From the Memo Board: August 2014

 New Missionaries

Please be in prayer for these new additions to the World Wide family, as they complete survey trips in the near future and then make plans to begin their deputation ministries.

The DeatricksMichael & Honorah Deatrick have recently joined the World Wide family.  The Deatricks are both graduates of Ambassador Baptist College and are from the First Baptist Church of Wayland, MO, where his father, Dan Deatrick, is the pastor.  They are planning to go to the Solomon Islands.


The Sinskies

John & Sarah Sinskie have also joined the World Wide family.  The Sinskies are both graduates of Pensacola Christian College.  They are from the Trinity Baptist Church in Warrenton, VA, with Pastor Vinton Williams.  Their plan is to be involved in education ministries in the Far East.


SecureCloud Account Settings

Did you know that you can input your own settings, so that you can reset your SecureCloud password at anytime?  If you have not already done so, please log into your account by going to  Enter your Username and Password.  Click on your name in the upper right corner, then select Personal from the drop-down menu.  This will enable you to change your password, and to enter a default email address in case you forget your password.  We recommend that all missionaries take these steps to ensure the security of their account.


Receiving Donations

We recommend that missionaries request that all donors make checks payable to WWNTBM, instead of making checks payable to you as an individual.  This can help to alleviate certain tax complexities which may result if churches make checks payable to the individual.  In addition, please make donors aware of your account number so they can designate your funds appropriately.  If you have questions about this please contact our office.