Dates to Know
November 1 – September Financial Reports will be due for US Missionaries.
November 1 – October Financial Reports will be due for Non-Resident Missionaries.
November 11 – Most US Banks will be closed for Veterans Day.
November 20 – Please contact us by this date via Signal if you will need funds in your account before Thanksgiving.
November 26-27 – The Office will be closed in celebration of Thanksgiving.
December 1 – October Financial Reports will be due for US Missionaries.
December 1 – November Financial Reports will be due for Non-Resident Missionaries.
December 13 – All prayer letters mailed through should be submitted to our staff in order for your recipients to get them before Christmas.
December 17 – Please contact us by this date via Signal if you will need funds in your account before Christmas or the end of the year.
December 20 – All prayer letters submitted solely through MailChimp should be submitted to our staff in order for your recipients to get them by the end of the year.
December 21-25 – The Office will be closed in celebration of Christmas.
January 1 – November Financial Reports will be due for US Missionaries.
January 1 – December Financial Reports will be due for Non-Resident Missionaries.
January 8 – Missionaries will receive their statements of December Support Received.
January 13 – All missionaries will receive their final December support on this day, regardless of the day they normally receive support.
January 15 – December Financial Reports will be due for US Missionaries, along with any remaining receipts or financial paperwork for 2020.
February 1 – 1099 Forms and other tax documentation for the 2020 tax year will be available.
Mileage Guidelines for US Missionaries
A recent conversation with our CPA revealed our guidelines for mileage have been broader than the IRS allows for business/ministry deductions. Our procedures manual currently indicates that mileage to and from the church for non-ministerial functions such as mowing the grass or upkeep on the building is not allowed as ministry by the IRS, as it is considered ‘charitable miles’ rather than business/ministry-related. However, our manual also indicates that mileage to and from the church for ministerial activities (outside of regular services) such as counseling, Bible studies, etc., can be listed.
We have learned the IRS stipulates: “Transportation costs which may be deductible include trips for hospital and nursing home visits, attendance at conferences, or other church business. However, trips between the minister’s personal residence and the church are considered nondeductible commuting expenses.” Please note this clarification and be sure to consider this when submitting financial reports. This change will primarily affect those US Missionaries on the field, as those on deputation or furlough are primarily traveling for meetings or conferences.
Christmas Prayer Letter Services
If the office assists in mailing your prayer letters through or and MailChimp, please send us your information by December 13th for your recipients to receive it before Christmas. If we assist with your MailChimp emails only, please get us your information by December 20th in order for your recipients to receive them by the end of the year. Please be aware that letters received in our office after these days may experience delays due to the holidays. Please plan the timing of your letters accordingly, and contact the office if you have any questions. Thank you!
January Income Totals
During a typical month, we close the books on the 25th, and any checks received after that date are posted to the following month. Due to receipting requirements, we cannot do this in the month of December. As a result, please be aware that your December support total may be higher than normal, while your January support total may be lower than normal. Please be sure to plan ahead for this!
Upcoming Financial Reports for US Missionaries
Please prepare now to ensure that your year-end financial reports are submitted on time. October reports are due December 1, November reports are due January 1, and December reports are due January 15. If it is possible for you to submit reports before the due dates, that would greatly assistant our staff. Please note, it is fine to submit a report without waiting for the Line 1 income figure. We can add that for you as needed. Reports should be submitted to [email protected]. Please be sure to include all receipts for expenses $75 and over at the same time you submit your report so there are no delays in processing. Thank you for your help in these areas.
New Baby
Congratulations to Trevor and Sabrina Deneau on the birth of Felix Lou Deneau. He was born on November 1, weighing 7 lbs, 7 oz. and measuring 20 inches long. He joins older brothers Emrys (3) and Theodore (2). Please pray for the Deneaus as they are on deputation to go to Italy.
Uplift Resource
We recently added a new page on the Missionary Orientation School site Uplift recordings having to do with various topics such as Deputation, Missionary and Family, Prayer Letters, etc. have been categorized and linked on this page. If you are in need of encouragement in a certain area, we hope that this resource will be a blessing to you!
Uplift Podcast
The following recordings were recently published on You may access the site by entering the username: wwntbm and the password: gospel. These recordings for our missions family contain the Uplift calls in their entirety, including prayer requests and challenges to our missionaries. We hope they will encourage your heart.
Something Worth Waiting For by Mike Ward
God is in Control by David Landers
Forward March by Guy Grenade
Guarding a Glad Heart by Gabe Eiben
That Which is Shaking You is Shaping You by Adrian Hendricks
Time Management and Organization by Jeremy Kobernat
Hold On! by Charles David
Clarifying Your Message in Prayer Letters by Duey Whitfield