Over the years, I have read many of the sermons preached by Charles Spurgeon. In several of those messages, not only did they ring true for his day, but for ours as well. He warned those of his day of the peril that was before them if things continued as they were.
What was needed then and now was revival. The believers in 2 Corinthians 8 first gave themselves to the Lord before they attempted to give themselves to minister to the needs that Paul put before them. So many things are happening in our world today that certainly deserve God’s judgment. It is so easy to look at things that happen in the Middle East, Hollywood, and Washington, and say God would bless if only changes could be seen. However, we are fully aware that judgement must first begin at the house of God. “If my people” were God’s words to Solomon. If He brought judgement on Israel and they saw pestilence and famine, they were to look to God.
Yes indeed, God said that His people must pray, seek His face, and turn from their sin. It is easy to blame the problems in the world on everyone but us; however, would the world be what it is if the church was what it should be? It is rare to hear fervent prayer in any church these days. There are mentally prepared prayers. There are pretty prayers. There are even preaching prayers, but rarely do we witness heartfelt fervent praying. It must be easier to curse the darkness than to light the world!
If the world is darker, would it not stand to reason that the light must be dimmer? Is it under a bushel? We can do better, but we must want to rise above the darkness that has infiltrated the church. Once the light has brightened in the church, it must then be displayed so that the world can see that there is a difference. We must know that the world sees a lot of religion, but very little light.
Please permit me to speak clearly to us as ministers of the Gospel, and even more specifically to those that are taking the Gospel to regions beyond. You are the only hope that the people watching you have of ever seeing real Christianity lived out before them. If you find it impossible to represent Christ appropriately in the area that God has called you, please step aside and permit someone to bring light to their dark world. You could very well be the only opportunity that they will have to not only hear the truth, but to also see it lived out before them on a daily basis.
We must lay aside the sin, but also the weight that so easily besets us and allows the darkness to prevail in our villages, towns, or cities. May God graciously allow us to see real revival in our day, and may that revival push back the darkness so that the world can see genuine light lived out before them every day.
In His Service,
Danny A. Whetstone