by John O’Malley
Is your mental and emotional state healthy enough to be an effective witness in your community right now? Are you in a good place mentally and emotionally for your family and ministry?
These are questions I ask myself from time to time.
Are you emotionally, mentally, and spiritually prepared for the Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day season? Whether there are holidays upon us or not, it is good to take such inventory.
The emotional distance between family in America and home on your mission field creates mental anxiety. This anxiety can be resolved in Christ and His word. The season between now and New Year’s Day can exponentially magnify this distance. Take heed.
In the spirit of the season of giving thanks and gifts, I urge you to find an hour with the Lord as you enter this season.
- Synchronize your mind with the mind of Christ.
- Set reasonable boundaries for your time.
- Establish a goal to do one thing with your family that demonstrates their value to you.
- Take time for your spouse.
- Choose a passage from the word of God to memorize.
I am concerned for you as a missionary. I am concerned for your well-being and emotional longevity. It is proper to assess how we are thinking, on what we are thinking, and our overthinking, which creates anxiety.
Please consider these matters.
Yours for the harvest,
John O’Malley
If this article has been an encouragement to you, you can email Bro. O’Malley to let him know.