From the Memo Board: February 2016

Dates to Know

February 19 – You should receive the 2016 MFR Template with the new mileage rates.

March 1 – January Financial Reports will be due.

June 20-23 – Family Fellowship Week with Valley Baptist Church in Edinburg, VA.

Benefits of Financial Reports

The Monthly Financial Report (MFR) is the tool that missionaries can use to become accountable to WWNTBM for their reimbursable expenses, rather than having all funds listed as salary. Over the course of 2015, 79% of those eligible chose to submit MFRs. By doing so, they were able to reduce their W-2 Wages by a combined average of 29%. If you are not currently utilizing MFRs and would like information about how to begin, please contact our Office.

Excel Template for 2016

We are working on some changes to the Financial Report Template. If you’ve not already done so, would you consider giving us some feedback? Click here to complete a short survey. We will need your response by February 8. Then, the new Excel template for the year 2016 will be available on or about February 19. This will give us time to review the your suggestions and incorporate any changes. January financial reports will be due on March 1. Should you wish to complete your report before the new template is available, you are welcome to submit it on the 2015 template.

From the Memo Board: January 2016

Dates to Know

January 8 – Missionaries will receive their emailed statements of December Support Received.

January 11 – All missionaries will receive their final December support on this day, regardless of the day that they normally receive support.

January 15 – December financial reports will be due, along with any remaining receipts or financial paperwork for 2015.

June 20-23 – Family Fellowship Week with Valley Baptist Church in Edinburg, VA. Begin arranging your summer schedule to be with us!

January Income Totals

During a typical month, we close the books on the 25th, and any checks received after that date are posted to the following month. Due to receipting requirements, we cannot do this in the month of December. As a result, please be aware that your December support total may be higher than normal, while your January support total may be lower than normal. Please be sure to plan ahead for this!

Housing Allowances for 2016

Housing allowances previously in place have automatically rolled over to the new year. Missionaries who are ordained are eligible to have a housing allowance in place, which can provide certain tax benefits. If you did not have a housing allowance in 2015 and would like to have one for 2016, or if you have questions regarding this, please contact our office.

New Excel Templatemicrosoft_excel_icon

A new Excel template for the year 2016 will be available during the first week of February. This will give us time to review the need for any possible updates. January financial reports will be due on March 1. Should you wish to complete your report before the new template is available, you are welcome to submit it on the 2015 template.

New Mileage Rate

Beginning January 1st, the IRS mileage rate has decreased to $0.540 per mile for business/ministry miles. This change will be reflected on the new Excel template for 2016.

Birth Announcement

Timothy EliamCongratulations to Clayton and Linda Eliam on the birth of baby Timothy on December 17th. Timothy weighed 7 pounds 9 ounces. Both mom and baby are doing well! Timothy is the fifth child of the Eliams, and joins his older siblings Cheryl (12), Nathan (10), Hadassah (7), and Keila (5). The family serves on the island of Pohnpei.

From the Memo Board: December 2015

Upcoming Dates

December 1 – October financial reports will be due.

December 4 – Revised pay date for those who normally receive funds on the 5th.

December 9 – All prayer letters should be submitted to our staff, in order for your recipients to get them before Christmas.candles

December 15 – Please contact us by this date if you will need funds in your account before Christmas, or before the end of the year.

December 21-25 – The Office will be closed in celebration of Christmas.

January 1 – November financial reports will be due.

January 8 – Missionaries will receive their emailed statements of December Support Received.

January 11 – All missionaries will receive their final December support on this day, regardless of the day that they normally receive support.

January 15 – December financial reports will be due, along with any remaining receipts or financial paperwork for 2015.

December Support

Please contact us by December 15 if you would like funds in your account before Christmas. Final December support distributions will be made on January 11th for all missionaries, regardless of their regular pay date. Contacting us by December 15 will enable us to schedule your funds around bank closings and holiday hours. Should you have an emergency need after December 18, you may contact our staff at the following numbers:

John O’Malley: 704-974-6108
Kim O’Malley: 704-974-1008

January Income Totals

During a typical month, we close the books on the 25th, and any checks received after that date are posted to the following month. Due to receipting requirements, we cannot do this in the month of December. As a result, please be aware that your December support total may be higher than normal, while your January support total may be lower than normal. Please be sure to plan ahead for this!

New Arrival!

Milena WagarCongratulations to Josh and Sarah Wagar on the arrival of their daughter, Milena Kalani Wagar. She was born on the afternoon of Tuesday, November 24, weighing 8lbs., 7oz. and measuring 21 inches long. Sarah had some complications after the delivery; please be in prayer for her recovery.


Retirement Accounts

Each year we are required to publish to all missionaries the following:

WWNTBM currently offers our missionaries the option of participating in a 403(b) Retirement Plan, the non-profit version of a 401(k) plan. We encourage all of our missionaries to participate in some type of retirement planning. If you do not currently have a 403(b) account and would be interested in opening one, please contact our office for a listing of vendors and more information.

1290130_58512768Due to IRS regulations, we are required to use a Third Party Administrator (TPA) to handle all 403(b) accounts. The administrative fee is $50.00 per year, which will be deducted from Support each January or February for those who contribute. The TPA assists us by administering our plan and keeping us in compliance with the Department of Labor and IRS codes.

Please note that loans and hardship withdrawals are not allowed by the companies who manage your 403(b).

Please see the file in SecureCloud for the latest information on contribution amounts and limits for 2015 and 2016.

Special Recognition

Jimmy Watson was recently rWatsons Mar 2014ecognized by the Governor of Colorado for his part in helping to catch a murder suspect, during the course of a speaking engagement at a church. Click here to read more details in his recent prayer letter.

Bible Institute Information

We recently asked you to submit information about Bible Institute courses you are familiar with, so we can share these resources with others. Contact information for companies that offer such curriculum is listed below. If you are familiar with other sources, please click here to submit additional information.

From the Memo Board: November 2015

Dates to Know

November 11 – All US Banks will be closed.

November 26-27 – The Office will be closed in celebration of Thanksgiving.

November 30 – Revised pay date for those who normally receive funds on the 29th.

December 1 – October financial reports will be due.

December 4 – Revised pay date for those who normally receive funds on the 5th.

December 9 – All prayer letters should be submitted to our staff, in order for your recipients to get them before Christmas.

December 15 – Please contact us by this date if you will need funds in your account before Christmas or the end of the year.

December 21-25 – The Office will be closed in celebration of Christmas.

January 1 – November financial reports will be due.

January 8 – Missionaries will receive their emailed statements of December Support Received.

January 11 – All missionaries will receive their final December support on this day, regardless of the day that they normally receive support.

January 15 – December financial reports will be due, along with any remaining receipts or financial paperwork for 2015.

New Missionary FamilyInboden Summer 2015

Matthew and Jennifer Inboden have recently joined the World Wide family. Matthew graduated from Ambassador Baptist College, as well as from Crown College and Emmanuel Baptist Seminary of Newington, CT. The Inbodens are sent out of the Valley Baptist Church in Edinburg, VA, with Pastor Chad Estep. Their desire is to plant a church in Columbus, Montana. They have three children: Julia-Anne (6), Gabriel (5), and Alivia (3).

Christmas Prayer Letter Services

If the Office assists with your prayer letter, please be sure to submit December letters by December 9, so that they can be mailed in time for Christmas. Due to year end procedures in our Office and at, letters may not be published between December 15 and January 5. Please plan the timing of your letters accordingly. Thank you!

Gift BoxChristmas Letterhead Templates

Did you know that we have professionally designed Christmas Letterhead templates available for your use? These are available to all missionaries, whether the Office assists in sending your letter or not. For more information, please contact Laura Cmaylo.

Ministry Equipment

World Wide is required to maintain an inventory of all equipment valued at $500 or greater that missionaries have listed on Line 15 of their financial reports. Please review your records prior to the end of the year and let us know if you have disposed of or sold any equipment this year, so that we can update our records. Income received from the sale of the equipment will need to be recorded on Line 2 of your financial reports if you previously claimed the purchase as a ministry expense. If you have any questions, please contact Naomi Torberson.

Free Bibles

Lighthouse Baptist Press Ministry is a faith promise ministry of Liberty Baptist Tabernacle in Rapid City, South Dakota. They provide printing and shipping of Bibles at no cost to missionaries and church planters around the world. For more information, you can visit their website at

From the Memo Board: October 2015

We are here to assist you

Often we are asked, “Whom do I contact when I want to get answers to my questions?” If you have a question about a specific area, these are the individuals who can best assist you:

Gifts you received:
Bekah Cmaylo – [email protected]
Naomi Torberson – [email protected]

Funds spent from your accounts:
Kim O’Malley – [email protected]
Naomi Torberson – [email protected]

Monthly Financial Reports:
Laura Cmaylo – [email protected]
Naomi Torberson – [email protected]

Please also continue to use the email address [email protected] to submit financial reports or receipts.

Prayer Letters:
Laura Cmaylo – [email protected]
Bekah Cmaylo – [email protected]

Please be sure to use the email address [email protected] to submit all correspondence related to your prayer letters or address changes.

Mrs. O’Malley manages the entire office. Our entire Staff exists to serve you and your needs. Each staff member has a speciality, but all will serve all of your needs. Your calls and emails are never a burden. We exist to help you as you serve the Lord. Please do not hesitate to contact us with your needs.

Mrs. Workman leaving for another ministry

Mrs. Anna Workman served with us for three years in the office. She enjoyed getting to know many of you. Effective October 1, she is now a church receptionist in Shelby, NC.

Birth Announcement

Viana OrtizCongratulations to Rolando and Hannah Ortiz on the birth of their second daughter, Viana Alethia Ortiz. Viana was born on September 14, weighing 7 lbs. 10 oz. The Ortizes are currently on deputation to go to Mexico.

Housing Allowance Reminder

If you already have a housing allowance in place, this will automatically roll over at the same amount for future years. There is no longer a need to submit a new request every year. If you would like to make a change to the amount of your allowance, please email the new amount to [email protected], and we will present this to the Executive Board for approval. Ordained missionaries who do not have an allowance in place may request one at any time.

From the Memo Board: September 2015

iconfinalMark Your Calendar

The Office will be closed on Monday, September 7, in celebration of Labor Day.

New Missionaries

IMG_1299Markie and Christy Bullock have been appointed as associate missionaries with World Wide, pending their interview.   Bro. Bullock grew up on the mission field in Mexico.  After his graduation from West Coast Baptist College in 2005, they returned to Mexico, where they served as missionaries until the Lord called them to accept an associate pastorate at the McKee Road Baptist Church in Bakersfield, CA.  They now believe it is the Lord’s will for them to serve in Spain.  They are being sent out of the Pine Bluff Baptist Church of Albany, GA, with Pastor Keith Smith.  The Bullocks have two sons, Nick (7) and Sam (5).

Nick Stelzig Family PhotoNick and Lindsey Stelzig are the newest additions to the World Wide family.  They are both recent graduates of Ambassador Baptist College.  While at Ambassador, they were active in inner-city ministries in Charlotte, NC.  Their desire is to plant inner-city churches in the Boston, MA area.  They are sent out of the Maranatha Baptist Church in Yorktown, VA, with Pastor Dale Coffey.  The Stelzigs have one son, Gabriel, who is 6 months old.

Office Staff Transitions

April Howell resigned last month. April served with World Wide in areas of prayer letters, graphics design, and web layout since 2011.

Bekah Cmaylo and Laura Dillon will be sharing April’s previous responsibilities regarding prayer letters. Please be sure to use the email address [email protected] to submit all correspondence related to your prayer letters or address changes.

April has offered to continue doing graphics work on a freelance basis for our missionaries. If you are interested in this you may contact her directly at [email protected].

We would also recommend Andrew Minion for any of your graphics and web design needs. He may be reached at [email protected].

Prophet Room Available in Tennessee

Tennessee Ridge Baptist Church in Tennessee Ridge, TN, has a guest room available for those traveling in that area.  Contact Pastor Dennis Kirk at 865-360-4240 for information and reservations.

Fund-Raising Projects

From time to time you may have a need to raise funds for a special purchase.  Often our 1317230_29811116missionaries will raise funds for Bibles, hymnbooks, pews, vehicles, building programs, or assistance for nationals serving in their ministries, among other things.

If you will be raising funds for a special project such as this please contact our Office in advance, as the Executive Board must vote on any special projects for which funds are received in our Office.

From the Memo Board: August 2015


Kaitlyn HayeWe are enjoying having Kaitlyn Haye as an intern in the Office this summer! Kaitlyn grew up in a ministry family. She is a student at Ambassador Baptist College, where she is majoring in Church Ministries. She and her husband, Drew, were married in May of this year. They are members of the Crossroads Baptist Church of Columbus, NC, with Pastor Nathan Deatrick. Upon completion of her schooling in December, they plan to pursue a ministry in evangelism.


New Missionaries

The JenneysStephen and Charity Jenney have joined the World Wide family. The Jenneys are sent out of Shalom Baptist Church in North Tonawanda, NY. Charity’s father, Roland Mills, is their pastor. The Jenneys are both graduates of Ambassador Baptist College. Their plans are to begin deputation to plant churches in Arizona. Their son Judson is one, and they are expecting another baby early next year. Please be in prayer for them as they begin this new ministry.

Missionary Housing Available in PA

Nathan Fry’s parents, Jim & Pat Fry, have a house in central Pennsylvania. They would like to make it available to missionaries on a first come basis, for the reasonable cost of $250 per month to help cover the utilities. For more information, you may contact the Frys at 717-808-7922.


New Baby!

Baby JohnJohn & SarahCongratulations to John and Sarah on the birth of their first child, John Gabriel, on July 28.  He was 20 inches long and weighed 7 pounds 6.3 ounces.  Everyone is doing well!  Keep them in prayer as they are finishing deputation and preparing to leave for the field soon.

From the Memo Board: June 2015

Important Dates

June 15-18
Family Fellowship Week in Greensboro, NC

June 30
Adjusted payday for those who normally receive support on the 29th

July 3
The Office will be closed in celebration of Independence Day


The Alethia Project

During the 2005 Missions Conference, a group of students at Ambassador Baptist College felt a burden to carry the Word of God and Biblical materials in other languages via the Internet. In order to accomplish this task, The Aletheia Project set the following goals:

  • Design websites that are culture-specific and user-friendly
  • Provide Bible translations based on the Received and Masoretic Texts
  • Supply Biblical materials to the language groups of the world

Their mission is to use the Internet to reach non-English speaking people with the Gospel and to help believers to grow in grace.

John O’Malley and Norman Johnston are founders and advisors to this project. We would encourage you to learn more and to get involved by going to their website at You can also connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.



Several in our missions family are graduating this spring. Please be in prayer for them as they seek the Lord’s will concerning future plans.

Al Bonikowsky received an Honorary Doctorate from Bob Jones University.

Kyle Boylston graduated from high school.

Jon Daniel received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Brookhaven Baptist College.

Megan Daniel graduated from high school at Bethel Christian Academy in Kinston, NC.

Michael Deatrick received a Bachelor of Science in Missions degree from Ambassador Baptist College.

Rolando Ortiz received a Doctorate of Pastoral Ministry from Brookhaven Baptist College.

Hanna Zimmer  graduated from high school.


Special Guests

The Kenneys
The Kenney’s treated the staff to lunch while they were here.

Pepsi Lancaster
Pepsi Lancaster has helped with several office tasks.

From the Memo Board: May 2015

Upcoming Dates To Know

May 25
The Office will be closed in celebration of Memorial Day

June 15-18
Family Fellowship Week in Greensboro, NC

June 30
Adjusted payday for those who normally receive support on the 29th

July 3
The Office will be closed in celebration of Independence Day


Family Fellowship Week

Family Week is fast approaching! This year’s meeting will start with a casual family style picnic at the Hagan Stone Park in Pleasant Garden, NC. Guests are welcome to come in their (modest) travel attire. There will be an abbreviated service, after which everyone is welcome to stay and fellowship or retire to their lodging for a relaxed evening to begin the week. Registration will be held at the Holiday Inn Express following the Monday night service. Those not staying at the hotel will register first thing Tuesday morning, before sessions begin. More details will be provided via email as the event approaches. We look forward to seeing everyone there!


Receipt Reminders

When submitting receipts to go along with monthly financial reports, please keep the following items in mind. This greatly helps our staff in processing your reports.

  • Please be sure the receipt is labeled to match what is recorded on the receipt log.
  • When copying or scanning receipts, please do not submit receipts for several months on the same page, as this makes it difficult to match receipts to the correct report.
  • We recommend using a scanner to email receipts, rather than sending them through the mail. You could also take pictures of a receipt, if a scanner is not available.
  • When scanning and emailing a receipt, please ensure that the size and resolution are large enough to be clearly visible when printed.

Thank you for your help in these areas!


Amazon Shopping Donation

Did you know that it is possible to support the ministry of World Wide through your regular purchases from Amazon? Simply click here to begin your shopping experience at, and then link your account for Amazon to make donations to World Wide New Testament Baptist Missions Inc. Amazon will then donate a portion of their proceeds to the Office.


Computer software info

As a non-profit agency, WWNTBM is often able to obtain discounts on certain computer programs for both the Mac and PC. The greatest discounts are available for Microsoft and Adobe products, but discounts are sometimes available for other software as well. Email Anna for further information.


Visitors at the Office

We love having people stop by the Office! In the last month, we’ve had visits from several of our missionaries, as well as some larger groups. If you are ever in the area please come by and see us. Here are pictures of some of our recent guests:

MBC Group
Mike & Boone West with a group of senior citizens from Memorial Baptist Church

EBC Teens
Teens from Emmanuel Baptist Church painting at one of our staff homes

Richard Bibey hard at work

From the Memo Board: April 2015

Important Dates

April 3
Adjusted pay date for those who normally receive funds on the 5th.

April 6
The Office will be closed in celebration of Resurrection Monday.

June 15-18
Family Fellowship Week at Brookhaven Baptist Church in Greensboro, NC.


Doctrinal Agreements

If you have submitted your doctrinal agreement statement, your new card for 2015-2016 will soon be available for you to download and print from your SecureCloud folder. If you have not yet submitted your annual agreement, please click here, or email [email protected] as soon as possible, indicating that you have read and are still in agreement with our Articles of Faith. If you have questions or concerns, please contact John O’Malley.


Estimated Payments

We often hear from tax preparers that one of the biggest issues facing missionaries at tax time is the failure to submit estimated tax payments throughout the year. Because missionaries are considered self-employed, they are liable for self-employment taxes. According to the IRS website, those who are self-employed should submit quarterly estimated tax payments if they expect to owe $1000 or more in taxes. Your tax preparer can help you to estimate how much should be submitted on a quarterly basis. The Office can assist you with submitting those payments to the IRS. For more information, email [email protected].


Ministry Bank Accounts

If your ministry has been chartered and established as a non-profit organization, we recommend having your ministry get a bank account in its name. Funds for purchases such as land may be able to be sent directly to your ministry, thus eliminating your personal tax liability. Please note that there are limitations to this option. Of course, regular support could never be sent this way. Please contact the missions office for more information.


Missions Website

Missions.Today is a blog where missionaries can share resources and tips about life on the field. The goal is to provide a portal of information where missionaries can share and receive materials pertinent to missions and Christian service. The site is user-driven, and is most useful when many individuals participate in sharing information. We encourage you to browse the site and participate by posting your suggestions and ideas.


Ian PriceNew Addition

Congratulations to David and Melissa Price on the birth of Ian George Benjamin on March 10th. Ian is the second child of the Prices. His older sister, Karis, is 2 years old. The Prices are missionaries in France.