From Our President: November 2014

Danny WhetstoneOver the years, I have read many of the sermons preached by Charles Spurgeon.  In several of those messages, not only did they ring true for his day, but for ours as well.  He warned those of his day of the peril that was before them if things continued as they were.

What was needed then and now was revival.  The believers in 2 Corinthians 8 first gave themselves to the Lord before they attempted to give themselves to minister to the needs that Paul put before them.  So many things are happening in our world today that certainly deserve God’s judgment.  It is so easy to look at things that happen in the Middle East, Hollywood, and Washington, and say God would bless if only changes could be seen.  However, we are fully aware that judgement must first begin at the house of God.  “If my people” were God’s words to Solomon.  If He brought judgement on Israel and they saw pestilence and famine, they were to look to God.

Yes indeed, God said that His people must pray, seek His face, and turn from their sin.  It is easy to blame the problems in the world on everyone but us; however, would the world be what it is if the church was what it should be?  It is rare to hear fervent prayer in any church these days.  There are mentally prepared prayers.  There are pretty prayers.  There are even preaching prayers, but rarely do we witness heartfelt fervent praying.  It must be easier to curse the darkness than to light the world!

If the world is darker, would it not stand to reason that the light must be dimmer?  Is it under a bushel?  We can do better, but we must want to rise above the darkness that has infiltrated the church.  Once the light has brightened in the church, it must then be displayed so that the world can see that there is a difference.  We must know that the world sees a lot of religion, but very little light.

Please permit me to speak clearly to us as ministers of the Gospel, and even more specifically to those that are taking the Gospel to regions beyond.  You are the only hope that the people watching you have of ever seeing real Christianity lived out before them.  If you find it impossible to represent Christ appropriately in the area that God has called you, please step aside and permit someone to bring light to their dark world.  You could very well be the only opportunity that they will have to not only hear the truth, but to also see it lived out before them on a daily basis.

We must lay aside the sin, but also the weight that so easily besets us and allows the darkness to prevail in our villages, towns, or cities.  May God graciously allow us to see real revival in our day, and may that revival push back the darkness so that the world can see genuine light lived out before them every day.

In His Service,
Danny A. Whetstone

From Our President: October 2014

Danny WhetstoneHave you noticed how cluttered our lives are?  Paul offered many challenges to Timothy, and one really stands out to me in light of the stressful lives that we live almost every day.  2 Timothy 2:1-4 says, ”Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.  Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.”  There are so many things in these verses that speak in certain sounds to me.  However, think on this one thing, “No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life.”

This reminds me somewhat of Hebrews 12:1, “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.”  There is no question that sin is on every side.  We are warned on every hand, and the law of Christ written in our hearts makes us aware of the pitfalls that abound.  However, “the affairs of this life” and the “weight” can be easily dismissed.  Pastors will schedule revivals, Bible conferences, and missions conferences months and years ahead.  Everyone is aware of the church schedule.  Yet, when it is time to participate, it is as though it catches everyone by surprise, although many times it happens the same time every year.  Church leaders are often discouraged because the daily schedule of so many is continually filled to, and many times, beyond capacity.  Unfortunately, this is not only true for the average church member, but it is also true for most of us.  Are we incapable of discerning priorities?  Can we not find His guiding hand in the affairs of life?  Many years ago I read about a preacher in one of E.M. Bounds books on prayer.  The preacher said, “I have so much to do today that I fear if I do not pray at least four hours I will never get it all done.”  Are we actually praying about the priorities of life?

Much has been said of having a five year plan, but I wonder if we even have a daily plan.  It is so easy to drift along with the affairs of life and permit the heavy weights of life to map our lives for us. Life has limits, and time stands still for none of us.  The Lord told His disciples that His meat was to finish the work given Him by the Father. Let’s examine our lives.  Is the load that we are under everyday ordered by the Lord?  Are we making wise choices when faced with multiple options?  Praying that our steps would be ordered by the Lord should be a natural part of our Christian experience.  In all of our ways, we must acknowledge Him if we are to cross the finish line with the task complete to His satisfaction.

I pray that God will give us clarity concerning today, and then everyday He sets before us.  May His blessings be yours continually.

In His Service,
Danny A. Whetstone

From Our President: September 2014

Danny WhetstoneGalatians 6:2, “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”

It is difficult to imagine what life would be like without burdens. Mounce defines burden as “heaviness; a burden, anything grievous, and hard to be borne.” Another definition states that it is “burdensome weight in reference to its pressure, burden, load.” Perhaps if someone asked you to define it, there might be other words that you would use. If someone asked you what a burden feels like, your mind would probably produce many images difficult to describe with words. None of us are exempt. The burden that you bear could be very different from others of which you are aware, but they are heavy nonetheless. Our quick declaration to those burdened down today would be to trust the Lord. Obviously that is true, but is that all? No, we are instructed to “bear ye one another’s burdens.” Harry Ironside says, “The law of Christ is the law of love, and love seeks to help others in their distress and share the load with them.” Our Lord taught that the greatest of all laws was to love God, but there was one law inseparably bound to that one. We are to love our neighbor.

It isn’t always what we say or even do. When a friend carries a heavy burden, simply knowing that you care means so much. How busy would you be today if your shoulders were stooped with care? I noticed when my dad died that nothing else in the world mattered. It was as if the world stood still, and everything in me focused on nothing else. Someone you know might be there today. Do they know you care? Yes, it means that we are at times inconvenienced. Have you ever been in a traffic jam and found yourself complaining because of the delay? Then you saw why you sat still for so long. Maybe someone was seriously injured in an accident. The price you paid for sitting still was far less than than their price, wasn’t it? Every situation is certainly different, but consider what others did during your trial that blessed you, and seek to incorporate those in the lives of others.

It is no small matter to fulfill the law of Christ. Many words are not necessary. Great expenditures are not needed. So, how do we know what to say or do? Love! When care is conveyed, the burdened are blessed. In the end, only the Lord can meet the need of the broken, but we can assure them that they are not alone. When the law of Christ is obeyed, all are blessed even in difficult times.

If your heart is not bent in this direction, perhaps you could schedule some time on a regular basis to ponder the needs of others until caring becomes a natural part of your life. If you do care, pray for our Lord’s wisdom in bearing the burdens of others.

John 13:35, “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”

In His Service,
Danny A. Whetstone

From Our President: August 2014

Danny WhetstoneDo you have an electronic device or kitchen appliance that has a reset button?  Many times you can use one of these and not even know it has one simply because there is not a need for it.  However, when the day does come that it is needed it is the first thing to look for.  Perhaps there is an electrical surge that would have destroyed the device or appliance, but it was saved by a small circuit breaker that kept the power from torching it.  When that happens you can just press the reset button and you are back in business.

So many things clamor for our attention these days.  We have often heard someone say, “information overload!”  There was a day when things were not so complicated.  You would know the people that lived right around you, and probably every intimate detail of their lives, but apart from them you only knew what the evening news would tell you in half an hour.  Today, twenty four hours a day we are bombarded with information every waking hour.  It is so easy to lose sight of the important things in the midst of all of the “information overload.”

Is it time to pause and look for the reset button.  We know that we need to pray, read our Bibles, study the Word, witness to others of the saving grace of God, and teach others how to live out their faith.  Have you noticed how easily the world can overrun these very important things in our lives.  It seems obvious that we have many responsibilities because we are saved by the mercy of God, but because of our calling these duties are even more obvious.  We have been specifically called of our Lord to go into the world to witness, baptize and teach.  How can we justifiably permit the world to so intrude into our lives to the degree that these things are put on the back shelf and gotten to only when time permits?

Press the reset button on your life today if the circuit has indeed been broken.  Let’s focus on the things that not only matter for time, but for eternity as well.  Let’s move on from the survival mode the the service mode.  We are servants of the living God, and we have been sent out to serve among a very specific people.  That isn’t to say that our burden isn’t for the entire world, but by virtue of our call of God He has gotten very specific with our location.  Look around today and see the faces of the souls that the Lord has put you in the midst of, then ask yourself if you are truly focused on completing the task given you by God.

It is good to understand the unfolding of events surrounding us today, but not to the exclusion of our duty before God.  Paul fought a good fight.  Paul finished his course.  Paul kept the faith.  Are we?

In His Service,
Danny A. Whetstone