Testimony Sessions

“I followed Him and learned….”

Five men from all stages of deputation, furlough, and pastoral ministries shared lessons they have learned as they followed Christ.

Each message title below contains links to the audio via our Uplift podcast site. In order for the direct links to work, you must be logged in with the username: wwntbm and the password: gospel.

Special Speaker

One of our missionaries is on furlough from the Middle East. His name has been omitted for security purposes, and the recording is unavailable.

Lessons from my family:

  • If you can’t talk of your struggles with others in the missions family, you can’t do so anywhere.
  • Church doesn’t have to be a big building.
  • As a missionary kid, you’re always a stranger wherever you go.
  • God’s ways aren’t ours. I wanted my life to go a certain way before we went to the field. But I gained and became a better person.
  • You can make a place you really don’t like into a home.
  • People everywhere are basically the same.

Lessons from Peter:
Christ called Peter to follow Him at the beginning of his ministry. In the middle of his ministry, Christ reminded Peter to continue to follow Him, in spite of what others may be doing. At the end of his ministry, Peter was still following Christ and growing in grace. In following God, there will be amazing things you will do, but you may be terrified. Follow anyway. It is better to be terrified following God than terrified walking alone.

Frank Camp

Note: Part of point one is missing from the recording due to technical issues. 

If you truly follow Christ, you will do so when others are not, when things are difficult, and when others have it easier. You will learn that God changes your perspective. You will see God give clarity through many prayers. You will see His compassion for people. You will learn He can call you to a specific place. You will experience His care for your provisions. You will know His calm of peace. You will have His confidence in placement.

Tim Germano

Unfortunately, we do not have a full recording of this session.

Be faithful. Guard your time with Christ. Realize it’s not about you, it’s all about Him. We are not the treasure; we are just a worthless box holding the treasure. When people are looking for treasure they are not enamored by the box. When we realize this truth, we will be the missionary God desires. Realizing this truth takes the pressure off of us. We can then be free to faithfully serve and watch Him work through us. When we realize this truth, we can get out of the way and let Him work.

Seth Folkers

Unfortunately, we do not have a full recording of this session.

The writer of Hebrews encourages us to follow the faith of the older generations, considering the end of their lives. What you look to is the direction you will go. We must have goals. But we must keep our eyes on the Lord Himself, rather than on our own goals, even if we have a good godly goal. Otherwise, we will seek to reach the goal in our own way. Joshua had his eyes set on the goal of conquering Ai, and failed to consider God’s method. Joseph had a dream from God, and never forgot it, but focused on serving God and others and allowed God to make the dream a reality.

Russ Bell

God says what He means and backs up what He says. When you do what He says, He will do the rest. God often carries us through the fire that we may comfort others. When you are in His way He will lead you. Don’t dwell on the former things, but allow God to do a new thing in you. Don’t put God in a box or make Him a servant to your plans. You are His servant. Don’t be afraid for Him to change your direction. I’ve learned that God is faithful and true, and that is all I need to know.

Prayer & Dates: July 2019

July Prayer/Praises and Special Dates

Click the link above to download a PDF of prayer requests and praises as well as the birthdays and anniversaries for July. Note: You will need to login to SecureCloud in order to view this document. Once you have logged in, click on Files, Shared, then Headquarter Happenings, then scroll to the month you would like to view. This step protects people with WWNTBM in restricted access fields.

From Our President: July 2019

Danny Whetstone

I want to thank Pastor Chad Estep and the Valley Baptist Church for doing an amazing job hosting Family Fellowship Week last month. It was a great blessing to see so many of you in Edinburg. Brother O’Malley and the staff did a wonderful job preparing for the week, and so many components came together for a seamless week of fellowship.

So many things have changed over the years, and we are continually making adjustments to deal with those changes. Nothing is so staggeringly different than the way we communicate. I can remember a time when if a problem developed, it was a long process. A missionary would write, and it would often take weeks to get an answer as the letters would crawl slowly around the world. However, that is the case no longer. Instantaneously we can communicate with the other side of the globe. It leaves no time for us to reflect on our response to a particular situation. Since we are not required to take time for thought, perhaps it would be advisable to take that time on our own. Restraint is not always easy. Our emotions compel us to reply with everything that is on our mind. In those times might I suggest that you write the email and then just let it rest in your computer for a couple of days before sending it to where it can never be recovered and changed.

Consider this with me also: posts on social media. Sometimes it is what we say, and other times it is how we say it. I oftentimes read things on Facebook from missionaries that we are associated with that cause me to cringe. Statements that come across so arrogant it is as though the writer believes that he is the only one that has ever had that thought and therefore has the only correct answer. If we knew the truth, we would probably be amazed at how little others care about our dogmatism. You can be correct and still be wrong! You can be wrong in your disposition even when your position is right. But there are those also that word a statement in such a way as to gender strife. This should not be.

And then there are those pictures! Please use caution when you are posting photos online. We are all aware that there are differences in convictions. Yes, we do indeed have liberty in Christ, but we must not use our liberty to offend a brother in Christ. Look carefully at those pictures before posting them. Look at modesty. Look at the surroundings. Then ask yourself how important is it that this is published for public consumption.

I trust that our Lord will give you a wonderful month in your ministry and family.

In His Service,
Danny A. Whetstone

If this article has been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. Whetstone here to let him know.

From the Memo Board: July 2019

Dates to Know

July 1 – Revised pay date for those who normally receive funds on the 29th

July 1 – May financial reports will be due

July 4 – The Office will be closed in celebration of Independence Day

August 1 – June financial reports will be due

June 15-18, 2020 – Family Fellowship Week in Kinston, NC

New Missionary

Rebekah Joy Childers has recently partnered with WWNTBM. She is sent out of the North Love Baptist Church in Rockford, IL, with Pastor Paul Kingsbury. Joy is a graduate of Ambassador Baptist College. In 2012 she served as an associate with us during a summer internship with Mike and Sue Smith in Colorado. She will be serving in Grenada, helping her brother and his family start a Christian school. Pray for her as she begins deputation.


Kim O’Malley recently completed her Financial Coach Master Training through Dave Ramsey. This has been a long term goal of hers, and we are thrilled to recognize her achievement. Her desire is to use this training to further assist our missionaries in the area of financial planning.

50th Anniversary Family Week

Now is the time to begin planning to attend next year’s Family Fellowship Week. We will meet on June 15-18, 2020, with Pastor Tim Daniel and the New Testament Baptist Church of Kinston, NC. If you are planning a furlough in 2020, please be sure to arrange your schedule so you can attend this meeting in its entirety. It will begin with dinner on Monday evening and end with the Thursday evening service. Most attendees plan to depart Friday morning. This will mark our 50th Family Week! In recognition of this, the Thursday evening service will be held at Calvary Baptist Church in New Bern, with our founder and chairman, Pastor Bill Wingard. Don’t miss this exciting week! It is truly the highlight of the WWNTBM year.

Office Update

At Family Week, John O’Malley gave an update on what is happening in the Office. This is a transitional year. Thank you for bearing with us as we make changes related to two key areas.

The first key area is the change from W-2 Employees to 1099 Independent Contractors.

  • We collected Form I-9 from all missionaries who were with us prior to January 1, to cover our bases under employee records that need to be maintained for 3 years.
  • In January, we issued our final W-2s.
  • This year we are collecting Form W-9 (or W-8BEN) from all individuals, to set us up with the new Independent Contractor status.
  • In January 2020, individuals will receive a 1099. This will mean two main changes for personal tax filings. First, the form on which you receive the info. (The figures themselves will not change.) Second, the ability under new tax laws to personally list on Schedule C what may not fall under our accountable plan.

The second key area is related to sending funds to charities. We are working with over 15 missionaries who have foreign charities, to register them with our CPA.

Key thought for those on deputation: Ministry tax situations will likely be different from what you have dealt with before. Take time to understand how your ministry will affect your taxes before you leave for the field. Find a good tax advisor familiar with missionaries and those living overseas. Our staff can help.

Practical Sessions

Family Fellowship Week is about more than just preaching! Our desire is for it to be a place of fellowship where we can feed your soul, familiarize you with our staff, and allow you to focus on our commitments to each other. Darleen Whetstone spoke to the ladies and was accompanied by Rebecca Rinard, who illustrated the lesson with chalk art. Bill Wingard and Danny Whetstone gave a session on Ministry Principles. We also had a Q&A time where Danny Whetstone and John O’Malley answered questions from the audience.

Each message below contains links to the audio via our Uplift podcast site. In order for the direct links to work, you must be logged in with the username: wwntbm and the password: gospel.

Principles and Practices, Part One
Bill Wingard

Principles and Practices, Part Two
Danny Whetstone

Note: The first few minutes of this recording are missing.

Two Peas in a Pod
Darleen Whetstone

God promises that if we follow Him, He will make us into what He desires. The disciples followed straightway. As ladies, too often we do not want to follow until we have proof the plan will work out. We must trust that He is at work. Two peas in a pod spend time together and are very much alike. Our relationship with Christ must be the same. Our priorities must be right. We can’t see the whole picture but must trust that God is in control. Our prayers must be constant. They should include thanksgiving as well as asking for blessings. We must trust that God has a plan. His plan for each of us is unique. Don’t try to do His job, just do yours. Sow the seed and let the Holy Spirit work and give the increase. When our priorities are in line and our prayers are going up, the plan God has for us will bring pleasure to Him.

Ministry Principles
Bill Wingard and Danny Whetstone

Principles vs. Rules

  • We prefer to operate by principles, not by rules. There are settings where rules are needed. But when we are working with adults, principles should be sufficient.
  • If God called you to this level of ministry to go out on your own, we trust you have developed the maturity to get started. We want you to carry out your ministry as best you can under God’s direction.
  • Leaders have witnessed what you have not. It will save you heartache if you pay attention to the principles they have lived by.
  • Rules rarely solve a problem. If someone is cantankerous there is not much you can do about it.
  • Some people need rules, and there are agencies that will give them to you. We desire to work with mature adults.

Principles of Family and Ministry

  • Extremes are never good regardless of which direction they take.
  • We stand on the KJV, but we don’t talk and fuss about it all the time.
  • Ornery people are like egg-sucking dogs. You can’t break them of it. Two can’t walk together unless they are agreed.
  • Two people working together can get more done than 100 who are divisive.
  • If you have to demand subjection as a husband, father, or pastor, you likely are not loving as Christ loved.
  • If you have to demand your position, you likely are not good at it.
  • Live a balanced life between family and ministry.
  • Enjoy life. God didn’t give it to you to persecute you. Laughter is ok and is good medicine.
  • Don’t worry too much about what to put in a prayer letter. That should not be the motivation for your ministry.
  • Those who require much of others in the end often prove they don’t require a great deal of themselves. We bark the loudest when we try to hide what we dislike in ourselves.
  • Lead by principle, but by all means, be a leader.

Principles of Dress

  • Modesty is always the key.
  • Modesty is sometimes defined differently. We may have liberty but should never cause offense.
  • A wise person knows who they work with. We must be all things to all people. Don’t aggravate a relationship by enforcing your liberty.
  • It is better to accommodate another and not offend, so the work of the Lord can go on.
  • We don’t delineate a great deal. We expect your pastor to do so. If you have specific questions we suggest you ask your pastor.
  • If your liberty goes beyond where others are willing to go there is no cause to flaunt your liberty.
  • You may be able to do as you want, but why would you want to offend?
  • When you consider where to draw your line, consider others as well and respect them in your decision.

Principles of Godly Communication

  • Always be gracious, kind, and forgiving.
  • You don’t have to say every thought that comes to your mind.
  • Be careful on social media and in the pulpit. Often it is not that God put it on your heart, but that you have it in your mind and want to get it off your chest.
  • There are many ways to interpret a few sentences on social media. Absent of voice inflection, the look on your face, etc., it is easy to be misunderstood.
  • Your first response to criticism is probably wrong. Let it rest overnight before you send a reply. Your epistle may need to be reduced to a sentence or two.

Principles of Testimony

  • On our best days, we groan too much. Everything won’t be right most of the time.
  • If you spend $20 at a restaurant, is what you will say about their mistake worth the testimony you will leave behind? Too often we say what we think because we desire compensation.
  • What you do and say reflects on the Lord, your family, your church, and the entire body of Christ.
  • Be careful what you say. If you get it wrong you won’t have peace until you go back and fix it. So do it right the first time.
  • Be careful when trying to answer too many texts or emails at once. The speed of communication can catch up to you if you send the wrong message!
  • On the day you feel most furious, wait a day before responding.

Principles of Preparation

  • Regardless of whether you plan to retire, you will have lots of expenses when you get old. Be prepared.
  • You are young and popular now. Don’t wait until you are old and forgotten to plan for your family.
  • Owning a home is the greatest insurance and security a wife can have.
  • It is just as spiritual to take care of your family when you are old as it is when you are young.
  • The disciples walked by sight when Christ was here. They saw Him provide taxes and multiply bread for their dinner. But now that He is gone we must live by faith.
  • We are responsible to make provisions. If we provide not for our own we have denied the faith.
  • Evacuation preparation is more needed today than ever.

Questions and Answers
Danny Whetstone and John O’Malley

Note: there is no audio available for this session

What steps can we take to on Social Media to increase our exposure?

  • Create good content and people will share it. It can take years.
  • Some have said to be successful at something you must first spend 10,000 hours doing it.
  • Find someone with a good social media presence, and get them to share your posts.
  • Great content will eventually be found.

Is World Wide open to accepting more missionaries to the deaf?

  • Absolutely! We are thrilled to have the Dundons with us.
  • We are open to help people wherever the Lord leads them.

What should you do when you believe a church has dropped your support?

  • Confirm that the support is stopped, and not just late.
  • Tracking your monthly support list can help in this area.
  • Ask your pastor’s guidance.
  • Start with the assumption that grace should be applied.
  • Give grace and seek to clarify. Perhaps after 2 or 3 months of no support, contact the pastor and ask if there is a problem of which you need to be aware.
  • Remember that a church votes to support you and can also vote to stop supporting you. They do not owe you anything.

What would you do if your sending church makes it difficult to maintain a close relationship?

  • Start with yourself. What can you do to be available at the level the church desires? Ask yourself what you have or have not done to cause the relationship to not be what you desire.
  • Ask your pastor what relationship he desires with you.
  • Keep the communication open. It is not just the pastor’s responsibility to communicate with you; you should also communicate with him.
  • Ask your pastor if you can add another level to your relationship.
  • Learn how to express your desire without being needy. Let the pastor shepherd your needs.
  • Give your pastor your calendar.
  • Realize we are all different. Your pastor may be more or less chatty than you.
  • World Wide is collaborating on a book for sending pastors, called Shepherding a Missionary. We hope to make it available later this year.

What is World Wide’s position on music?

  • We like it!
  • Among our board members, you will find a wide variety. Not contemporary or country. Some are very conservative and some are more southern gospel. We are at home with anything in between.
  • You don’t have to answer for another church’s music. Find what you are comfortable with and use it in your ministry.
  • Don’t tell another pastor what to do in his church.

Where can those on deputation find out about missions conferences?

  • Join our GroupMe conversation for deputation missionaries. Contact Jeremy Lockhart if you are not in that group.
  • Use the IFBMT app. It has a collaborative calendar where people can share dates.
  • Victory Baptist Press has an email list that often includes upcoming meetings.
  • Talk to others on deputation. Your fellow missionaries are great resources.

How do you handle the awkward pause when you are out to eat with a pastor and the waiter asks if it is all together?

  • Assume nobody owes you anything.
  • Pause briefly to defer to the host out of etiquette; but if he delays, offer to pay. It’s ok to be a giver.
  • Give the opportunity for the host to decide, but don’t assume the host will pay. Always be prepared to pay for yourself.
  • I deserve hell. I’m not going. Anything after that is gravy.

What do you do if you visit a church and they do not contact you to tell you if they will support you?

  • Accept the reality that they likely will not.
  • They probably won’t contact you to tell you they are not supporting you. If they are going to support you, they know how to reach you.
  • Wait at least three months before asking. It can take time for funds to start coming to the office.
  • Pray every day that God will advise them whether or not to support you.
  • Send a postcard to the pastor. Don’t seek support. Just let them know you are praying for them personally. Be careful not to use this as a marketing ploy.
  • Send a letter to churches you have been in. Indicate that you are at 80% and would appreciate if they could reconsider supporting you.

Evening Sessions

Each year at Family Week, the daily sessions focus on our missions family, while the evening messages include the host church family. Four speakers are selected to challenge and encourage hearts for the cause of missions.

Each message title below contains the link to the audio via our Uplift podcast site. In order for the direct links to work, you must be logged in with the username: wwntbm and the password: gospel.

Withhold Nothing from God
John O’Malley

In Genesis 22 we learn from Abraham to live a life that withholds nothing from God. When God wants to walk with you, just walk. When God wants to speak to you, listen. Don’t assume you already know the conclusion. If God’s plan differs from yours, go with His. He’ll take you farther than you can imagine and do more than you can dream. If you usually doubt, don’t. If you usually reserve something for self, don’t. God wants it all. When we reserve for ourselves we pay the price. If you usually worry, stop. If you wonder whether God can provide, don’t. He can. When faced with the tough questions, always answer in the “faith tense.” God Will.

I Have Learned to Rejoice
Bill Wingard

Paul emphasized joy and rejoicing to the Philippians. We can greatly rejoice in the Lord’s presence. Whatever comes our way, His presence will not be taken away. We can rejoice in His providence. We can rejoice in the Lord’s plenty. It is amazing what God can make to be plenteous in our lives, which we will never understand until we go through a valley. We can rejoice in the Lord’s power. We can rejoice in the Lord’s provision. Some of our greatest opportunities to serve the Lord come unexpectedly.

Divine Influence
Tim Daniel

In Luke 8 we see Jairus’ plea for divine intervention in the life of his daughter. Often people will flock to Christ when facing a real crisis. We must be available to them when they ask for help. As Christ began to go, He was immediately thronged by others seeking help. Jairus was likely frustrated by this, not realizing it was a divine delay. Jesus can do more than one thing at a time! All delays with Christ are only delays in our human mind. This seeming delay gave Jairus and his family cause to see divine interaction that would not have been possible otherwise. When you don’t understand what God is doing, He does!

Launch into the Deep
Danny Whetstone

Peter was tired. He had fished all night and had nothing to show. As Christ preached He was pushed by the crowds and needed to get farther out so He could be heard. He asked Peter to launch into the deep. Imagine the message Peter heard that day! Peter knew how, when, and where to fish. Yet he caught nothing until he followed Christ’s command. Whatever he heard that day made him willing to forsake his boats, nets, and fish. What does it take to launch into the deep? It takes faith. Peter’s confidence was not in catching fish but in Christ’s word. We must have the confidence to get off the shore, launch into the deep, and follow Christ. It takes surrender. Peter understood fishing but had no idea where Christ was leading. It takes unity. Peter realized he could work together with others and have a great catch, or do it his own way and lose everything. It takes prayer. If prayer does nothing else, it confesses that you can’t do it alone. It takes a burden. We must be willing to weep for the lost. We must be willing to take on new challenges. On the very best fishing day, Peter left all and followed the Lord. Three years later Peter found himself back where he started. Another night on the sea with no fish to show for it, until he heard the Lord’s instruction. You too will be in places where you work with seemingly no success. The fish you are looking for may be under the boat. Joy comes in the morning. We must be dissatisfied with shallow water, and launch out into the deep to experience God’s blessings.

Daily Sessions

Each message title below contains links to the audio via our Uplift podcast site. In order for the direct links to work, you must be logged in with the username: wwntbm and the password: gospel.

Follow Me
John O’Malley

In Matthew 4 we read of Christ’s call to the fishermen to follow Him. Each call of God has four common parts. There is a divine interruption when God shows up and makes His will known. There is a divine invitation to follow Him. There is a divine intention, as He reveals what His will includes. There is a divine indication of how the individual can participate in His plan. Those who choose to follow Him have an opportunity to walk with God, to watch God work, and to work with God.

Follow Me When You Have Nothing Else to Give
Paul Zimmer

God calls us to places where we do not know what to do because He wants us to trust Him. It is easy to read the victories in the Bible and forget the inner struggle that men faced before they made the right decisions. In Exodus 14 Moses gave the right answer to the Israelites in verse 14, but we see in verse 15 he was still crying to God in fear! Moses knew God would do something, but didn’t know what that would be. God’s answer was to stop crying and move forward. If all risk is removed there is no faith. God brings us to the end of our rope so we will look up and let Him be God. In such moments we have nothing else because we don’t need anything else. We have Him, and that is enough.

Follow Me When It Requires Standing Alone
Barry Goodman

Great men of God are often alone when they face their biggest victories. Often, we are alone because we are the only one remaining true to principles. Paul experienced this, as he wrote to Timothy in II Timothy 4. Following God requires affirmation. Believe what you preach, and be not ashamed of the Gospel. Following God is both the result of separation and results in separation. When you follow God He calls you to separate from some, and when you do, others will separate from you. Following God renders identification. Who you are with determines who you are. In following God we must resist intellectualism; it is not the method that matters! When following God we must respond in determination.

Follow Me When it Requires Sacrifice
David Fulp

Christ is our ultimate example of sacrifice. He had a humble heart. If your heart is not behind your service you are just putting on a show. He was willing to sacrifice. He gave up the height of all glory to stoop to the lowest birth, and on the cross, He willingly submitted not only to death but to the most painful and shameful torture known. Follow Christ and He will show you what He wants you to sacrifice. He had a purpose driven life. He was focused on bringing glory to the Father. In so doing, the Father was able to exalt Him. Your service comes down to your motive. What is your purpose in serving Christ? It must be about His glory, not yours.

Follow Me When You Cannot See the Plan
Jeremy Lockhart

Job thought he understood God. But he had no idea the battle Satan was waging, or what was really happening in his own life. When we can’t see the plan we must hold His steps. The individual steps on the path are ordered by Him. We must keep His way. We must not decline. During these times Satan hurls his fiercest darts to draw us aside. Hold to the truth and surety of the Word of God. Don’t go back. If God closes one door He has better ones to open. We must esteem His Words more than all else. His Word is the lamp that will light our path and guide our steps.

Follow Me After Failure
Mike Renfrow

John Mark’s life shows us that failure does not have to be final. Stumbling stones can become stepping stones. Failure can teach us valuable lessons. When we fail while serving the Lord, we learn that God is the God of second chances. When we fail Him, He still loves us. We learn that God makes no mistakes. He has a specific ministry to which He called us, and His calling comes with His enabling. John Mark learned that he was not the apostle Paul. Don’t try to be someone you are not. When you are yourself, God gets the glory from your ministry. John Mark learned that even in his failure there was someone who had not given up on him. Barnabas was there to encourage him, believe in him, and show him the potential God had given.

Follow Me Through Criticism
Michael West

Scripture teaches us that criticism will come. It even teaches us how to give and how to receive criticism. There is the accurate type, that is essentially valid if not all correct. We must see this as an opportunity to change. There is the inaccurate type, essentially incorrect even if it includes an element of truth. This is an opportunity to teach. There is also the destructive type, marked by fault finding and complaining. When we are criticized we must still follow in Christ’s steps and mimic His behavior. We must be clean. We are not sinless as He is, but we can be cleansed. We must exercise constraint. Christ showed biblical manhood by exercising the ability to control his appetites. Temperance comes from the Holy Spirit. Remember the real enemy is Satan; he just uses people as tools to discourage you. We must have confidence in the Father. Commit yourself to God Who judges all unrighteousness. He will use this to make us better if we will let Him work.

Family Fellowship Week 2019 Quotes

Give in a way that looks like Christ and feels like family. – John O’Malley

Withhold nothing from God and you’ll find a journey you can never create for yourself. – John O’Malley

There’s a unity in the fellowship of sorrows. – Missionary Teen

When God answers prayer, quit arguing and just move forward. – Frank Camp

Serve Christ and have fun doing it! – Frank Camp

Everyone wants to tell stories of God’s provision and grace. The question is whether you are willing to pay the price. It will not be cheap. But if you do, you will one day be able to reminisce. The price may not seem worth it now but will be life’s delight in the end. – Danny Whetstone

If you are afraid in the dark, go anyway. The darkest hour is just before the dawn, and then you will see there was nothing to fear. – Chad Estep

Our lives are not an accident. If we are walking with the Lord, anything we face is in His providence. – Bill Wingard

He who will not sail until all dangers are over must never go out to sea. – Thomas Fuller

There is always a risk in following God. But if God tells you to go forward, the risk is on Him. – Paul Zimmer

A critical spirit always finds disappointment no matter where it looks. – Michael West

Failure can teach us valuable lessons. – Mike Renfrow

Even when you cannot see His plan, you can still follow Him! – Jeremy Lockhart

Disappointment comes when reality does not meet your expectations. – Danny Whetstone

Learn to speak with people in all levels of life. Be able to jive with the good ol’ boys and speak with the PhD. We must be all things to all men. – David Fulp

Be the best you can for Christ. You’ll be glad you did! – David Fulp

Do not have your concert first, and then tune your instrument afterward. Begin the day with the Word of God and prayer and get first of all into harmony with Him. – Hudson Taylor

Following Christ brings witness of Divine influence in your life. – Tim Daniel

We can’t live by sight alone and still see the wonderful works of God. – Tim Daniel

Knowing God has led you is the most important knowledge to go to bed with. – Russ Bell

God upsets our plans because He has greater plans for us. – Jeremy Lockhart

You will have confidence in something. It might as well be in God. – Michael West

It takes pressure to be conformed to something. Allow God to use difficulties to make you more like Him. – Michael West

Fear not to preach the obvious. You cannot go deeper than the truth that God loves us. – Danny Whetstone

Planning for the Future

“Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, and look well to thy herds. For riches are not for ever: and doth the crown endure to every generation?” Proverbs 27:23-24

“For the children ought not to lay up for the parents, but the parents for the children.”  II Corinthians 12:14

Scripture clearly teaches the principle of planning for the future and making preparations to care for succeeding generations. Missionaries often focus so much attention on getting to the field and the resources needed for ministry, that they forget about this important area. We daily focus on telling others about the brevity of life. As we encourage others to plan for their eternal future, let us not forget to plan for our earthly future.

Practical steps you can take to ensure peace of mind for your family:

1 – Make a Will

  • You and your spouse should have individual wills, which include instructions if you are survived by your spouse, or if you and your spouse both pass at the same time.
  • Decide who will be your executor.
  • Decide who will care for your children.
  • Decide who will receive your belongings.
  • Decide what items will go to specific individuals (wedding rings, family heirlooms, etc.).
  • Decide on the amount(s) to give to charity.
  • Decide who will care for pets.
  • Be sure all names in the will are spelled correctly to avoid delays.
  • Do not sign your wills until you are in the presence of a notary public and two competent witnesses unrelated to you who are not beneficiaries to the will!

2 – Prepare Other Legal Documents

  • Designate Power of Attorney(s) to handle financial matters.
  • Designate Power of Attorney(s) for health matters.
  • Consider having your spouse as a co-signer on all financial accounts.

3 – Obtain Life Insurance

  • Consider funds to cover funeral expenses and possible repatriation of remains.
  • Consider the possibility of moving your family home from the field.
  • Consider any one-time expenses you wish to fund, such as paying off any outstanding debt.
  • Consider income to help your family into the future.

4 – Consider Funeral Preparations

  • What can you record that will be helpful to loved ones who will need to make difficult decisions during an emotional time?
  • Where do you wish to be buried?
  • Are there specific verses or songs that are special to you?
  • What are significant dates in your life, including your salvation and call to service?

5 – Create a Legacy Drawer 

  • This is a single location to store all important documents.
  • Include a list of all financial accounts, with account numbers, contact information for the financial institutions, and passwords to access online details.
  • Include documents such as Birth Certificates, Social Security Cards, Passports, Wedding License, Deeds, Titles, etc. If originals are in a safety deposit box, include copies and details of how to locate originals.
  • Include passwords, combinations, usernames, PINs, etc. Be sure to include information about your online presence such as social media accounts and personal websites.
  • Click here to view Dave Ramsey’s complete article for more details.


1 – Recommended Advisors

  • Accountant
  • Investments Advisor
  • Life Insurance Agent
  • Banking Advisor
  • Attorney

2 – Websites

From the Desk of a Friend: David’s Plea for Help

Lord, I cry unto thee: make haste unto me; give ear unto my voice, when I cry unto thee. Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense; and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice. Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips. Incline not my heart to any evil thing, to practise wicked works with men that work iniquity: and let me not eat of their dainties.
Psalm 141:1-4

This Psalm begins with David’s urgent crying to the Lord for a listening ear. The nature of his plea is a CRY for help of a preventative nature. To this author, it seems we all should cry out to God for the same needs. This cry is not just a shallow, half-hearted request. David asks for it to be his Passover offering (v.2).

The first request pertains to a universal need of every person, Christian or not. He declares, “Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.” The products of our lips can be either very helpful or very harmful. James 1:26 warns us to bridle (control) our tongue. Failure to do so deceives us, and our religion is vain. James also states in chapter 3, “If we offend not in word, the same is a perfect man (mature) and able to bridle the whole body.” He compares the power of the tongue to the bit in a horse’s mouth, the helm of a ship, and a flame of fire. He refers to the tongue as a world of iniquity. This small organ of our body “setteth on fire the course of nature; and is set on fire of hell.” This same little organ can also “bless God.” With this kind of potential in such a tiny organ, it is no wonder the psalmist pleads for help to control it in a way that blesses rather than harms.

David pleads again to God with a second request for the heart of the man controlling the tongue. “Incline not his heart to any evil thing, to practice wicked works with men that work iniquity:” Jesus speaks to this in Matthew 12:34-35. “O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.”

These words of Jesus Christ reveal that if we have a right heart, it will go a long way to controlling the little organ bent toward evil. In other words, the power of the tongue can be tempered or managed by the heart. We enjoy this control when we fill our minds with the Word of God and maintain a close relationship with Jesus Christ. A miracle occurs when a rough-talking sinner’s vocabulary changes after accepting Christ. His interpersonal relationships now grow from a heart of love instead of a bitter heart and tongue. We must thank our Savior for His amazing grace. His grace gives us good thoughts and words and cleanses us from the world’s filth.

If Bro. Hurst’s article is an encouragement to you, please email him to let him know. You may also visit ebarnabas.org to make an appointment with him for encouragement.