by John O’Malley
You followed the divine invitation to be right where you are in ministry. You did not know what all God had for you from the moment you submitted to His will for you. But you trusted, and he’s been faithful.
None ever had a full indication of how God would show Himself strong in their lives.
Like the three fishers of fish in the Gospels, God said, I want you to follow Me. Their obedience to follow God gave them three distinct views during their three-year ministry with Christ. Their obedience gave them an opportunity to walk with God, an opportunity to watch God, and an opportunity to work with God.
Your obedience to God’s direction for your life is identical to the three fishermen who became fishers of men. You sensed God’s nudging, and you heeded. Then God continued His work in you.
His direction gave you an opportunity to walk with God. In your life and ministry, you are walking with God. You have His presence, His promises, and His protection, no matter what you face. You have His guarantee of His expected outcome as you walk with Him — a fisher of men.
Right now, because you followed, you watch God in your ministry. Today, He is working in your heart, in the life of your family, and in the homes of your people.
Surely, the disciples took moments to reflect on the things God was doing in them.
If you have not recently taken time to reflect on watching God do His work in you, I urge you to look around and discover or rediscover what He is doing around you, in you, and with you.
As with the three fishers of men, God’s invitation to follow Him was an opportunity to work with God. These fishers worked with each other. They worked within the fishing community. These men knew a camaraderie in life, but now, this calling – His calling – to take on another occupation changed their lives. They would work with God. The same God Who spoke the world into existence will now let them work with Him.
Remember, wherever you serve, God is working. He is always working out His plan.
Yours for the harvest,
John O’Malley