From Our President: November 2019

Danny Whetstone

Would you consider this prayer? “Let my position be biblical and my disposition be spiritual.” It would appear that, at times, our position is hidden behind our disposition. Perhaps we are frustrated by those who do not seem to see our biblical interpretation clearly. Could it be that our disposition is screaming so loudly that our position is ignored?

A biblical position should stand on its own. We generally argue over things that we are not really sure to be factual. We are to study the Scriptures sufficiently so that God is pleased with our interpretation. “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (II Timothy 2:15). If God approves, the argument is settled. Getting louder is no substitute for studying the subject to its correct conclusion.

A spiritual disposition displays confidence. Oftentimes things are given in such a way that, even though I agree with the position, I find it hard to concur because of the unChristlike disposition. I have observed this in preaching, but even more so on Facebook. If our message is going to be rejected, let us make sure that it is the truth that they are arguing with and not our sour spirit. Admittedly, there are times that it seems not to be a sour spirit as much as it is arrogance. If we arrive at the correct biblical position, it is only because of the goodness of the Holy Spirit to illuminate our understanding of His Word. There is nothing to be arrogant about in that.

James gives adequate instructions concerning the tongue. May our Lord give us the wisdom to use it in a way that would please Him rather than giving satisfaction to the flesh. “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” (Psalms 19:14).

I pray that the Lord will bless you with a profitable ministry this month to His glory.

In His Service,
Danny A. Whetstone

If this article has been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. Whetstone here to let him know.

From Our President: October 2019

Danny Whetstone

I have heard that the difference between minor surgery and major surgery is whether or not it is happening to you! We understand that every health issue is important, and prayer requests should be taken seriously when someone cares enough to ask us to pray. Sometimes a need is more significant than others. I do not wish to minimize anyone’s need as I mention these two that are dear to my heart.

Brother John O’Malley is home from heart bypass surgery. It is of the Lord’s mercies that the doctors were able to find his problem and deal with it expeditiously. We know that healthcare in America is very costly; however, I want to thank the Lord that it is available in situations like this one. Brother O’Malley has been used of the Lord at WWNTBM for more than twenty-six years, and we all have been touched by his ministry. Please continue to pray for him as he recuperates at home.

Brother Russell Bell was recently released from the hospital following an episode of excessive bleeding. We give praise to our Lord that he made it to the hospital in time for them to help him. However, in that process, the doctor discovered that he has liver cancer. Brother Bell will see a specialist on October 9. Please pray that the doctor will be able to treat this cancer and prolong Brother Bell’s ministry on into the future. Preacher Bell would be the first to admit that our Lord has been gracious to give him life and ministry over the years. I do not wish to be selfish, but I pray that the Lord would see fit to raise this man of God one more time.

We serve a God Who can do beyond anything that we are capable of asking. We serve a God Who answers the fervent prayers of His people. We serve a God Who has invited us to His throne of grace when we have a need. Now let’s take time to approach Him for these two men and the families that stand with them.

I trust that our Lord will protect you from all harm and bless you with good health as you continue to serve Him faithfully. Many are counting on you today, and many are expecting you in the future. May we be prepared in every way possible to be what they need.

In His Service,

Danny A. Whetstone

If this article has been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. Whetstone here to let him know.

From Our President: September 2019

Danny Whetstone

World Wide New Testament Baptist Missions is approaching fifty years of service to missionary families and their sending churches. We are at a place now where we see missionaries retire from full-time missionary service. The Lord has been so good to send new families for us to minister with in the work of world evangelism. There is no doubt that we stand in great need of young missionaries to carry on the difficult work that is necessary all over the world. However, I would like to express my appreciation to the Lord for permitting us to still have those who have labored long in this ministry.

I will not attempt to bring to your attention all those who have given of themselves in this work, but I am most grateful that the man whom God used to see this work born is still the Chairman of the Board. Pastor Bill Wingard has been the heart of this work, and our Lord has blessed our mission by sustaining him through the years. In the wisdom of God, we are aware that the younger is to learn from the older. It is certainly true that the energy resides in the younger, but the wisdom abides in those who have long served the Lord through various circumstances of life and ministry.

Men like Brother Russell Bell were there at the beginning with Pastor Wingard. Pastor Clyde Eborn was also involved in the beginning stages of this work. We have indeed learned much since those early days. So much that we have learned, and so many troubles that we avoided have been because these men have stayed with us through good and bad. Make no mistake about it: we need these men more than ever before. This mission has operated on biblical principles that these men, and many others like them, have kept before us through the years.

We enjoy the memories of Mrs. Smithwick in a closet with a journal keeping the records for the mission. They were humble beginnings, but none of this operation would be here today if these faithful servants had not taken the first steps to see it come alive. There have been many who have invested their energies in this work. There have been hundreds of hours spent in board meetings attempting to steer the ministry in such a direction that God would be honored. I am so proud of the work being accomplished by our mission today, and I am convinced that it will only get better if we remember that we are building on a very good foundation given to us by faithful servants of the Lord.

In His Service,
Danny A. Whetstone

If this article has been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. Whetstone here to let him know.

From Our President: August 2019

Danny Whetstone

All of us deal daily with relationships. Relationships with family, friends, supporters, churches, and the mission are ever before us. There are various times when difficulties arise in each of those relationships. So many things come into play when we attempt to maintain a good relationship in each of these categories.

At the beginning of a relationship, everything looks wonderful. If that were not true, we would not cultivate the relationship to maturity. It is certainly true that over time, we see things that we did not recognize in the beginning. However, as we build on a relationship, we are continually evaluating its worth. So, what is the primary component of a lasting relationship? Perhaps each of us would pick a different most important thing, but in my opinion, it would be honesty.

If a relationship is established or developed on faulty information, it is not likely that the relationship will develop properly. As a mission, WWNTBM does everything possible to reveal exactly who we are so that each of us understands what we are getting into before we have a long term relationship. Over the years, the mission has attempted to maintain a steady course. Where we have made changes, it has been to elaborate on a position already established.

We may grow in a relationship only to recognize that changes are necessary. When that happens, we must realize that those changes now involve more than just us. When this happens, we must work through those changes or dismiss ourselves from the relationship. Never should we establish or develop a relationship on a faulty premise. It might seem that deception is an easy way to go, but in the end, it will cost us far more.

Be honest with your family. Be honest with your friends. Be honest with your supporters. Be honest with your church. Be honest with your mission. Be honest with all of your relationships. Deception has no part in a good relationship. You might have a great reputation, but is it an accurate representation of who you are?

Develop a great relationship with all who touch your life. Often it is very hard work, but over time, it will enrich your life and the lives of those around you.

In His Service,

Danny A. Whetstone

If this article has been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. Whetstone here to let him know.

From Our President: July 2019

Danny Whetstone

I want to thank Pastor Chad Estep and the Valley Baptist Church for doing an amazing job hosting Family Fellowship Week last month. It was a great blessing to see so many of you in Edinburg. Brother O’Malley and the staff did a wonderful job preparing for the week, and so many components came together for a seamless week of fellowship.

So many things have changed over the years, and we are continually making adjustments to deal with those changes. Nothing is so staggeringly different than the way we communicate. I can remember a time when if a problem developed, it was a long process. A missionary would write, and it would often take weeks to get an answer as the letters would crawl slowly around the world. However, that is the case no longer. Instantaneously we can communicate with the other side of the globe. It leaves no time for us to reflect on our response to a particular situation. Since we are not required to take time for thought, perhaps it would be advisable to take that time on our own. Restraint is not always easy. Our emotions compel us to reply with everything that is on our mind. In those times might I suggest that you write the email and then just let it rest in your computer for a couple of days before sending it to where it can never be recovered and changed.

Consider this with me also: posts on social media. Sometimes it is what we say, and other times it is how we say it. I oftentimes read things on Facebook from missionaries that we are associated with that cause me to cringe. Statements that come across so arrogant it is as though the writer believes that he is the only one that has ever had that thought and therefore has the only correct answer. If we knew the truth, we would probably be amazed at how little others care about our dogmatism. You can be correct and still be wrong! You can be wrong in your disposition even when your position is right. But there are those also that word a statement in such a way as to gender strife. This should not be.

And then there are those pictures! Please use caution when you are posting photos online. We are all aware that there are differences in convictions. Yes, we do indeed have liberty in Christ, but we must not use our liberty to offend a brother in Christ. Look carefully at those pictures before posting them. Look at modesty. Look at the surroundings. Then ask yourself how important is it that this is published for public consumption.

I trust that our Lord will give you a wonderful month in your ministry and family.

In His Service,
Danny A. Whetstone

If this article has been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. Whetstone here to let him know.

From Our President: June 2019

Danny Whetstone

This month we will meet in Edinburg, Virginia, for the annual Family Fellowship Meeting of WWNTBM. I would like to take this opportunity to give thanks to those that have contributed so much to see this work go forward.

God very clearly chose Pastor Bill Wingard to get this mission underway, and he has been at the helm serving the Lord faithfully from the beginning. Pastor Wingard is the founder and serves as the Chairman of the Executive Board. He is the heart of this mission. He has steered us through some troubled seas through the years, and we will always be grateful for his leadership. On a personal note, I would like to thank him for allowing me to serve with him in this ministry for the last thirty-four years. Many of you are fairly new to the mission. Perhaps you have not had the opportunity to spend much time with Pastor Wingard. When you get to the meeting in Edinburg, make sure that you go out of your way to meet him in a personal way.

My memory would fail me to list all of the board members who have served this work since the beginning, but we would not be what we are today without these faithful pastors that have given of themselves to serve World Wide in so many ways. These men love this mission. I would encourage each of you to get to know them personally. All of these servants of our Lord are approachable.

It was twenty-six years ago that the Lord blessed WWNTBM by leading Dr. John O’Malley to join us in this work. Brother O’Malley now serves as the General Director of the mission. For many of you, he is your first contact with this ministry. If he was not your first contact, you have learned very quickly that he is your advocate. He deals with the day-to-day operation of the mission under the leadership of Pastor Wingard and the Executive Board. It would be impossible to adequately tell all that Brother O’Malley has added to the operation of the mission.

Brother Jeremy Lockhart has joined the team and is working alongside of Dr. O’Malley. Brother Lockhart serves as Director of Deputation. We certainly appreciate the Lockharts and thank the Lord for sending them to this ministry for such a time as this.

Words cannot express our thankfulness for Mrs. O’Malley and the ladies that work so diligently to serve the missionaries of World Wide. Please look for opportunities to share with them your appreciation for their endless labor on our behalf.

This mission exists to serve the missionary families who have chosen to go to the mission field with the assistance of World Wide. We are here for you. This is your mission. If for any reason you are not proud to be associated with WWNTBM, please give us a chance to work on whatever troubles you. We are grateful for the privilege of serving you in your calling.

In His Service,
Danny A. Whetstone

If this article has been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. Whetstone here to let him know.

From Our President: May 2019

Danny Whetstone

Tithing! Yes, tithing. Surely there would not be a missionary who has surrendered his life to serve the Lord who would be unfaithful in giving at least a tithe to the Lord. Hopefully that was settled in your heart a long time ago, but are you teaching tithes and offerings to those that you minister to every day?

My travels have taken me to sixty-five countries. I have visited several different mission works in some of those countries, and have traveled to some of those countries many times. It is not obvious to me that tithes and offerings are taught in many of those places. Make no mistake about it, every born again believer can tithe. Sometimes it is easier to depend on funds from the outside. I am no more against fundraising in the United States for a work in another part of the world than I am against Macedonia sending funds to help in Jerusalem. However, this is not to be at the exclusion of the local people giving for the Lord’s work.

Tithes and offerings are biblical means by which every believer should both support the local ministry and help evangelize the rest of the world. It would be impossible to teach the Bible without getting around to giving.

I have witnessed some of the poorest people in the world support the local work by tithes and offerings. Those same churches have reached beyond themselves to start churches in other places. It is all done without any outside assistance. Again, nothing prohibits help from other sources, but that should come after the church understands that it is obligated to get involved in giving. The promise of blessings to those that do not rob God is worldwide and knows no boundaries because of income.

We are blessed to live on offerings that others have given to the Lord. I never want to forget that people are going to jobs every day, and often they don’t even like the work they are going to do. Then they will give tithes and offerings to the Lord. They give money that they could use in many different ways, but they will not. How ungrateful we would be if we did less then give and teach others to do the same.

The people of Israel had been slaves for hundreds of years serving the Egyptians. God delivered them from their bondage. While in the wilderness, when no jobs were to be had by these recently released slaves, God put them into a building program. He required the best of materials. Israel rose to the occasion in such a way that Moses had to restrain their giving. The success of the offering had more to do with their heart attitude than it did with their possessions. Don’t rob the Lord’s people by expecting less from them than the Lord does.

May the Lord bless you, your family, and your ministry with His divine presence.

In His Service,
Danny A. Whetstone

If this article has been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. Whetstone here to let him know.

From Our President: April 2019

Danny Whetstone

Since new families are coming with World Wide, it is necessary to cover things about which all of us need to be reminded. It is very obvious that we are an Independent Baptist agency, and we make that abundantly clear in every stage of the application process. As time goes on the same questions always seem to reappear. One of those questions is, “Where can we seek support?”

The Lord graciously saved me when I was thirteen years old. I did not even know there was such a thing as an Independent Baptist Church. It happens that I was saved in a Southern Baptist Church. I will forever be grateful for the pastor who preached the gospel to me as I grew up in the church. Darleen and I married in 1969. We moved to Tallahassee and eventually joined Maranatha Baptist Church. It was my introduction to Independent Baptists. Pastor George Clark opened a whole new world for me as week after week he preached the Bible. There was no way to know that in time the Lord would call me to preach, pastor, and then go into missions. When I started deputation the church I was saved in took me on for support. I did not ask them to, but because they loved us, they wanted to participate. Many of these people are relatives. We love and appreciate each of them, but we could not with good conscience accept their support. We would be laboring with an Independent agency, and working to see Independent Baptist Churches planted.

This is all made clear in the application process. We do not accept support from denominational churches. We are not at war with any of them. World Wide seeks support from Independent Baptist Churches and Bible Churches that are Baptist in doctrine. There are no exceptions. In our database, you might come across a church that does not fit these limits. If you do, please make the office aware of that. There have been occasions when one was added without our being aware of their position.

In every way, we want to be kind, but we also want to maintain the course set for us from the beginning. If for any reason you cannot abide by this it would be best for you to make that known and establish a new direction for your ministry. Trust me, I do understand the limitations are not always easy to work with, but we are convinced this is right. Our steadfast desire to keep the direction that we started with draws fire from the right and the left. However, we are not the ones that have changed. It is our sincere desire to continue as we started.

In His Service,
Danny A. Whetstone

If this article has been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. Whetstone here to let him know.

From Our President: March 2019

Danny Whetstone

We are constantly dealing with changes. It has always been that way though. World Wide New Testament Baptist Missions has attempted to maintain a steady as she goes approach in the midst of these ever-changing times. Personally, I am not as concerned with things changing around us as I am with changes among us. It seems necessary from time to time to remind ourselves that we wish to continue with the heading set for us when the mission was born. We did not start out as Calvinists, Reformed, Elder Rule, or any other description that has regained popularity in recent days.

We are traditional Independent Baptists. It is understood that many in our ranks have made major adjustments to their course. One of those changes has been the use of elder rule in the church. We believe that God has given the congregation of each local church the authority to choose its direction. The Lord calls pastors to give guidance to the church, but He does not make him, or any other group in the church, dictator over the congregation. We contend that the terms elder, bishop, and pastor speak of one office in the church. Obviously, a church can have as many assistants to the pastor as it wishes, but that pastoral group does not dictate to the congregation by any means. We reject the idea of elder rule.

Recently I have read a number of articles dealing with the subject. My conclusion is that you can use history to prove any position you wish to take. My objective is not to argue the subject, but simply to say that we are not changing our position to accommodate present changes. We are not persuaded by Reformed Theology. We are not persuaded by Calvinism. We are not persuaded by Arminian Theology. If you have changed your mind since joining WWNTBM, it would only be right that you inform us of those changes, and find someone with whom you are in closer agreement.

We are not attempting to start a fight with anyone. We are not attempting to argue with anyone. However, we cannot walk together if we are not in agreement. In my reading, I underlined so many statements that I agreed with and an equal number that I disagreed with. It was tempting to use names that sided with each argument. I then concluded that this was not my purpose in writing this article. Yes, I did read the verses that some used to substantiate the idea of elder rule.

If you are not starting churches in the tradition of the present-day Independent Baptist, it would be best for all of us if you would declare your intentions, and we can part ways peacefully. The churches that support missionaries associated with World Wide expect no less of us. These churches want to be duplicated in other parts of the world. If we are going to do otherwise the only honorable thing for us to do is to inform them of any change in direction. However, we have no intentions to change in part or the whole.

May our Lord bless your labor of love for His glory.

In His Service,
Danny A. Whetstone

If this article has been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. Whetstone here to let him know.

From Our President: February 2019

Danny WhetstoneLet the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalm 19:14

This simple verse is so convicting to me. Knowing that my Lord knows the thoughts and intents of my heart is a challenge for every moment of every day. We are to lay aside every weight and the sin that besets us. It is easy to recognize the words and thoughts that are sin; however, words and thoughts that are “weights” are not always so easily identified. Well, not before we say them at least. Then comes the phrase, “be acceptable in Thy sight.” The question is not, should I say it? The question is, once I have said it is the Lord pleased?

The problem has been intensified with the rapid delivery of social media. When no one is sitting in front of us, it seems we feel the need to express every thought and opinion. Very often this is without considering how our opinion might affect someone else. Consider this, please. Not everything thought necessarily needs to be said or written. We all have opinions, and very often we feel strongly about them. But still, that does not mean we should blurt them out for public consumption.

It would appear that often we have a message that we want to convey to someone specifically, but we lack the quality of character to go to that individual personally. So a broad net is cast in the hopes that they will get the picture and conform to our wishes or appreciate our opinions. Everyone influences others for good or bad. Let’s use that influence with words fitly spoken in an effort to provoke one another to “love and good works.”

There are many things that the Scripture does not speak of definitively. Therefore, we can all develop thoughts that are contrary to those of others. Where the Bible has spoken clearly, we should speak boldly. But where opinion rules rather than absolute fact, shouldn’t we be less aggressive? Why would we want to offend a brother unnecessarily? The answer is simple: pride! There are many that I disagree with over a range of subjects, but that does not make them my enemy. However, those disagreements can be used to create an enemy or hurt a brother without cause.

James has some excellent advice for us in James 1:19, 26, “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:…If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man’s religion is vain.” We can do more damage with our tongue in a second than we can repair in a lifetime. I should know. I am certainly more convicted by the things that I have said than I am by the things I did not say when everything in me screamed to let it out.

Respect for the ideas of others will go a long way toward dodging uncalled for arguments and debates.

In His Service,
Danny A. Whetstone

If this article has been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. Whetstone here to let him know.