To Whom I Belong

By John O’Malley

“…we are his people…” (Psalm 100:3)

The psalmist paints a picture for us that is overwhelming. Consider the powerful message in these four words. “…we are his people…”

The psalmist reminds us of God’s interaction with man: “we.” Sinful men tainted by the garden experience in Eden, having been barred from fellowship with God, now have access to Him. No longer outsiders, by faith in His Son, we now stand inside the garden of fellowship with Him. God’s interaction with people made us “we.”

The psalmist reminds us of God’s interest in Man: “are.” God’s interest in man did not stop in the Old Testament and New Testament days. God’s interest is ongoing. We “are” His people. Not was. Not will be. We are, right now, His people. God is interested in His children.

The psalmist reminds us of God’s investment in man: “his” God made the ultimate investment in us. He invested Jesus. When God gave His Son to die for us, He showed what investment He was willing to make. What an investment He made to make us His own. We are His possession.

The psalmist reminds us of God’s inheritance in man: “people.” God chose us for His inheritance. He proclaims in His Word that He is not ashamed to claim ownership of us (Hebrews 2:11). The children of God belong to Him.

Shall we fear anything? Shall we be discouraged by any foe? Shall any condition bring despair? I call you to attention. We are His people.

Will I ever be left alone? Will I ever be forsaken? Will I ever be out of His reach? Will I ever be out of His care? I call you to remember His Word. We are His people.

As you walk through your day, will you let this thought echo in your mind and heart? You are His.

John O’Malley

If this article has been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. O’Malley to let him know.

Made Where?

By John O’Malley

“… it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves…” (Psalm 100:3).

Made in China. Made in Taiwan. Made in Japan. Made in Malaysia.

These are all common tags we see on the products we purchase. The tag reminds us of a distant land we may have only heard about. The tag may remind us of a global economy. The tag may even evoke strong feelings of national pride and seemingly unanswerable questions about trade practices.

On some products we purchase we also find a tag that reads, “Inspected by #4.” These tags make me smile. I wonder, “Who is number four? Is there more than one number four? Is number four a station? Who really made what I am wearing?”

Dear Reader, our verse for today sends one clear message. Believers carry a tag. It is a tag that designates our Maker. We carry God’s tag. The tag reads, “Made by God.” The psalmist describes our tag: “… it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves.”

My entire existence is affected by this verse. This truth affects my worship and work for God. This precept brings me to the realization I did not bring myself into existence; He did. I did not make me; God made me. I read this phrase, and it brings comfort to my soul, conviction to my service, and compassion as I work with others. David’s words in the 139th Psalm say that he was “fearfully and wonderfully made.”

The tag on every person’s life is the same: “Made by God.” We do not make our own way in this life. We may try to make a name for ourselves, but we carry His tag.

When someone accepts the payment for salvation paid by Jesus, we bear another mark on our tag. It is the designation that we were bought with a price. Paul wrote that we are bought with a price (1 Corinthians 6:20). Jesus purchased us with His defeat of death, hell, and the grave. His purchase of me means I am His. I am to put God in the spotlight of my life, or in other words, glorify Him. By faith in Him alone, the tag on my heart says “Purchased.” I am His.

This analogy is simple. It conveys one clear truth. Our lives are not our own; therefore, bring Him glory.

The believer wears the tag “Made and Purchased by God.” Is God pleased with your actions, your attitudes, and your activities?

I want you to find someone today and tell them, “God made me.” Then ask them, “Did you know He paid the price for you to go to heaven?”

John O’Malley

If this article has been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. O’Malley to let him know.

You Know

By John O’Malley

“Know ye that the Lord he is God…” (Psalms 100:3).

Advertisers spend millions trying to get us to know their product name and its benefits. They bombard our lives in print, radio, and television. When we might forget the name and benefit of their product, advertisers erect billboards. Even if we do not see the billboards, advertisers produce bumper stickers. All of their efforts are to help us remember their product and how it will change our lives.

The psalmist, in our focus verse today, puts up a billboard on the highways of the followers of Christ. The psalmist speaks of something everyone must know. He does not speak of knowing the name of another product. He is speaking of knowing something in the spiritual realm.

The psalmist says, “Know ye that the Lord he is God.” We should know He is God when difficulties arise that shake the very structure of our lives. We should remember He is God when we become overwhelmed. We should know He is God when in the midst of distress. Simply, we should know He is God.

Remind yourself. He is God. Not, He was God. The God of all Creation is your God. What should you fear?

Yet, life is filled with fears. Our tragedies and challenges seem to cast a shadow on our confidence. We easily lose sight of God. Our view of our distresses may be shortsighted. We can only see a short portion of our journey. However, God sees the entire path of our life. He knows what is beyond us. He sees the beauty when we see the ashes. He sees the hope when we see our hurt. He sees what is best when we see what is worst.

Dear reader, it is time to notice the billboards God erects on the path of our lives. This verse is like a highway sign. God’s highway sign reads: “Know ye that the Lord he is God…” I read this and know I am never alone. God is never without specific and keen awareness of my situation. Have you considered that Creation is a billboard to remind us He is God? Calvary is a billboard to remind us He is God. His compassion is a billboard to remind us He is God.

No matter where you go today, find the billboard He left in your path. You may hear it in a song. You may hear it in a sermon. But wherever you see it, believe this: “Know ye that the Lord he is God…”

John O’Malley

If this article has been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. O’Malley to let him know.

New Continuing Education Opportunities Available for WWNTBM Missionaries

Dear Missions family,
We are excited to share a new opportunity for you to deepen your knowledge and strengthen your ministry skills through a generous offer from  First Bible School of Translation. As a ministry of First Baptist Church of Milford, OH, they are now offering a selection of online classes that can be taken either for audit or toward a full degree.
This program is designed to meet your unique needs, allowing you to study at your own pace, which we trust will help you balance your studies with your full-time ministry responsibilities.
Here’s what you need to know about this opportunity:
1. Available Courses and Format:
They currently have four courses ready for enrollment: Introduction to Biblical Counseling, Philosophy of Music in the Ministry, Bible Doctrines, and Cultural and Historical Background of the Bible. While the full First Bible curriculum is accessible online, these four courses are part of a new format designed specifically for those in ministry. The format allows you to study at your own pace rather than following a strict schedule, with new courses added each semester until the entire program is available in this format.
2. Cost Options
They understand the financial challenges missionaries often face, so we are offering two levels of cost for these courses:
  • Free Audit Option: Current WWNTBM missionaries may take one course per term at no cost for audit. If you wish to give a gift toward the program, that would be welcomed, but they emphasize that there is no requirement.
  • Discounted Credit Option: If you prefer to take courses for credit, a 25% discount is available for WWNTBM missionaries who enroll directly through our organization. (Please keep this discount within our group, as it is not widely available and may cause confusion for others.) For those interested in taking the full program, we are working on a heavily discounted per-semester fee for unlimited credit hours—please reach out to us for details.
3. For Those Ministering Overseas
If you would like to use these materials with your people in the field, please get in touch with First Bible directly, and they can create custom opportunities tailored to your ministry context.
4. Registration
To register, simply fill out the online registration form here: Registration Form, or scan the QR code below:
First Bible School of Translation is grateful to be able to offer this opportunity to you. We hope these resources will equip and encourage you in your service to the Lord. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance with the registration process at [email protected].
Thank you for being so dedicated to the work, and may these courses be a blessing to you as you continue to sharpen your tools for ministry.
If you are interested in pursuing any continuing education and you wish to record the expense on your MFR, please let the mission office know your intentions prior to making any payment. In compliance with IRS regulations, the Executive Board must vote to approve your course of study before it can be considered a ministry expense.

God Wants to Hear You Sing

By John O’Malley

“… come before his presence with singing” (Psalm 100:2).

Have you received an invitation to a place you would really like to go? The invitation brings joy. Your level of anticipation increases. Your desire to go to such a place excites you.

Certainly, you would share the news with your friends. It is likely you would bring something with you to honor the host of the event. If it were a party to which you were invited, you would bring a gift. Your gift is a way of expressing your appreciation for the invitation, the inclusion in the event, and the interest they had in you.

In our focus verse today, we see the divine invitation to come to the very presence of God. His invitation should make our hearts race. The anticipation should be overwhelming. The joy should be difficult to contain.

The very Lord of Glory has taken an interest in us. He desires our presence. He has issued to us an invitation. He wants to include us.

Your mind races. What can I bring to He who has everything? He owns cattle on a thousand hills. The earth is His footstool. What could I give Him as a servant of the Lord? What is it that He desires?

Dear Reader, what can we bring? Our gracious Host suggested we bring one thing. He wants to hear us sing.

What is that I hear you say? “Singing? That is so simple. Certainly, I can find something more special than that!” God would like us to come to Him with singing.

Consider this, God has angels who can sing before Him, but He asks for my song. God can choose any singer from any era that ever lived, but He wants to hear His children’s song.

God’s request for me to come before His presence with singing reminds me of seeing a mother and father at a school performance as they await their five-year-old child’s performance. The parents lean forward as their child’s voice joins a chorus of voices. The parents whisper to each other, “I can hear her! Just listen to her angelic voice! It is beautiful.” Truthfully, the child’s voice is mediocre. Her voice struggles with the tune. Her pitch is off, and harmony is absent. Yet, her parents beam with joy. Their little darling is singing. The young girl looks out and sees the pleasure of her parents. Their pleasure in her causes her to sing with more enthusiasm as she realizes her song pleases her mother and father.

Reading this phrase indicates to me that God, like the five-year-old girl’s parents, must enjoy when we come to our place of worship with singing. You may despise the sound of your voice, but He does not. He loves to hear you sing. Like the five-year-old girl’s parents were pleased, our singing pleases our Father.

You say, “What song shall I sing?” The song choice is yours. Even now, choose a song you will sing to Him. Your quality of voice is not the point. Your song is what He wants to hear.

Go to His presence right now. Lift up a song to Him. Remember, He desires us to come into His presence with singing. Bring Him His gift today.

John O’Malley

If this article has been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. O’Malley to let him know.

Serve the Lord with Gladness

By John O’Malley

“Serve the Lord with gladness…” (Psalm 100:2).

I have been in homes where there were servants in abundance. I met servants who prepared the food and managed hospitality in the home. I met servants who cared for household tasks from cutting the grass, to washing the laundry, to managing the repairs of the automobiles of the owner.

In those encounters with servants, it was rare to see a servant overcome with gladness in their work. While some were glad for the income, others were satisfied with the lodging and meals. Others, I recall, loved the stability of work but did not like the position of serving. These same servants would be happy doing something else if the pay were better.

Most people in the western world would consider being a servant demeaning. To most, being a servant sounds menial. They find it degrading and unfulfilling. Some would think that serving others diminishes their self-worth.

The psalmist opens the second verse with a phrase that appears to be oxymoronic. He calls those who are commanded to make a joyful noise to now serve. He tells them to serve the Lord with gladness. How can one serve with gladness? It seems to go against the grain.

The follower of Christ is called to serve the Lord. He or she must serve the Lord with a specific disposition or mindset. The psalmist says they are to serve Him with gladness.

What does gladness in a servant look like? Gladness is the joy of a mother when she is with her child. It is the delight of a prisoner upon being freed. Gladness is the feeling associated with singing your favorite song before the Lord in public or private worship.

Proverbs 10:1 helps me learn the meaning of gladness. The writer of Proverbs presents a contrast using the parent-child relationship. The son that is wise makes his father glad; but if a son is foolish, he brings a heaviness to his mother. What a beautiful picture is given here for us! Gladness is the absence of heaviness of the spirit.

I would like you to consider yourself as a servant of the Lord. Ask yourself these questions: What is my spirit or attitude when I serve the Lord at my house? Do I display the maternal joy mentioned above as I serve the Lord by meeting the needs of my children and spouse? Do I have the liberty and delight of a prisoner released from their confines when I serve the Lord in my house? Does the song of my heart find its expression in signing? Do I have such gladness in my service? Have I lost delight in my service to the Lord and others—even among my own family?

I want you to extend your vision beyond your heart and home. This extended look is to see whom you could encourage to serve the Lord with gladness. There could be people in your place of worship that may have lost their gladness in serving. You may be able to help them find their gladness in service.

When your fellow servants of the church come into view, what do you see? How many are there who appear to be serving the Lord with gladness? When the servants of the Lord lose their gladness, they display an image opposite of this proposition in Scripture. We are to serve the Lord with gladness.

When you see those who teach in Sunday School, do you see gladness? When you see ushers and greeters, do you see gladness? When you see choir members and soloists, do you see gladness? When you see the church staff, do you see gladness? If the gladness can evaporate out of your life, you know it can do the same in the lives of others.

Now, I do not want you walking around the church with a gladness meter measuring the levels of gladness in every servant’s heart! What I want you to do is if you see a servant without gladness, pray for them. Then, serve alongside them and exhibit gladness. You will discover that gladness is contagious.

Dear Reader, are you a glad servant? Does gladness arise first when you are faced with a situation to serve? Does gladness show on the outside? Your lips may send one message, but does the attitude of your heart express the Bible’s message of gladness?

Today, take an opportunity to intentionally serve the Lord with gladness. Find someone in your home, at work, or in church on whom you can practice serving the Lord with gladness.

John O’Malley

If this article has been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. O’Malley to let him know.

Make a Joyful Noise

By John O’Malley

“Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands” (Psalm 100:1).

Have you ever been to a large stadium to watch a sporting event? My son and I were given tickets to an NFL game. The crowd that gathered to watch the game numbered over 65,000 people. People from all over the country assembled. The nation watched by television that Monday night. Many wanted to see this battle of the quarterbacks. The crowd could not be silent; everybody had something to say. The noise in that stadium was, at times, deafening.

The psalmist in our text verse today speaks of all the lands of the earth making a joyful noise. Imagine this planet is a stadium. In each section of the stadium, nations are assigned seats. Now, over the loudspeakers, a call is issued for each nation on earth to proclaim its joy for the Lord of Glory. Like in the Olympics, the roll call of nations would begin—each nation longing for the moment when their nation’s name is called. What exuberance! What exaltation! What enthusiasm!

In the Olympics, each participating country sends a delegation to represent them. Have you seen the nations that only send a single athlete? The cheers for that single athlete cannot compare to a nation that sent dozens of athletes to participate. Similarly, in our imagined stadium, the cries from some nations are not as loud as others of the same size. Why not? Why are some nations louder than others? Why is it that there are so few to make a joyful noise from some countries?

Oh, I say, my friend, it is we, the believers, who should have gone to the nations and told them of our great Saviour! We should have thought of our command and commission more than the comforts and conveniences of this life. The command will be issued one day, my friend—a command for all the lands of the earth to bow their knees. Every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord.

The celebration of the Saviour from all nations will be splendid. Oh, may we take the challenge from Scripture and go to the people of the world and tell them of His great love. Oh, let us commit once again to the task of getting the gospel to every creature!

Today, purpose in your heart that in the next twenty-four hours, you will share the gospel’s message with someone. Your witness may be their last opportunity to hear. Will you do this?

John O’Malley

If this article has been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. O’Malley to let him know.

See the Harvest Scotland 2024

In June, travelers from all over the U.S. embarked on a journey. Some knew from past experiences, but others did not; this journey would be physical and spiritual.

• Scotland in need of the Gospel.
• Missionaries in need of help and encouragement.
• Travelers in need of an eye-opening cultural and spiritual experience.

These things brought us to Scotland this summer, a land of atheism and agnosticism. See The Harvest took two teams: Team Livingstone and Team Carey. Each team named after a great missionary the United Kingdom produced in centuries past.

Team Livingstone (June 3-13)


The goal of Team Livingstone: get a copy of John & Romans through the letterbox (mail slot) of every home in the city of Dumfries, Scotland. Only by God’s grace and strength on our team we accomplished this goal. The goal of Team Carey: invite people to, and hold a week-long revival meeting at Solway Baptist Church, followed by a three-day kids Bible club. Though not without our adversary, Satan, trying to deter us, we accomplished this goal.

Our travelers on Team Livingstone came with determination, knowing they were the ones to hit the streets hard. Without complaint, many of them, if not all, ended up walking around 6-7 miles per day. No easy task, but our people were motivated by the Gospel and saw each door as a family that needs Christ. God can use people with a perspective like that in ways outside of our own strength. We sowed seed, knowing that was our job and our goal.

Team Carey came ready and willing to serve in any capacity needed, whether it was singing, song-leading, preaching, or teaching. Since the services were in the evening, our people participated in a variety of ministries during the day: letterboxing, stuffing literature, and street evangelism. By our group’s testimony, God used this to grow and challenge many team members. The “comfort zone” is where Godly fear goes to die. Our people spent most of their time outside their comfort zones, allowing God to influence them in unexpected ways. Along with daily ministry, travelers learned what it is like for over 15,000 John & Romans, 15,000 salvation tracts, and over 7,000 event invitations to be given out and receive little to no response. During our revival week, we had zero visitors from the community. During our Kids Bible Club, we had zero visitors from the community. This is not because of a failure on our part.

Team Carey (June 16-27)


See The Harvest Scotland 2024 accomplished what we set out to do, and we left the rest up to God. We showed up for him, and we believe the work put in by our people was not in vain, but rather, exactly what Scotland needed. We put a physical copy of God’s word in every home in Dumfries, giving them a choice to make. I do not know anyone who trashes their mail without first inspecting it. Somebody in each home held a copy of Scripture and a road map to salvation. It could be the only one they ever receive. The United Kingdom was once the epicenter of Christianity, but no longer. We did our part in helping those bringing the light of the Gospel to such a dark nation.

• Over 15,000 copies of Scripture were given out.
• Our host family was encouraged by the fellowship and work that was put in by the team.
• Our travelers left burdened for the people of Scotland and world evangelism.

See The Harvest Scotland, 2024 was a success.

My List of Things to Do

By John O’Malley

“Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations” (Psalm 100:1-5).

I grew up in a ministry home. My father and mother served in church ministry and Christian education. At times, they left us kids at home as they tended to ministry duties. When they did leave, they would give us a list of chores to do before they returned. When my parents returned, they expected us to have the chores done.

There were times, as children, we would say we did not understand their instructions. Their instructions were always simple: “Do this. Take care of this. Go here. Pick this up. Handle this.” Yet we found ways not to do those tasks. Upon our parents’ return, we declared to our parents that we did not understand the assignments.

In truth, their tasks were always simple. It was just that, as children, we could be lazy. However, it did not matter if we understood the task. Our parents held us accountable for each task assigned.

The psalmist in this psalm of praise gives seven divine assignments. These assignments are simple. They are easy to understand because the Word of God is not complicated.

If the Word of God seems complicated, it is because we have tried to twist the meaning or because we used tradition to interpret the meaning. Sometimes, because we are lazy, we say the Word of God sounds complicated. The Word of God is easy to understand.

Look with me at the simplicity of these seven action words found in this psalm. The psalmist uses them in successive order: Make. Serve. Come. Know. Enter. Be. Bless.

The psalmist calls us to serve the Lord with gladness. Do you serve the Lord? If you do, do you serve the Lord with gladness? Gladness is an attitude of the heart. The psalmist in Psalm 4:7 speaks of gladness as when the farmer celebrates his harvest. In Psalm 30:11, he states that when his mourning and sackcloth were put off, he put on gladness with dancing. When you serve the Lord, do you have that kind of gladness? The gladness commanded here is first a decision; then it is an expression.

The psalmist calls us to come to the Lord’s presence with singing. How often do you come into His presence with singing? Does it seem you come more times into His presence with complaining and whining than singing? How pleasant it must be to God to hear us sing! Like serving the Lord with gladness is a choice, so is coming before His presence with singing. The darkest hours of our lives can be brightened with our choice to sing. Jesus sang with His disciples before His betrayal. Paul and Silas sang at midnight from prison. When you realize God is awake in your darkest hour and is present to hear you sing, knowing He is listening makes the choice to sing easier.

The psalmist calls on us to know the Lord is God. It seems, at first glance, too simple. You might say, “I know He is God.” But do you? Do you know He is God when the pathway grows dark? Do you know He is God when the way gets hard? Do you know He is God when sickness comes? Do you know He is God when death comes to your family? It is a command. We are to know, at all times, He is God.

The psalmist calls us to enter into His gates with thanksgiving. It seems impossible to conceive that we could be anything other than in a perpetual state of thanksgiving. However, life distracts us from thanksgiving. Doubts and fears rob us of our thanksgiving. Yet it is a command. As we enter the presence of the Lord, we are to do so with thanksgiving. Do you do this?

The psalmist calls us to be thankful unto Him. In the New Testament, Paul calls us to the same task. He wrote to the Thessalonians that in everything, we are to give thanks (I Thessalonians 5:18). The previous command of thanksgiving and this word “thankful” are the same word in the Hebrew language. When we see the word “thanksgiving,” it is an expression of words of praise. Thanksgiving is a testimony offered giving praise to God.

The word “thankful” is the internal gratitude of heart and mind. Our praise of thanksgiving comes from a disposition of thankfulness. Being thankful is a simple command. It is insufficient to just have thoughts of thankfulness when it comes to God. Our thoughts of thankfulness to God must become oral expressions. These expressions of thanksgiving are told to others, told to God, and spoken within our own hearts. Our expression of thanksgiving must come from a spirit of thankfulness. Are you thankful? Do you offer words of thanksgiving to Him?

The psalmist calls us to bless the name of the Lord. The spirit of this word means to bend our knee and express our sentiment of worship to God. The previous two commands of thanksgiving and thankfulness will produce this action. We must tell Him we are thankful. We must give thanks. His name is above every name. His name alone is worthy of our worship. When did you last follow this simple command?

Each of these action words is a task left for you to do. I encourage you to take them to heart. Analyze each command. Make a list of these seven commands. Compare these commands to your life; then evaluate your obedience to them. Ask yourself these questions:

    • Do I make a joyful noise to the Lord?
    • Do I serve the Lord with gladness?
    • Do I come before His presence with singing?
    • Do I know that the Lord is God?
    • Do I enter His gates with thanksgiving?
    • Am I thankful unto Him?
    • Do I bless His name?

John O’Malley

If this article has been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. O’Malley to let him know.

Content With Emptiness

By John O’Malley

1 Samuel 16:14:    “But the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him.”

Have you ever walked into a house without a single piece of furniture? Every room seems large without the usual articles that accompany a house. There is a lonely feeling to being in such a house where the owner no longer occupies. You look at it and say, “Something doesn’t look right.”

Saul is undoubtedly a house without furniture. You walk into his life through the pages of Scripture and see no furniture. “Something is not right here,” you say. Yes, it is a house, but it doesn’t look right. You get a feeling of empty loneliness when you look at him. The owner’s belongings have been removed from the premises.

Sad is the day when our sinful choices evict the Spirit of the Lord’s communion with us. The Scripture says, “But the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul.”  The Spirit of the Lord was there no longer. He left. How empty the house of Saul’s life became! Today, in our churches, both in the pew and the pulpit, I have seen empty “houses of the heart” in believers. The believer’s “house of the heart” is no longer filled with the Lord’s Spirit. Many go through the spiritual motions, but they are empty personally. No wonder churches gathering for worship in the Lord’s house are empty corporately. There seems to be contentment with the emptiness.

Is the house of your heart empty today? Does the emptiness no longer plague you? Turn to Him. Evict every obstinate way from your heart and seek a fresh filling today of His presence!

John O’Malley

If this article has been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. O’Malley to let him know.