the Bible by paragraph not just the numbered verses. This is critical in understanding the verses you are reading. You will become frustrated quickly if you isolate a verse from its context and try to bend it to what you want it to say or not say. If you ignore the context, you will miss the meaning and teaching. Reading the Bible by paragraph helps correct this. Get a good Bible that marks the paragraphs clearly or is printed in paragraphs. I always encourage people to read it grammatically or like they would read a book. If the numbers are getting in the way, get a Bible that does not have them, so that when you read Paul’s letters, they read like real letters!

Tip #3: Remember the conflicts.

The sin nature of man is in conflict with the righteousness of God. You will find man’s will takes him beyond the will and righteousness of God. Many of the accounts in Scripture describe when man’s will dominates and God brings man to a place of correction and contrition. Contrition is a Bible word that gives the sense of being crushed or humbled. God values when our hearts and spirits are contrite. When you read a passage and the culture is so different and the context is not easily grasped, remember that man’s will and desire is selfish. God will correct those who are wrong. He will forgive and restore those who confess their sin. Remember, before you boast that you might be better than another, you are a sinner saved by grace like those in the passage you are studying. Stay close to Him. Keep your heart and spirit contrite.

Tip #4: Remember your Companion.
Just before Jesus went to the cross, He told His disciples that He would leave them, but He would not leave them comfortless. He would send them a Comforter (John 14:16). One of the Comforter’s tasks is to bring all things to our remembrance. He dwells within us and guides us to truth. When I am stuck on a verse or passage of Scripture, I pray. I ask the Holy Spirit to guide me and help me to see or recall what I am not seeing. There have been times I have been stuck on a passage of Scripture for more than a year. Then one day I am reading in another section, and the Holy Spirit brings to mind what I was stuck on and shows me the connection. It is a wonderful thing to have the Holy Spirit turn the lights on in your mind.

My goal is to give you a tool to overcome the Obstacle of History, the feeling like you miss the meaning because you do not understand the background or history of the Bible. When you get stuck, review these four tips.

If these thoughts have been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. O’Malley here to let him know. If you’d like to purchase the entire Overcoming Your Devotional Obstacles book in PDF, Kindle, or iBooks format, click here.

Featured Article: Overcoming Your Devotional Obstacles Part One

For the next few months, Bro. John O’Malley will be sharing with us from his book, Overcoming Your Devotional Obstacles. We know that everyone can use some encouragement to stay in the Word of God on a daily basis, and we hope these articles will be a blessing to you in your walk with the Lord.

Our hearts and minds are bombarded with thousands of messages each day. These messages come from our technology, our work, our children, our academic institutions, our churches, our medical professionals, and our spouse. Those messages are just from the relationships in our lives.

Then we get to the advertisers who spend millions of dollars each year to get us to remember the name of their product when that particular need arises in our lives. We look at our televisions; then we listen to the radio and podcasts. Everyone has a message for us to recall.

The messages that find us each day are not always wrong. Sometimes the words we read bring good news, and other times messages we read do not bring good news. These inbound messages seem to assault us the moment we wake up in the morning until we are lying in bed in the glow of our phones. In a world filled with messages from technology, relationships, and society’s advertisers, what makes those slogans, jingles, and images stick in our mind?

Why is it we go to church and by the time we get to the meal after service, we cannot remember the sermon or even think of the Small Group, Bible Study, or Sunday School lesson? Why is it we can remember the jingle from a fast-food restaurant from two decades ago, but we cannot remember what the Lord showed us that day in His Word?

This devotional obstacle of distraction is common, real, and embarrassing. How do I have meaningful and memorable Devotions when I so easily lose interest or am so easily distracted?

Tip #1: Create an environment of solitude.

You need to create the environment where you can hear God’s Word and listen to His leading.

Tip #2: Choose one or two verses from that day’s Bible reading on which you will mediate.
When I need to work on keeping interest and focus, I settle on one or two verses. I then take advantage of the Bible study methods in the resource section and begin to work through that passage. Take a 3×5 card and write the verse on the card. Write it neatly and deliberately, and add the punctuation marks. Meditate as you write the words.

Tip #3: Write down three thoughts about the passage.

  • Take the same 3×5 card and turn it over. Write down these three words: Inspires. Instructs. Includes.
  • Look at the verse you wrote. What inspires you in this passage?
  • What precept or principle is mentioned in this verse that teaches or is an instruction for you?
  • Read the verse aloud and listen to how your name could be included in the place of the names or pronouns mentioned in the verse. Now, write one sentence beside the word Includes: You could start it with “This verse includes me because…” or “I am included in this verse because…”

Now, read aloud from both sides of the card. This next step is very important. I want you to take that card with you for the next twenty-four hours and set an appointment on your phone to read it over at least four times in the next twenty-four hours. My goal is to give you a tool to overcome the Obstacle of Distraction. Anyone can do this Bible study method. This 3×5 card method keeps you interested and distraction-free because anyone can fill out a 3×5 card with ease.

If these thoughts have been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. O’Malley here to let him know. If you’d like to purchase the entire Overcoming Your Devotional Obstacles book in PDF, Kindle, or iBooks format, click here.

Tax Time Reminders

Tax season is once again upon us! Here are several reminders concerning tax issues that you may face. We trust that this information will be useful to you, both in giving you a better understanding of your reports and helping you to be aware of items that may affect your personal taxes. Please be sure that you are following published guidelines found in your Missionary Orientation Manual when listing expenses on your financial reports. Thank you!

Tax Paperwork for 2016

Tax related paperwork generated by WWNTBM will be in your SecureCloud folder on February 1st. This includes W-2 forms, MFR Summary Reports, and Estimated Tax letters. Be sure to look at the 2nd page of the MFR Summary, to see if there are any specific notes for you and your tax preparer. If you requested that we submit your tax information directly to your tax preparer, please note that those documents may not be sent until mid- to late February. This is to ensure that there is time for us to include any forms that may arrive in our office from other sources. If you have any questions, please contact Naomi.

The Affordable Care Act and Your Taxes

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) will affect your taxes in regards to your Health Insurance coverage. If you are enrolled in the Health Insurance Marketplace, you should expect to receive a Form 1095-A from the Marketplace, which you will need to submit to your tax preparer. If you were not enrolled in the Marketplace, you will still need to discuss your Health Insurance plan with your preparer, as it is our understanding this will affect your tax return this year.

It is our understanding that US residents living overseas who have returned to the US for more than 35 days in 2016 may also be subject to specific fees regarding the Individual Shared Responsibility Provision of the ACA. Information about this is available on the IRS website by clicking here.

Questions about this should be directed to your tax preparer.

1099 Forms

If churches issued funds payable to you in excess of $600 during the year 2016, they may issue you a 1099 form. If those funds were either mailed to the office or included on Line 2 of your MFR as extra income, they are already included in the total of your W-2. Our office can assist you in verifying whether the funds were included on your W-2. Your tax preparer can assist you on your return in recording this so that you are not taxed twice on the same income. We recommend that you ask churches if they could make checks payable to WWNTBM to avoid this issue in the future.

Foreign Tax Exclusion

In order to claim the foreign tax exclusion, you must be out of the US for 330 days over a 12 month period of time; however, these days do not have to be in the same calendar year. In order to gain the full benefit of the foreign tax exclusion, your tax preparer may be able to revise your returns based on the actual time you have spent overseas. Because of this, it is vital to provide your tax preparer with all of your travel dates to and from the US. You may also wish to discuss with your tax preparer what dates would be the best travel dates when planning to leave for the field or to return on furlough, as this could affect how much you are allowed to claim under the foreign tax exclusion.

Estimated Tax Payments

Missionaries are considered to be self-employed, and are therefore subject to self-employment taxes. Submitting quarterly estimated tax payments throughout the year will help to prevent having a large tax payment due each April. Estimated tax payments can be submitted on your own, or, if you are interested, you may contact our office for information on how we can submit them for you.

Tax Paperwork for those with Foreign Bank Accounts

US Treasury Dept. regulations require that if you have any foreign bank accounts, and if the sum total of all of your foreign accounts has ever been $10,000 at any given time during the past year, you must complete the IRS Foreign Bank and Financial Account Form (FBAR) and give it to your tax preparer. This includes all foreign accounts on which you are a signatory, such as a ministry account. This form, and further information about it, is available on the IRS website at It is our understanding that there have been several changes to these requirements in recent years, and you may also need to complete Form 8938. Please refer to the IRS website and your tax preparer if you have any questions.

Ministry Bank Accounts

If your ministry has been chartered and established as a non-profit organization, we recommend having your ministry get a bank account in its name. Funds for purchases such as land may be able to be sent directly to your ministry, thus eliminating your personal tax liability. Please note that there are limitations to this option. Of course, regular support could never be sent this way. Please contact our office for more information.

Utilizing a Tax Professional

Studies have shown that the average person who uses a tax professional, instead of filing their own taxes, receives a much greater tax return. When comparing the returns of those who self file vs. those who use a tax professional, it is estimated that a self-filer loses between $297 and $791 in missed refunds. The savings far exceeds the amount spent to hire a professional. Many have also found that using tax software does not always compare to the benefits of using a professional either. In many instances it is not that the software or the self-filer is wrong, but that other choices may be better. (Information taken from

It is also good to note that not all professionals are familiar with tax situations that might affect you. We encourage all missionaries to use a certified tax preparer who is familiar with special tax situations that affect missionaries. A list of tax preparers used by other missionaries is available on SecureCloud, under the Forms and Manuals section.

From the Memo Board: February 2017

Dates to Know

February 15 – You should receive the 2017 MFR Template with the new mileage rates.

March 1 – January Financial Reports will be due.

June 19-22 – Family Fellowship Week in Ocala, FL.

Benefits of Financial Reports

The Monthly Financial Report (MFR) is the tool that missionaries can use to become accountable to WWNTBM for their reimbursable expenses, rather than having all funds listed as salary. Over the course of 2016, 80% of those eligible chose to submit MFRs. By doing so, they were able to reduce their W-2 Wages by a combined average of 32.27%. If you are not currently utilizing MFRs and would like information about how to begin, please contact our office.

Financial Status Report

We have uploaded a Financial Status Report to your SecureCloud account. This is meant to show you the financial details that we have on file, such as your support estimate and the average amount of support you received this past quarter. This is information we provide to pastors who may call about your ministry. We ask that you update your support estimate once every four years, or as your lives and ministries change. Please review this information and contact us if you have any questions or changes.

Deputation Meeting Archives

Bro. O’Malley holds weekly meetings with our missionaries on deputation, our office staff, and a different guest speaker every Friday. Audio and notes from these meetings can be found in this Dropbox file.

Communication Tools

Our goal is to communicate with you in the best and easiest way available for you. Many of our missionaries use a variety of apps to communicate easily with those on their field, as well family who are far away. If you have a tool you are using for communication such as WhatsApp or WeChat, and you would like to be able to communicate with the office using this tool, please contact us with your information, and we will connect with you there.

Easter Traditions

Over the Christmas season we featured Christmas traditions from several mission fields on our social media accounts. We would like to do the same thing for Easter this year. If your ministry has a special outreach or your field has an unique tradition for Easter that you’d like to share, please let us know.

Prayer & Dates: February 2017

February Prayer/Praises and Special Dates

Click the link above to download a PDF of prayer requests and praises as well as the birthdays and anniversaries for February. Note: You will need to login to SecureCloud in order to view this document. Once you have logged in, click on Files, Shared, then Headquarter Happenings, then scroll to the month you would like to view. This step protects people with WWNTBM in restricted access fields.

From Our President: February 2017

Danny Whetstone

Jeremiah 31:3
The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.

Romans 8:38-39
For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

How patient God has been—and is—with the people of Israel and the Church. Would you take some time today to reflect on the love of God? His love is everlasting. He deals with us in lovingkindness as He draws us to Himself. Paul was so convinced of this reality that he declared that nothing could possibly separate us from God’s love.

Life is often filled with difficulties, challenges, disappointments, and heartbreak. It is easier at times to cave in to these hardships than it is to rise above them to realize that God’s love never fails. We have a spouse whom we love. We are blessed with children whom we love. Friendships are made with those whom we love. There are times when these relationships become strained. We experience the pain of love gone awry in human relationships. However, God’s love is never up or down. It is consistent and can be counted on every day regardless of the circumstances of life.

Because of our relationship with our Lord, we are capable of drinking in this love that the world knows nothing about. How often do we pause to meditate on this amazing truth? The Bible gives us knowledge concerning many things that we would never understand if we did not have a relationship with the Author of this wonderful Book. But nothing is revealed to us more clearly than the love of God. He has every reason not to love us, but He has determined to love us anyway.

Perhaps there is a relationship in your life today that is not as it used to be. Everyone can relate to that reality, but as Christians we have an anchor that is stedfast and sure. God will love you every day throughout eternity. Soak in that for a while!

May each of us have a delightful month serving our loving Lord.

In His Service,
Danny A. Whetstone

If this article has been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. Whetstone here to let him know.