We would like to recognize several ministry milestones that are being reached during the year 2019. We are grateful for these individuals who continue to serve faithfully.

We would like to recognize several ministry milestones that are being reached during the year 2019. We are grateful for these individuals who continue to serve faithfully.
World Wide New Testament Baptist Missions is approaching fifty years of service to missionary families and their sending churches. We are at a place now where we see missionaries retire from full-time missionary service. The Lord has been so good to send new families for us to minister with in the work of world evangelism. There is no doubt that we stand in great need of young missionaries to carry on the difficult work that is necessary all over the world. However, I would like to express my appreciation to the Lord for permitting us to still have those who have labored long in this ministry.
I will not attempt to bring to your attention all those who have given of themselves in this work, but I am most grateful that the man whom God used to see this work born is still the Chairman of the Board. Pastor Bill Wingard has been the heart of this work, and our Lord has blessed our mission by sustaining him through the years. In the wisdom of God, we are aware that the younger is to learn from the older. It is certainly true that the energy resides in the younger, but the wisdom abides in those who have long served the Lord through various circumstances of life and ministry.
Men like Brother Russell Bell were there at the beginning with Pastor Wingard. Pastor Clyde Eborn was also involved in the beginning stages of this work. We have indeed learned much since those early days. So much that we have learned, and so many troubles that we avoided have been because these men have stayed with us through good and bad. Make no mistake about it: we need these men more than ever before. This mission has operated on biblical principles that these men, and many others like them, have kept before us through the years.
We enjoy the memories of Mrs. Smithwick in a closet with a journal keeping the records for the mission. They were humble beginnings, but none of this operation would be here today if these faithful servants had not taken the first steps to see it come alive. There have been many who have invested their energies in this work. There have been hundreds of hours spent in board meetings attempting to steer the ministry in such a direction that God would be honored. I am so proud of the work being accomplished by our mission today, and I am convinced that it will only get better if we remember that we are building on a very good foundation given to us by faithful servants of the Lord.
In His Service,
Danny A. Whetstone
If this article has been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. Whetstone here to let him know.
September Prayer/Praises and Special Dates
Click the link above to download a PDF of prayer requests and praises as well as the birthdays and anniversaries for September. Note: You will need to login to SecureCloud in order to view this document. Once you have logged in, click on Files, Shared, then Headquarter Happenings, then scroll to the month you would like to view. This step protects people with WWNTBM in restricted access fields.
October 1 – August financial reports will be due
June 15-18, 2020 – Family Fellowship Week in Kinston, NC
We are now using Home Trust, a local bank that will enable us to better serve our missions family. Please be aware of the following items as we make this transition.
Risks of identity theft continue to rise. Awareness of how your information is stored and used is key to protecting yourself. World Wide strives to protect the information you entrust to us. Here are ways you can further protect yourself.
We recently heard of a situation where a missionary traveling on a short-term trip needed to be evacuated to the US for medical needs. The process was lengthy and expensive! If you are traveling internationally, you may wish to consider trip insurance. Some credit card companies offer policies for trips purchased with their card. Most airlines offer options at the time of purchasing tickets. Our staff has also used Seven Corners Insurance. They cover overseas medical care in addition to trip cancellation or evacuation needs. They will also provide medical insurance for those coming to the US for short periods of time if the individual’s overseas insurance does not cover US needs.
Hudson Michael McKinney was born on August 15. He weighed 7 pounds 10 ounces and was 21 inches long. Hudson is the third son of Jacob and Shera McKinney and joins his brothers Ryland (6) and Landon (4). The McKinneys are finishing their deputation and hope to leave for their first term in Bolivia early in 2020.
The following recordings were recently published on uplift.wwntbm.com. You may access the site by entering the username: wwntbm and the password: gospel. These recordings for our missions family contain the Uplift calls in their entirety, including prayer requests and challenges to our missionaries. We hope they will encourage your heart.
Living in Babylon by Rolando Ortiz
Abiding in Christ by Guy Grenade
Trust in the Work of the Word by Terri Moore
Are You Blessed? by Jeremy Lockhart
No One Too Small by Elwood Hurst
Having the Right Spirit by Gene Krachenfels
Our staff loves visiting with our missionaries, whether in the US or on the field. Recently, some of our staff was able to visit several missionaries where they serve.
World Wide Missionary List August 2019
Click the link above to download a PDF of the current list of World Wide missionaries.
Note: You will need to login to SecureCloud in order to view this document. Once you have logged in, click on the Headquarter Happenings folder, then “Missionary List August 2019.” This step protects people with WWNTBM in restricted access fields.
Space will not allow me to expand thoroughly on the details of this text. However, this passage of Scripture reveals a principle that seems to impact our present-day need of God’s supply of young men to His work. It convicts this father and could be a factor in the shortage of young preachers and missionaries today.
God still calls young men. They heed the call and faithfully serve where God leads. Fathers are not the ones who do the calling. Through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, He works in the hearts of these young men. It is a question in my mind if some of these same conditions mentioned in the passage partially account for the shrinking numbers of young men and women hearing the call of God today.
The psalmist, inspired by God, paints a sad picture and gives some clear instructions to fathers. He reminds them that God gave the law, and the testimony has been established. God wants the next generation to hear the declaration of not only God’s law but also His boundless and marvelous works. He delivered His people from bondage in Egypt. He showed His power over nature and miraculously divided the Red Sea. He allowed His people to cross on dry ground and escape the enemy. He supplied a band of millions of people through the wilderness with food and water from a rock. He delegated the fathers to pass these blessings on to the sons, grandsons, and great-grandsons. The desire and the goal of God is that these sons “set their hope in God and not forget the works of God and keep His commandments.” Thank God for good training and the records of godly and influential preachers of the past and present. But the hope and source of leading are of God. The Biblical record shows God’s desire for us to know His works, clear leading, and power.
Sadly, verse 8 says God could not recommend the example of the fathers because the fathers were “a stubborn and rebellious generation; a generation that set not their heart aright, and whose spirit was not steadfast with God.” He continues in verse 10 to say they “kept not the covenant of God and refused to walk in his law.” The charges get even more severe in the following verses. Verse 41 states that they turned back and tempted God. God was “wroth.”
As fathers, may God help us make much of the mighty and wonderful works of GOD to our sons, grandsons, and great-grandsons and do our part of producing a generation of servants and soldiers for the work of our Lord. God help us not only to tell, but also to live the example that they may set their hope in God, be faithful to the Word, and to their calling.
If Bro. Hurst’s article is an encouragement to you, please email him to let him know. You may also visit ebarnabas.org to make an appointment with him for encouragement.
August 1 – June financial reports will be due
August 30 – Revised pay date for those who normally receive funds on the 5th and 10th (of September)
September 1 – July financial reports will be due
September 2 – The Office will be closed in celebration of Labor Day
June 15-18, 2020 – Family Fellowship Week in Kinston, NC
By the end of September, we will complete a change from our current banking partner to a bank better able to serve all our mission family. To be sure you have no difficulty in receiving funds, please be aware of the following dates:
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Kim.
Don and Linda Antonow, parents of our former staff member, Jaimie Dillon, have an apartment available for missionaries traveling in the Staunton, VA, area. The apartment has a private entrance and shares the bathroom with the main home. For details or reservations contact Don at 610-737-6796 or Linda at 610-597-9336.
In 1971, God brought to fulfillment the dream He had planted in Bill Wingard’s heart to start a missions agency. That same year, Calvary Baptist Church of New Bern hosted the first annual Family Fellowship Week. While the faces have changed through the years, what has not changed is the focus on encouragement and fellowship during the meeting. Click here to see what others have said about attending Family Week. June 15-28, 2020, New Testament Baptist Church of Kinston will co-host the 50th Annual meeting along with Calvary of New Bern. Make plans now to attend!
The following recordings were recently published on uplift.wwntbm.com. You may access the site by entering the username: wwntbm and the password: gospel. These recordings for our missions family contain the Uplift calls in their entirety, including prayer requests and challenges to our missionaries. We hope they will encourage your heart.
Giving All Diligence by Jeremy Lockhart
A Proper Perspective in Prayer by Harold Vaughn
Broken and Poured Out by Chris Swiatocho
What to do When the Pressures Come by Mike Renfrow
Don’t Forget Love! by Gene Krachenfels
The Importance of Intercessory Prayer by Mike Renfrow
All of us deal daily with relationships. Relationships with family, friends, supporters, churches, and the mission are ever before us. There are various times when difficulties arise in each of those relationships. So many things come into play when we attempt to maintain a good relationship in each of these categories.
At the beginning of a relationship, everything looks wonderful. If that were not true, we would not cultivate the relationship to maturity. It is certainly true that over time, we see things that we did not recognize in the beginning. However, as we build on a relationship, we are continually evaluating its worth. So, what is the primary component of a lasting relationship? Perhaps each of us would pick a different most important thing, but in my opinion, it would be honesty.
If a relationship is established or developed on faulty information, it is not likely that the relationship will develop properly. As a mission, WWNTBM does everything possible to reveal exactly who we are so that each of us understands what we are getting into before we have a long term relationship. Over the years, the mission has attempted to maintain a steady course. Where we have made changes, it has been to elaborate on a position already established.
We may grow in a relationship only to recognize that changes are necessary. When that happens, we must realize that those changes now involve more than just us. When this happens, we must work through those changes or dismiss ourselves from the relationship. Never should we establish or develop a relationship on a faulty premise. It might seem that deception is an easy way to go, but in the end, it will cost us far more.
Be honest with your family. Be honest with your friends. Be honest with your supporters. Be honest with your church. Be honest with your mission. Be honest with all of your relationships. Deception has no part in a good relationship. You might have a great reputation, but is it an accurate representation of who you are?
Develop a great relationship with all who touch your life. Often it is very hard work, but over time, it will enrich your life and the lives of those around you.
In His Service,
Danny A. Whetstone
If this article has been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. Whetstone here to let him know.
August Prayer/Praises and Special Dates
Click the link above to download a PDF of prayer requests and praises as well as the birthdays and anniversaries for August. Note: You will need to login to SecureCloud in order to view this document. Once you have logged in, click on Files, Shared, then Headquarter Happenings, then scroll to the month you would like to view. This step protects people with WWNTBM in restricted access fields.