Dates to Know
June 7 – The Office will be closed for a staff outing
June 17 – 20 – Family Fellowship Week in Edinburg, VA
July 1 – Revised pay date for those who normally receive funds on the 29th
July 1 – May financial reports will be due
July 4 – The Office will be closed in celebration of Independence Day
August 1 – June financial reports will be due
New Missionary
We are pleased to welcome Jackie and Brittany Elwart to the World Wide family. Bro. Jackie has served as the assistant pastor to Tim Daniel at the New Testament Baptist Church in Kinston since 2012. His wife, Brittany, has also served as the church secretary at New Testament. They are preparing to begin deputation in September to plant a church in Big Bear, California. The Elwarts have three daughters: Charlotte (12), Audrey (10), and Sadie (8). Pray for them as they sell their home in NC and begin deputation.
New Baby
Valiana Faith Jenney was born on May 1. She weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces and was 20 inches long. Valiana is the first daughter of Stephen and Charity Jenney, who are church planters in California. The Jenneys have three boys: Judson (4), Samuel (3), and Noah (2). Pray for them as they have just begun holding services for their new church.
New Engagement
Colton Lee and Melodie Bloyer are engaged to be married in November. Colton does short-term evangelistic missions trips several times a year to different locations. He recently served as furlough replacement for Michael & Nora Deatrick in the Solomon Islands, and will soon travel to Yap to replace Paul & Sherry Zimmer for three months. Pray for this couple as they prepare to be married and make plans for their future together!
50th Anniversary Celebration!
Danny and Darleen Whetstone will celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary on June 7th. The Whetstones met when they were eight and nine years old in Panacea, FL. The Lord has blessed them with four children, 16 grandchildren, and 1 great-grandchild. The Whetstones served together in pastorates in Greenville, SC, and Greeneville, TN, before being called into missionary service. They minister in missions conferences and revivals, as well as make visits to missionaries around the world. This year, they have moved back into a travel trailer, as they spend some 330 days of the year on the road. If you would like to send congratulations to them you may do so by email to [email protected].
Summer Intern
Lauren Boyer spent a week with us in May, completing a portion of her internship requirements for Ambassador Baptist College. One of the ministries our staff enjoys being a part of is training students for whatever the Lord has called them to do, whether on the mission field or in a ministry office. Please pray for Lauren as she serves the Lord at the Wilds Christian Camp this summer and returns to finish her education at ABC this fall.
Visitors in the Office
We love visiting with our missions family! If you are ever in the area, please drop in to see us. Here are some recent pictures.

Uplift Podcast
The following recordings were recently published on You may access the site by entering the username: wwntbm and the password: gospel. These recordings for our missions family contain the Uplift calls in their entirety, including prayer requests and challenges to our missionaries. We hope they will encourage your heart.
Lessons from a Woman Who Needed Healing by Jeremy Lockhart
Organizing Missionary Financial Reports by Ernie and Nancy Wyrick
Affliction Causes Growth by Gene Krachenfels
The Joy of Soul-Winning by Bruce Rhew
How to Treat Your Wife on Deputation by Jeremy Lockhart
Choose Charity! by Markie Bullock
The Compassion of Christ by Edgar Feghaly
Making Effective Calls on Deputation by Leland Johnson
The God of All Comfort by Michael Grove
Full of Grace and Truth by Andy Bonikowsky
Making Cold Calls on Deputation by Nick Stelzig
For His Name’s Sake by David Landers
Ten Best Practices on Deputation by Doug Carragher
What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do by Josh Town